FIELD POLICY | Revised Fall 2016


The following are expected of all players and spectators

  1. Treat all fields and property with respect.
  2. You are responsible for your own personal equipment you bring to a field.
  3. You are responsible for disposing of all your garbage, water bottles, etc. in garbage cans.
  4. Leave all fields cleaner than you found them.(The Boy Scouts have a saying - No trace left behind)
  5. Players are not to hang on or swing from any goal, anchored or not.
  6. Playersyounger than high school shall not attempt to move any goals. Players in Division 2 (High School) may help move goals with adult supervision.
  7. Abide by all decisions made by coaches/trainers/officials regarding severe weather, and abide by all rules of lightning detection systems where installed.
  8. Obey all parking regulations and traffic rules.
  9. Spectators must keep to designated spectator areas, along opposite touchline from players/coaches, between penalty areas, as defined in NWBSA rules competition.


Coach/Team Official Responsibilities:

The following is required of all coaches and team officials:

  1. Inspection of field prior to play (home games only) for overall condition, proper field markings, nets, goals and goal anchors.
  2. Supply and removal of corner flags for all home games.
  3. Removal of all equipment (goals, goal anchors, etc.) from fields at end of gameplay and training sessions where your team is the last one on field.
  4. Proper operation of lights and shut down of lights at end of day (last team on field).
  5. Report any field or equipment, light issues promptly to Division Coordinator.
  6. Team officials are responsible for behavior of their players on all fields and for ensuring that all garbage is cleaned up at end of your game/session. This goes for all home as well as away games.
  7. Team officials are responsible for their team spectators with respect to field conditions and garbage.
  8. Abide by all field closures and severe weather rules.
  9. All field availability for training outside of your designated times/locations is BY REQUEST ONLY to the RSAdivision coordinator.
  10. All field availability for make up game scheduling must be done BY REQUEST to the Division Coordinator.



Goals and Goal Anchors:

  1. All goals are stored in specific areas of each field. If moved, they should be moved back to storage areas when not in use or at end of training and game day, with weights and or sand bags. This is responsibility of all coaches/trainers and team officials – get parents to help you.
  2. All goals MUST be anchored, regardless of training or gameplay. Two weights or sandbags per goal are required.
  3. The following are the equipment storage locations by field:
  • GLEN - Goals and weights go along the fence near the houses. It is strongly advised for coaches to carry a small shovel in the car in case area of pitcher's mound needs to be filled in. Dirt should be taken from backstop area behind home plate.
  • BF – Goals do not need to be moved. Keep weights with goals.
  • HAWES–Push goal nearest playground off field so it does not conflict with baseball field foul line (we share field with RBSA). Other goal does not need to be moved. Keep weights with goals.
  • MAPLE -Goals/weights are stored on the fence at west end of the field. Full sided goals are usually left out in playing position. Corner flags are in the new lock box at midfield, north side - marked “RSA/MSC”.
  • TRAVELL – place goals and weights back to back between the large trees in center of the field. Do not place along fencing as it blocks running track which is used during school PE. Have small shovel to fill in 2nd base posthole if necessary – field encroaches onto this area.
  • ORCHARD - Goals and weights stored on fence near parking lot.
  • CITIZENS – Goals and weights stored on N end of field along fence. Goals must be stored at end of play/practice as this field is used by GW PE during week.
  • SOMERVILLE - Large size goals and weights to be stored along first base line of softball diamond caddy corner from the parking lot. Goals are heavy so get help moving them. RSA Division 5 goals are stored at NE corner of field (see above – these require stakes). Equipment box is under scoreboard – coordinator has key.
  • BROOKSIDE – goals and weights stored along fence on Southern Pkwy side of field, and along fence on Spring Ave side of field, respectively. Weights are kept with goals.
  • RHS STADIUM – Goals are stored on each side of field along fence. Weights are in orange bags, sometimes locked to ball net pole – combo is “BALL”. Corner flags are in lock box marked “RSA/MSC” at Stevens.
  • STEVENS – Goals and weights are stored on each side of field on “off-field” side of field nets. Weights are in orange bags, sometimes locked to ball net pole – combo is “BALL”. Corner flags are in lock box marked “RSA/MSC” at Stevens.

Keys: All padlocks for goals, light towers, and the lockboxes at Maple Field and at Stevens Field (turf fields only) are keyed off of the same lock, therefore one key gives you access to everything. All trainers and coaches should have this key (formerly the key for light towers).

New coaches and trainers can obtain a key by sending an e-mail to Skip Cox at .


There is a KEY to open the operating panel for all portable light units. These are located at MAPLE, VETS (fall only), VETS WEST (spring only), BF, CITIZENS, ORCHARD (fallto mid-Oct only), GLEN (fallmid Oct to mid Nov only).

Same key will open all light towers.


