Lesson Plan
School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: 12/8/14- 3rd (3 classes) & 12/15/14-4th (3 classes)
Activity: School Success: Study Skills (Lesson 3 of 4)
Grade(s):3rd & 4th Grade (This lesson was presented in 3rd-8th, but since it was altered slightly to accommodate different developmental levels, this lesson plan will focus on the lesson presented in 3rd & 4th grades).
School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:
The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.
ASCA Student Standards addressed:
A:A1.2, A:A1.5, A:A2.1, A:A2.2, A:A2.3, A:A3.1, A:B1.1, A:B1.3,A:B2.6, A:C1.5, C:A1.7, PS:A1.8, PS:B1.2, PS:B1.11, PS:C1.6
Learning Objective(s):
Following the lesson students will be able to identify at least 5 study skills that can help them do better in school.
(Measured by question 1-5)
Following the lesson students will be able to answer the question: How does having good study skills help me do my best in school?
(Measured by question 6)
Following the lesson students will be able to identify who is responsible for their success in school.
(Measured by question 7)
1. Toy Toolbox with toys
2. Study Skills Cards (Appendix B)
3. . Copies of pre/post-test
6. Pencils (student’s)
The school counselor will distribute the pre-test (Appendix A) to the students and ask them to answer the questions to the best of their ability on the PRE-TEST side of the test. Once the students have completed the pre-test, they will be instructed to place the sheets under their desks.
The counselor will begin the lesson by asking “what do you need to build or make something?” After some students have responded, the counselor will bring out the toy tool box with tools. She will tell the students that in order to make or build anything, you must have the necessary tools. She will then ask the students “What does a student need in order to be a successful student?” The answer is once again “the right tools,” however in this case; the tools are study skills (habits, character traits, and behaviors) that will help you achieve success.
The counselor will divide the class into 10 teams of 2-3 students each. She will then give each group a study skills card. She will instruct the group to read the study skill listed on the card and the questions. As a team, the students will discuss and answer the questions to the best of their ability. The counselor will then give the teams approximately 5 minutes to work as a group to answer the questions. Once the time is up, the counselor will instruct the groups to select a person to share their answers with the class. The counselor will then lead a discussion where each team will report on their designated study skill and answer the questions they were presented. Should any team not know the answer to a question, the counselor will allow other students in the class to offer assistance.
The school counselor will bring back out the tool box and tools and say that each of the items we discussed today is a valuable tool that they can put in their school success tool box. She will then tell the students that these behaviors are habits that you have to develop and be purposeful about. The school counselor will leave a poster in each room that outlines the 10 study skills covered in the lesson today for the teacher to post in the classroom for later reinforcement.
The school counselor will then ask the students to retrieve the post-test from under their desk, turn to the side marked POST TEST and answer the questions. Students will be instructed to make no changes or additions to the PRE-TEST side of the test.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data: The school counselor will count the number of students in each class as they are completing the pre-test and make a record of the numbers.
Perception Data: The school counselor will conduct a pre/post-test in order to determine a change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.
Outcome Data: The first and second 6-week failure report will be compared with the semester failure report to examine the number of students who increase their failing grades to passing grades by the conclusion of the first semester.
Follow Up: Students who are failing at the end of the first 6-weeks will be placed in STEP UP study skills group for 6 weeks. The counselor will provide one-on-one consultation with students who continue to have failing grades after the small group sessions.
Name: ______
Date: ______
(Appendix A)
1. What are 5 study skills that you can use to help you do better in school:
2. Why is it important to develop good study habits/skills?
a. in order to make my parents happy
b. because it will make my teacher like me better
c. so that I can win awards at school
d. because it will help me be a better student and earn better grades
3. Who is responsible for your success in school?
a. my parents
b. ME
c. my teacher
d. my school counselor
1. What are 5 study skills that you can use to help you do better in school:
2. Why is it important to develop good study habits/skills?
a. in order to make my parents happy
b. because it will make my teacher like me better
c. so that I can win awards at school
d. because it will help me be a better student and earn better grades
3. Who is responsible for your success in school?
a. my parents
b. ME
c. my teacher
d. my school counselor
(Appendix B)
Participate in Class*What are some ways you can participate in class?
*Why is it important that you participate in class? / Ask Questions
*When should you ask questions in class?
*Why is it important to ask questions if you do not understand something?
Stay Organized
*What things or places should be kept organized in order to help you be a successful student?
*Why is being organized important for your educations success? / Take good notes
*Why do you need to write somethings down?
*Where should you keep notes or examples that you work in class?
Keep Track of Important Dates
*What are some things that you might want to be certain of when they will happen?
*Why is it important to know important dates
How can you keep up with important dates? / Create a study routine
*Why is it important to have a set time to study each day?
*What kind of things can keep you from following your study routine?
Prioritize Homework
*What is a priority?
*Why should homework be a top priority? / Do your homework
*Why is actually doing homework important?
*What are some excuses people use when they don’t do their homework?
*Who is responsible for making sure your homework is done and turned in?
Have ALL your study materials
*What are items you need to make sure you take home from school every day?
*What are items you need to ensure you have available at school every day? / Find a Quiet Place
*Why is doing homework or studying in a quiet place a good idea?
*What are some things that can distract you when you are trying to do homework or study at home?