written by Sr. Helen Keegan RSM
Chapel in Poor Clare Monastery
In early 1992 Bishop Colm O Reilly, (at the request of Mother Angela McCabe, Abbess of the Poor Clare community) approached Sr. Elizabeth Manning with a view to establishing a Mercy community in Drumshanbo. At this time Sr. Elizabeth was leader of the Mercy Congregation in the diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois. The hope was, that this new community would take up residence in the Convent Lodge attached to the Poor Clare convent and work closely with the Poor Clare sisters while also developing a Mercy apostolate in the parish. This request was welcomed, since at our diocesan chapter in 1990 we had discussed the possibility of getting involved in rural areas.
Founding Group: Sr. Clare McDermott , Sr. Helen Keegan, Sr. Alphonsus O Brien &Sr. Joseph Regan along withMother Angela McCabe and Sr Elizabeth Manning
(Superior General Ardagh & Clonmacnois at the time)
After a process of discernment four sisters were chosen from a group of volunteers. These were Sr. Alphonsus O Brien, Sr. Joseph Regan, Sr. Clare McDermott and Sr. Helen Keegan.
Sr Elizabeth Manning RSM (Provincial)& Mother Abbess Angela McCabe
The following is OUR STORY as written by a Poor Clare sister and published in the 1993 edition of the Annals of the Poor Clare Sisters.
“Our caretakers retired after many years of devoted service, to be replaced by a little ‘fraternity’ of Mercy Sisters from this diocese who took up their functions here in August. Four sisters were chosen from among many volunteers and our Bishop had great hopes that they would be very helpful to us and to the people of the parish. This was a new venture for us. We had several visits from Sr. Elizabeth to discuss the matter. The Lodge got a new face-lift with some alterations and additions for its new residents. The 14th of August was a memorable day for us. Our four Mercy sisters and friends came to sing Evening Prayer I of the Feast of the Assumption with us, after which we invited them to tea and welcomed them to the Lodge, now their little home.
Next morning, the Feast of the Assumption, Bishop Colm O Reilly was here to bless the house and celebrate Holy Mass in our chapel for the sisters and us. Next day, August 16th the Bishop celebrated Holy Mass in the Parish church and presented the four sisters to the people explaining their mission and apostolate. In his homily, he showed how contemplative nuns, active sisters and people should all pray and work together for the good of the whole people of God. He presented the sisters with three symbolic things: the breviary, a sign of their lives of prayer; a towel, a sign of their lives of service; a pyx, a sign of their Eucharistic Ministry. Thus began a new chapter in the history of our Monastery and our parish. The coming of these sisters has greatly enriched the local Church. Everywhere there is a need their hearts are open and their hands are willing. They are truly OUR sisters serving all ourexternal needs in so many ways, while also looking after the little Retreat Centre which is annexed to their living quarters. Their willingness, cheerfulness and above all their religious demeanour is truly an inspiration. After God, we thank our Bishop under whose inspiration this little plant has taken root beside us. Deo Gratias.”
Intercongregational Musings!
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION, the precious legacy of St. Clare and St. Francis is the heart of the life of the Drumshanbo Poor Clares. As a Mercy community we feel we are truly blessed to be part of this shared Ministry with the Poor Clare nuns and the people of the Parish of Murhaun(Drumshanbo).
St Clare, St Francis &
Venerable Catherine McAuley
Sr.Alphonsus and Sr. Clare are no longer with us, but we were very fortunate to be joined by Sr. Mary Doherty in August 2005. Mary still keeps the flag flying in the new Community College in Mohill and with Joseph and Helen continues to be actively involved with the Poor Clares and in Parish Ministry. The little Poustinia –‘La Verna’ continues to be a haven of peace and tranquility for many people who want to take ‘time out’ of their busy lives. The Poustinia is a three bedroomed self-catering bungalow which can be booked on 071-9641308 or at .
All are welcome to come and join in the Liturgy of theHours and celebration of the Eucharist
Group praying in Monastery Chapel with Sr Maeve Brady RSM
in the background
Sr Joseph Regan RSMin the beautiful Monastery Garden
As I pen these thoughts TODAY (Sept 17th) we celebrate the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis. I feel it is appropriate to end with a little quotation from his writings. “All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth our Mother…..with coloured flowers and herbs.” Amen.
Present Community of Mercy Sisters
Sr Mary Doherty, Sr Joseph Reegan & Sr Helen Keegan.