  • Once the panel is open, remember to turn the ignition key left for 5 seconds before starting.
  • After starting wait about 30 seconds for the engine to warm.
  • Turn on "Main" breaker and then individual light lamps one at a time waiting about 30 seconds between each.
  • To turn off, reverse this procedure - you MUST turn off each individual light, then the main breaker, then the engine. Failure to do this may result in costly damage to the unit.
  • Please lock up light towers at end of night (responsibility is with last team trainer/coach of night). DO NOT REMOVE IGNITION KEY!!!


  • Permanent pole lights are turned on/off from 2 large silver boxes located on the Linwood side and along the football field near the brook (near the food concession stand).
  • Linwood Side: Operates only pole closest to the box. Lock combo for Linwood box is 1105. There are 2 circuit breakers for each pole and the pole numbers are matched to the circuit breakers in the box. Do not turn on or off the Main Breaker – this should always be in the “on” position.
  • Along Brook side – by concession trailer. Operates 5-6 poles, including all for soccer field. Small switch on side of box with plastic cover. Combo is 105. Switch up = ON, Switch down = OFF. You should hear a loud click. This box has a timer – can not turn on before 4pm, and will automatically go off at 11pm if left on by accident.


  • Lights are controlled automatically, and we do not have access to controls. At most nights of the week, lights will be shut off at 9pm. You will have a short grace period to get your team off the field where at least one light will be on. All training & game play MUST end no later than 9pm. Any requests for night time use outside of regular scheduled games and practice must be scheduled in advance (5 days minimum) for lights to be scheduled.

Corner Flags:

  • Teams playing on natural grass fields (all except Maple, Stevens, and RHS) are to pick up a set of flags at Ed Seavers’ garage (cnr. Maple and Robinson Place, across from Vets field, driveway on Robinson Place side) prior to game. In case of back to back games (YOU MUST CHECK ON NWBSA WEBSITE FOR THIS PRIOR TO EACH GAME), you may “hand off” flags to the next team. Last team/coach on the field on any given game day is responsible for bringing them back.


  • Flags and flag bases are located in a lock box labeled “MSC-RSA” along the fence on the southeast corner of the field. The key that opens the goals and light tower locks also opens up this box. Return all flags and flag bases to this box at conclusion of game – this is responsibility of all home team coaches.


  • Flags are kept in the MAPLE box located at north end midfield – this is labeled “MSC-RSA”. Last team is responsible for putting flags and bases back in box.

IMPORTANT: Coaches are responsible for flags, and returning flags to proper locations after their game is over. You can check if you are last team of the day simply by going to the NWBSA website. Teams will be charged replacement cost for any lost or stolen flags as a result of not following these rules.

Field Closures:

During weekdays and for significant weather events, fields are closed by Parks Dept and BOE. Field closure information is typically done by noon, although sometimes this is a bit later. RSA officials are notified, and will pass information on to teams/coaches via website or e-mail. Coaches can call Parks hotline after 1pm to also check. Parents are NOT to call Parks dept for field closures – coaches are responsible for communicating this information to their teams. Check the RSA WEBSITE or call the RSA Weather Hotline, 201 345 4221, for program and field closures.

Fields may also be closed for practice or gameplay at discretion of RSA Officials. This may occur even when the fields are officially open by Parks or BOE. In this instance, RSA officials will notify coaches and team officials via RSA website or e-mail.Check the RSA WEBSITE frequently for program and field closures.

All coaches, trainers, and team officials are to comply with all field closures made by RSA or town officials. Failure to do so is potentially endangering the safety of players and/or endangering the condition of our fields, and will not be tolerated.

Severe Weather:

The Village of Ridgewood has implemented and maintains a Lightning Detection System at all town and BOE fields used for soccer activities. An explanation of the system, how it functions, and what to do, is provided in a separate document issued by the Village and found on the RSA website - It can be downloaded as a pdf file.

When the system detects lighting in the area and signals an alert, the fields are officially closed until an “all clear” is given.

All coaches, trainers, and team officials are responsible for full compliance with all rules and instructions of this system. No exceptions.

Where the Lightning Detection System has not been implemented, the standard “30-30” rule, as recommended by US Soccer (memo to Referees dated April 6, 2005, and available via website) should be used by coaches, trainers and team officials. All team officials and trainers are responsible for understanding this procedure.


  • At BROOKSIDE, do not park in the cul-de-sac at end of Northern Parkway.
  • At STEVENS, parking is not allowed in the right-of-way adjoining the field, or on Irving St. where signs are posted.
  • At HABERNICKEL, please park in parking lot, and walk over to field. Do not stop in driveway to drop off your child.

Coaches should advise visiting teams of the above.

At all times, please respect all parking regulations and property of others.

Field Questions, Issues:

Field questions or issues pertaining to condition of fields should be addressed to Skip Cox at .