Getting to know our members…
Please meet Archie Sanders. Archie is a retired carpenter and avid hunter. He and his wife Mary have been attending Indian Run for about 10 years. He serves as a Deacon and is completing the term of a former trustee.
Archie was very involved in building the new church. The feature that he is most proud of are the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary which he and Mike Stahler relocated from a church in Waynesburg, installed and arranged to light from behind.
Archie and Mary celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in December. They have 5 children, 10 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild and another on the way.
Please take a minute to introduce yourself to Archie Sanders today.
Attend / Offering Totals
8 a.m. Worship / 35
Sunday School / 63
Main Worship / 131 / $5,141.00
Budget Needed Weekly / $3,755.92
Faith Promise $476.00 / $0
Faith Promise Pledge / $21,000.00
Amount Needed Weekly / $403.85
~Building Vision Fund~
Clay Pot Amt. $33.00 / $355.00
Scrap Metal $130.00 / $255.00
Paper / $65.08
MatchingFunds Drive 448.00 / $2,370.08
January 22, 2017
The Lord's Day
8368 Hill Church Street, SE
East Canton, Ohio 44730
"Like" Us on Facebook
Terry Bailey, Minister
Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister
Sunday Services
8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship
9:15 a.m. - Sunday School
6:00 p.m. - Social Time
6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study
6:30 p.m. - Youth Group
Worship Leader Jeff Burner
Meditation Bill Costello Offering Prayer Ray VanVoorhis
Washing Russ S. Thorn
Usher Archie Sanders
Usher Craig Yoho
Usher Fritz Haines
Usher Russ S. Thorn
Paul Long
Lonnie Lowry
Tim Piatt
Dick Sutton
Ray VanVoorhis
Wendell VanVoorhis
Order of Worship
Time of Silent Prayer
Scripture Mark 1:21-28
A Time for Praise
Praise Team
A Time for Prayer
Love Lifted Me
(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)
Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer
A Time for Preaching and Response
*Nothing but the Blood
A Time for Remembrance
and Giving
Why Should He Love Me So?
(All Christians are welcome to partake)
Joy Unspeakable
Birthdays and Anniversaries
*Amazing Grace
* Congregation please stand if able
Today's Activities
6:00 p.m. - Social Time
6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study
6:30 p.m. - Youth Group
Upcoming Activity Dates
Jan. 23 - Columbia Mission Trip Meeting at 6:30 at IRCC.
Feb. 5 - Rosebud Services
Feb. 5 - Youth Bowling Trip
Feb. 17 - Valentine's Dinner
Additional Information
Pantry items for January are soup and sauce such as tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, etc.There is a box across from the office for your donations. Thank you!
Rosebud Service Feb. 5 - 8:00 am and 10:15 am services.
Youth Bowling trip Feb. 5. Leaving church at 2:20 pm or meet at Minerva Bowl at 3:00 pm. No cost for IRCC youth.
Upcoming events at the Foltz Center:
Feb. 10 - Chili Cook-off
See Terry for tickets.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Foltz Center at 330-488-6500.
The Valentine's Dinner will be on Feb. 17 with 3 different serving times 5 pm, 6 pm and 7 pm. Dinner is $20 per person and all proceeds benefit the Columbia Christian Mission. Fliers are posted with more information. For tickets, please see Sarah, Jordan, or Caleb.
NEW 2017 Church Directory photographs to be taken March 1st through the 4th. Scheduling begins today! Please stop by the sign up table and schedule your appointment. If you have any questions, please call the church office.
Please complete the enclosed insert so that we have current information for the upcoming 2017 church directory and place it in the box at the portrait sign up table.
Continuing Needs
Jim Beavers
Dick Borne
Helen Cross
Sue Halsey
Darlene Krider
Jeannie Meade
Kathy Mitchell
Wendy Niece
Steve Phillips
Ryan Plesia
Sophia Rae
Patricia Schiemann
Annika Shankle
Reagan Terry
Logan Trizna
Denise VanVoorhis
Prayer List
Baby May
Dale and Ella Bailey
Pat Barnhouse
Willard Berkebile
Greg Biedenbach
Kathy Bilbrey
KJ Calvanese
Ken Corbin
Family of Sherry Crum
Jane Long Dye
Suzie Felcyn
Betty Foltz
Jim Good
Mary Haines
Doug Johnson
Steve Koketko
Marion Lowery
Grace Marrah
Paul McCarty
Deb Mohr
Barb Posatiere
Jim Renn
Jill Shephard
Elmer Snider
Kim Tekip
Bonnie Unkefer
Natalie VanVoorhis
The Whitmore Family
Nursing Homes
Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s
Joyce Carroll -Canton Christian Home
Carolyn King - Hospitality House
Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's
Denise VanVoorhis - Hennis Care
Steve Young -