If you wish to coach at Holy Family Regional School, please be advised of the following requirements, some of which are according to the Archdiocese of Detroit, Office of Safe Environments and the State of Michigan. Please note that these requirements are for ALL individuals interested in applying and serving as a Holy Family CYO Coach.

What We Require of Our Volunteers

  • Coaching Application-Anyone interested in coaching a sport in the Holy Family CYO sports program must complete a coaching application and submit it to the Athletic Director. Please be sure to indicate all fall, winter, and spring sports you wish to coach for a particular school year on one application. Coaches must re-apply each school year to be considered for a coaching position. The coaching application is located below within this file for you to submit to the Athletic Director.
  • Protecting God’s Children Workshop for Adults – One time attendance to this 3 hour workshop is mandatory for all volunteers within a school or parish who may have contact with children. If you have not attend this workshop, then prior to submitting your coaching application, register for this workshop and include the date/location on your coaching application. Instructions for registering for this workshop can be found on the next page. Attendance for this workshop must be completed as listed below:
  • Fall season coaches: Sept 15th of the current school year
  • Winter season coaches:November 30th of the current school year
  • Spring season coaches:March 30th of the current school year
  • Concussion Certification–Coaches must view a 20 minute video on concussions and submit to the Athletic Director with their coaching application a copy of the certificate received at the completion of viewing the video. This is a one-time requirement. The website link to view the video is listed below. Please be sure to submit your certificate with your coaching application.
  • Criminal History Background Check -Anyone who may have contact with children, the elderly or a person with disabilities must submit to a background check before starting work or a volunteer assignment.The Criminal History Background Check form is located below within this file for you to submit to the Athletic Director.
  • Coaches Code of Conduct– Coaches are expected to adhere to the practices stated in the Code of Conduct applicable to their position. The Coaches Code of Conduct form is located below within this file for you to submit to the Athletic Director.

The full policy can be found at – Safe Environments Policy.


You must register online at for these workshops. There are workshops held throughout the archdiocese. You may choose one at any location that fits your schedule and allows you to complete it before your coaching start date.Instructions for registration are below.

If you have already attended a Protecting God’s Children Workshop you do not have to attend again, just let us know that you have already participated.Send in a copy of your certificate (Attention:Athletic Dept) andinclude the location and date attended on your coaching application.


If you know the workshop you wish to attend:

  • In the address line type:
  • Click on “Registration” (Bright yellow on the left hand side.)
  • Select “Begin Registration Process”
  • Choose “Detroit, MI” from the drop down menu.
  • Enter your registration information. When asked to enter a USER ID and PASSWORD we suggest using your first name and last name, in lower case with no spaces, as your USER ID, and your last name in lower case as your PASSWORD.

To view the entire workshop schedule:

  • In the address line type:
  • Click on “Registration” (Bright yellow on the left hand side.)
  • Select “View a list of sessions”
  • Choose “Detroit, MI” from the drop down menu.

The complete schedule for upcoming Protecting God’s Children Workshops will displace in date order.


If you’re unable to attend the workshop for which you registered

  1. Do NOT Register again.
  2. Select another workshop from the Virtus Website.
  3. Call the Office for Safe Environments, (313) 237-5826 to change your registration to another workshop.


Adult coaches (paid or volunteer) and teachers of Physical Education class must complete the established free online training course regarding concussions. Coaches must submit a copy of their certificate indicating completion of the course. The video is about 20 minutes long. Print the certificate or save it to your computer from the website under 'MY HOMEPAGE>MY COMPLETED COURSES'. Review the videoprior to submitting your coaching application and include a file copy (or hardcopy) of your certificate with your coaching application.

The link to watch the online video on concussions is:

Please note: Schools/Parishes must follow the same concussion protocols for non-MHSAA events as is currently done for MHSAA sports when a student is suspected of a concussion. Sit them out, find out and do not allow them to return to athletic activities, P. E. class, practice or competition until cleared in writing. The new law requires schools to maintain a copy of any written clearance until the student is 25 years of age.



AND BACKGROUND CHECK FORM for 2017/2018 School Year

Please carefully read and complete the Coaching Application and the Background Check Authorization Form. If additional space is required to indicate coaching/playing experience, please attach separate sheets with your application. Sign and return all pages of this document to the Athletic Director: C/O HolyFamilyRegionalSchool, 2633 John R Rd., Rochester Hills, MI48307

NAME: ______TELEPHONE: ______(Home)





EMAIL: ______DRIVER LICENSE#: ______

  1. School Year: ______andGrade Level: ______
  1. Please indicate ALLsports you wish to coach for this school year. Only one application needs to be submitted per school year. Check the appropriate box below next to each sport to indicate your interest as a Head (H) or Assistant (A) Coach:


