PRESENT:-Cllr Mrs C. Edwardes (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs J. Crisp

“ P. Davies

“ Mrs E.L. Evans

“ Lady Hooson

“ Mrs A.M. Jones

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs A. Morgan

“ G. Morgan

“ G. Rowlands

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ J. Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

2 members of the public

Mr Steven Edwards, Senior Environmental Planner from Scottish Power, rang Council to explain that he had been held up in traffic. Mr Edwards suggested that Councillors could attend the meeting arranged for Thursday 25th October at 7.00 pm with Councillors from Llanidloes Without Community Council.

Pre the Council meeting, Councillors discussed the Public meeting regarding Hywel Dda proposals held on Friday 19th October. Cllr Mrs Angela Morgan suggested thata variety of 3 template letters could be drawn up by Cllr G. Morgan and given out to residents in reply to the Hywel Dda proposals. Clerk was asked to contact Dr Roberts for a copy of the minutes and resolutions passed at the aBER group meeting. Cllr Margot Jones thought that the meeting was misleading andmismanaged and she holds the CHC entirely responsible for it. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Health Minister stating how poorly managed the meeting was and how late in the day the meeting was held. Cllr Crisp thought that the meeting was fairly expressed and she would be quite happy as long asOption B is taken up. It was agreed that Councillors will hold a “surgery” in the library to help residents to complete the questionnaires.

Cllr Edwardes read out notice of the Remembrance parade arranged by the British Legion for 11th November at 10.20 for 10.30 at the Church . Cllr Whittal Williams gave his apologies

365/01 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllr P. Rees

365/02 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes.

Cllr Morgan declared a personal interest as a Member of Powys County Council in all matters relating to PCC. Cllrs Breezeand Evans declared an interest in item 8 as members of Dial a Ride committee.

365/03 MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed

Council Meeting held on 24.09.12 Cllr Evans was present and Cllr Jones was not. Page 2 364/04 Cllr Whittal Williams stated that it was not a chq but a paying in slip.Minutes were moved and seconded. Cllr Mills proposed that immediately someone offers to find out information on a matter, that matter is automatically put on the agenda for the next meeting. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Jones and unanimously agreed upon.

Meeting with Dr Roberts re Hywel Dda Consultation 28.09.12 True Record

Finance/Town Hall Panel meeting 08/10/12 True Record. Recommendation for Corporate Room Hire Charges to be included from 01.01.13 Recommendation unanimously agreed upon. Cllr Whittal Williams requested that his reply be inserted in 810/04 and will read “Cllr Whittal Williams agreed that he had contacted the Primary School by telephone.”

Environment/Planning meeting held on 08/10/12–True Record. Recommendations were taken:

i)To disconnect the tap in the rear yard– Cllrs Breeze and Evans declared an interest and did not take part in the vote. 10 votes for and 1 abstention

ii)To install 3 sub meters - Unanimous vote. It was agreed to contact PCC to inform them of this happening in the Museum.

The Community Centre reports were received and will be discussed at the next Finance meeting


a)Reply from Jane Keayre leaflet to be used for Walking Tours – received. To be discussed at the next Finance panel meeting

b)Letter from resident regarding One Way System- received

c)Info from PCC Re Blanket Dispensation - received

d)Agenda and Policy recommendation from Montgomeryshire Local Council Forum - received

e)Letter of thanks for donation from Headteacher at Llanidloes High School - received

f)E Mail from Mrs Joy Smout regarding information centre– received. To be discussed at next Town Hall panel meeting

g)Newsletter from Boundary Commission for Wales - received


365/06RESUME OF B2N CONFERENCE FROM CLLR MRS J CRISP Cllr crisp gave a brief resume of the very worthwhile and interesting day with the project funded by EU. She explained that the meeting was attended by many European visitors with a lunch menu to suit.She left an information pack with the Clerk for Councillors to access if required. Nick Venti,as a representative of Cambrian Mountains initiative,will be coming to Council to give a presentation in the near future.

365/07RESUME FROM CLLR BREEZE FURTHER TO A TRAINING SESSION RECENTLY ATTENDED. Handouts were distributed to Councillors. Cllrs Breeze, Crisp and Davies considered it a very interesting training session where many important facts were learned. Cllr Breeze will identify important issues to take forward to the Financemeeting

365/08PAYMENT OF CHEQUE TO TOILETEERS Cllr Edwardes explained she was in receipt of a copy of the paying in slip from Toileteers.Clerk explained that she had beenshown the paying in book.There was a Majority vote to pay over £1,348.87 to the Toileteers which was the balance held in the Town Council account from monies drawn down from PCC.

365/09TIME LIMITS ON MEETINGS AND ITEMS NOT DISCUSSED Cllr Whittal Williams expressed his disappointment in the way in which the last panel meeting came to an end and suggested thatto avoid Councillors walking out then a time limit should be set for the future. Cllr Morgan urged Chairs to be ruthless and stick to the agendas. Cllr Margot Jones stated that she will not be sitting in meetings after 9.00 pm. Cllr Crisp stated that she didn’t mind staying on until the meeting was finished. Cllr Edwardes explained that there had been no panel meetings held since July and that was why the meeting was longer than usual.

365/10UPDATE ON WORKS AT THE TOWN HALL. Cllr Whittal Williams expressed concern that the project was taking a long time to get started. Clerk informed Councillors that she had recently spoken to Charles Cowan and been informed that the project has gone out to tender in the last week, to 3 local builders and 2 outside of the area. Cadw and PCC had held up the project due to positioning of the windows.

365/11LETTER FROM RESIDENT RE TREES AT ALLT GOCH Clerk explained that the trees have been looked at by Mr Crutchley and he has identified that one Beech Tree should be felled. He will carry out the works when he is felling the other trees in the area from November 5th. Clerk will reply to Mrs Coates


Erection of a rear dormer at Brynsiriol, Pen y Green Road – Full Planning Permission is Granted

Replacement of all existing metal windows with new slim line uPVC windows at The Community Centre, Mount Lane, Llanidloes. Full Planning Permission is Granted


Chq No

104632Wages (06.09.12) 731.18

104633Henllan Chartered Surveyors 3,975.00

104634J.K. Morgan 40.00

104635Simon Edmunds 62.50

104636Wages & P. Cash(13.09.12)813.13

104637Wages (20.09.12)723.06

104638P.C. Q 93.37

104639Inland Revenue846.37

104640Wynnstay Group 66.23

104641OVW (training) 20.00

104642GFA Premier(heating maint contract)593.18

104643Aztec Print (receipt books)156.00

104644Charles Cowan 1,176.02

104645Llanidloes High School 1,000.00

104646Wages (27.09.10)722.46

Total £ 11,018.50

Clerk explained that she is in the process of obtaining more competitive quotes for the Heating Maintenance Contract.

The Bank reconciliation was received and unanimously accepted.


Street Enhancements and Temporary One Way system - Tuesday 30.10.12 at 6.30 pm

Environment/Planning & Town Hall/Finance Monday 12.11.12 at 6.30 pm

Full Council Meeting 26.11.12 at 7.00 pm

Meeting closed at 8.47 pm