Far Southwest Neighborhood Association

June 27, 2017

Steve Beining called the meeting to order. Neighbors who signed in: Gary Whitney, Ned Devereux, Wes McMullen, Gene Hammond, Dennis Fernly, James Aronoff, Chris Houer, Eileen Offer, Teddy Okonokhua, Cyndy Gillis, George Vranas, Sean and Jackie Murphy, John Donnelly, Marcia Leslie, Peter Johnson, Peggy Reuler, Ivan Kidoguchi, Bob and Susan Epstein, Michael and Marcy Brillman, Lucinda Pierpont, Martha Campbell, Miechelle Nation, Virginia Hendrickson, Steve Beining.

The meeting agenda was approved


Metro: Eryn Kehe, Matt Bihn

TriMet: Jennifer Koozer,

SW Corridor Update, the DEIS process, PCC-Sylvania Shuttle

The work of doing the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) is in process and will be completed by the end of the year and will probably be released for public review by 1-18. The EIS is necessary to qualify for Federal funding.

There are two shuttle options being reviewed to connect the PCC campus to the light rail:

  • 53rd Shuttle would connect PCC Sylvania with the light rail station at Barbur and 53rd Ave. This route would use 12-passenger autonomous shuttles operating on demand along 53rd Ave.
  • Barbur Transit Center-Baylor Shuttle would connect Barbur Transit Center and Baylor, using a 55 passenger TriMet bus traveling along Capitol Hwy, G Street, Lesser Road, Haines Street and connect with the Baylor Transit Station in the Tigard Triangle. The buses at the Barbur Transit Center would be scheduled to minimize wait time.

Comparisons are being made between the two options to determine neighborhood impacts, including the addition of shuttle vehicles to neighborhood streets, travel time and transfer convenience. An important factor that needs to be studied for comparison purposes are the capital and operating costs of the two shuttle options.

Neighbors voiced concerns about the increased traffic on Capitol and 49th St. and security issues on 53rd St.

James Aronoff– Property Developer

James Aronoff presented plans to develop an 11 Unit apartment complex at 11365 SW Capitol Hwy. A house existing on this site will be demolished. The units will be 1450 square feet, three bedroom, two bathroom with a two car garage within the complex. The units will be situated 16 feet from the edge of road. They might be sales or rentals, with a projected sale price of $325-350,000 per unit. The permit process is expected to take 6-8 months.

The January meeting minutes were approved

Committee Reports:

SWNI Board: Virginia Hendrickson

The annual SWNI Board retreat was held on April 29th. The agenda focused on issues of communications, outreach, and concerns about how well our Neighborhood Associations reflect the diversity of our neighborhoods, with particular attention to including renters, people of color and younger people in our meetings.

Handouts from the retreat were made available for people to review:

  • Graphs comparing for each of the SWNI neighborhoods, the percentage of homeowners to renters and the percentage of white and non-white by neighborhood.
  • An organizational chart of SWNI, detailing the structure of the SWNI Board, Executive Committee, as well as the Committees.

Public Safety: Marcia Leslie

Marcia reviewed the activity of the Public Safety Committee in recent months, there has been a focus on disaster preparation efforts, including Map Your Neighborhood, Two Weeks Ready, Resilience Fair. There will be change in Community Policing, due to the shortage of police, there will no longer be designated police assigned to attend the Neighborhood Association meetings. This need will instead be met by Community Policing Forums that will be held approximately every 3 months. Check the SWNI news for notice of the Forums.

Land Use: George Vranas No report

Schools: Mary Ventura No report, the Schools Committee will not meet in the summer months

Transportation: Wes McMullen

There is a Community Advisory meeting scheduled for July 10th


A motion was made and seconded to elect officers by acclamation


  • Chair: Teddy Okonokhua
  • Vice-Chair: Steve Beining
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Virginia Hendrickson

Committee Chairs and Representatives:

  • Equity and Inclusion: Vacant
  • Land Use: George Vranas (George also writes the monthly FSWNA article for the SWNI newsletter).
  • Parks and Community Centers: Lucinda Pierpont
  • Public Safety: Marcia Leslie
  • Schools: Mary Ventura
  • Transportation: Wes McMullen
  • Watershed: Vacant
  • SWNI Delegate: Virginia Hendrickson.

Next Meeting:

There was agreement with our new Chair, Teddy Okonokhua and Neighbors present that we would increase our meetings to three times a year. Meetings will be on the 4th Tuesday of the month in January, May and October.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 24th, 2017.

Meeting Adjourned