H or AH or AH or A

Boys SoccerBoys BasketballBoy Track

Girls SoccerGirls BasketballGirls Track


Cross CountryCheerleading Baseball

Football Lacrosse


  1. Have you previously coached HFRS teams: YESNO

If yes, what team(s) did you coach: ______



  1. Have you previously coached other teams in your selected sport: YES NO

If yes, describe your coaching experience: ______



  1. Have you previously coached other sports: YES NO

If yes, describe your coaching experience: ______



  1. Have you played the sport you have selected to coach: YES NO

If yes, describe your playing experience:




  1. Please describe any other formal or informal training or experience that you believe is relevant: ______




  1. Please list two references who know you sufficiently well to comment on your ability or potential to coach a team at HFRS:




  1. Please circle the number which best describes your knowledge or ability in each of the following coaching topics:

1=minimum knowledge2=reasonably good knowledge3=extensive knowledge

1 2 3 fundamentals of the game1 2 3 communicating with youngsters

1 2 3 advanced playing technique1 2 3 communicating with parents

1 2 3 rules of the game1 2 3 demonstrating sportsmanship

1 2 3 strategy of the game1 2 3 teaching playing skills

1 2 3 organizing a practice1 2 3 equipment needs and specs

1 2 3 preparing a lineup1 2 3 injury prevention and treatment

  1. Please indicate one of the following and complete the requested information about the ‘Protecting God’s Children’ workshop:

I have completed the ‘Protecting God’s Children’ workshop

Date ______Location ______

I am registered to attend the ‘Protecting God’s Children’ workshop

Date ______Location ______

I certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. I acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand the criteria for selection and eligibility of Holy Family Regional School head / assistant coaches as stated in the document entitled ‘CYO COACHING APPLICATION PROCESS’.

I have included a completed and signed ‘Criminal Background Check Authorization Form’ with this coaching application. I understand that this process takes the place of a more extensive finger print check and is good for seven years. I understand that all information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any other organization.

DATE ______SIGNATURE ______




Coaches hold a unique position of responsibility. As such, they must be positive role models of character and sportsmanship. The actions of coaches set a standard, high or low, that their players and parents will inevitably follow.

By agreeing to coach at HFRS, you agree to:

  1. Know and follow the rules of the game.
  2. Know and follow the coaching policies outlined in the HFRS Athletic Charter and league manual
  3. Set an example of sportsmanship by treating players, opponents and officials with respect.
  4. Be more concerned about the well being of one’s players than in one’s win-loss record.
  5. Be responsible for the conduct of players at practices and games.
  6. Attend scheduled games and practices, or arrange for a substitute.
  7. Be responsible for the safety and supervision of players during practices and games.

Coaches are specifically prohibited from:

  1. Using profanity, abusive language, or illicit hand or body gestures.
  2. Negative or haranguing comments towards players.
  3. Taunting, derogatory remarks or gestures toward opposing players, coaches or officials.
  4. Questioning the honesty or capability of referees; arguing with referees or officials.
  5. Knowingly playing with ineligible players.
  6. Inciting players to commit flagrant fouls or injure opposing players.
  7. Entering the field of play without the referee’s permission.
  8. Use of alcohol or tobacco at HFRS League functions.

I understand that by signing this document I am agreeing to support and promote the HFRS Coaches’ Code of Conduct. Further, my failure to comply with this agreement will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from coaching at HFRS.



Volunteer Church and School Personnel

Criminal Background Check

Authorization Form

Hiring Entity:HolyFamilyRegionalSchool South Campus 2633 John R, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 North Campus 1240 Inglewood, Rochester, MI 48307.

As a church we value the safety of children in our care, our employees and volunteers and the people whom we serve. We want to take prudent measures to protect our human and material resources. Therefore, the Archdiocese mandates that criminal history background checks be conducted for all employees and volunteers who have unsupervised contact with a child, the elderly or persons with disabilities. Please complete this form of basic information about you, which assures the best possible program and safety for all.

Please print your responses to the following questions and return this form to your School Administrator.

Name: / *Date of Birth:
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Known by any other name(s):
Place of Employment: / Work Phone: / Home Phone:
Number of years
In Michigan: / If less than 7 years, previous residence(s) outside of Michigan:
Street City State Zip County
Street City State Zip County
Position you are seeking, if volunteering:
*Race: / *Sex:


I understand that investigative inquiries on my background are to be made on me, to assess whether any reason exists that would suggest that I not be accepted for the position. These inquiries will be made according to policies of the hiring entity and will consist of a criminal history background check and/or driving record check using the services of the Archdiocese of Detroit/Department of Human Resources or a designated outside firm. The information received will be kept confidential and will be used only to determine my suitability to volunteer for the above noted position.

I authorize without reservation, any party contacted to furnish any or all of the above-mentioned information. Further, I will allow a photocopy of this authorization to be as valid as the original for purposes conducting the necessary investigation.

In addition, I agree to abide by the policies, procedures and code of conduct that currently exist or may be amended in the future.

(Signature of Volunteer/Church or School Personnel)

*Note: Date of birth, sex and race are being requested only for purposes of identification in obtaining accurate retrieval of records.