Commission>{TRAN}Committee on Transport and Tourism</Commission



Meeting of 4 November 2013, from 15.00 to 18.30,

and 5 November 2013, from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30


The meeting opened at 15.04 on Monday 4 November 2013, with Brian Simpson (Chair) in the chair.


* *

Monday, 4 November 2013, 15.04 – 18.00

1. Adoption of agenda

The agenda was adopted.

2. Approval of minutes of meeting of:

  • 30 September 2013 PV – PE519.780v01-00

The minutes were approved.

3. Approval of minutes of meeting of:

  • 14 October 2013 PV – PE521.545v01-00

The minutes were approved.

4. Chair’s announcements concerning coordinators’ decisions on 14 October 2013


5. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure

See point 12-13.

6. Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure


***I 2013/0012(COD) COM(2013)0018 – C7-0022/2013

Rapporteur: / Carlo Fidanza (PPE) / PR – PE516.591v01-00
AM – PE519.818v01-00
Responsible: / TRAN –
Opinions: / ENVI – Decision: no opinion
ITRE – / Niki Tzavela (EFD) / AD – PE514.770v02-00
AM – PE516.901v03-00
IMCO – Decision: no opinion
REGI – Decision: no opinion
AGRI – Decision: no opinion
  • Consideration of amendments

Speakers: Carlo Fidanza, Ismail Ertug, Gesine Meissner, Keith Taylor, Peter van Dalen, Vilja Savisaar-Toomast, Jacqueline Foster, Michael Cramer, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Olga Sehnalová, Phil Bennion, Brian Simpson, Olivier Onidi (EC).

7. An integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce in the EU


2013/2043(INI) COM(2012)0698

Rapporteur for the opinion: / Michel Dantin (PPE) / PA – PE514.642v01-00
AM – PE516.846v01-00
Responsible: / IMCO – / Pablo Arias Echeverría
(PPE) / PR – PE516.736v01-00
AM – PE519.457v02-00
  • Consideration of amendments

Speakers: Michel Dantin, Gesine Meissner, Eva Lichtenberger, Werner Stengg (EC).

8. Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air


***I 2013/0072(COD) COM(2013)0130 – C7-0066/2013

Rapporteur: / Georges Bach (PPE) / PR – PE510.868v02-00
AM – PE521.519v01-00
AM – PE519.451v01-00
Responsible: / TRAN –
Opinions: / ENVI – Decision: no opinion
IMCO – / Hans-Peter Mayer (PPE) / PA – PE516.966v02-00
AM – PE521.501v01-00
JURI – Decision: no opinion
  • Consideration of amendments

Speakers: Georges Bach, Vilja Savisaar-Toomast, Keith Taylor, Jacqueline Foster, Saïd El Khadraoui, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Gesine Meissner, Michael Cramer, Philip Bradbourn, Phil Bennion, Hans-Peter Mayer (IMCO), Olga Sehnalová, Brian Simpson, Fotis Karamitsos (EC).

9. Regional quality branding: towards best practice in rural economies



Rapporteur for the opinion: / Alfreds Rubiks (GUE/NGL) / PA – PE516.979v01-00
AM – PE521.503v01-00
Responsible: / AGRI – / Eric Andrieu (S&D) / PR – PE506.226v01-00
AM – PE521.502v01-00
  • Consideration of amendments

Speakers: Brian Simpson, Michel Dantin, Gesine Meissner.

10. New TEN-T call for proposals - Presentation by the European Commission DG MOVE

Speakers: Olivier Onidi (EC).

Suspension of the meeting at 17.25

11. From 17.40-18.00 Coordinators’ meeting in camera

Tuesday, 5 November 2013, 9.09 – 17.38

12-13. Chair’s announcements concerning coordinators’ decisions on 14 October and 4November

The Coordinators decisions of 14 October were approved.

·  Hearings and Delegations planning 2014

Decision: Request a delegation of six Members plus the Chair to Madeira for the week beginning 24 March 2014. No hearings to be requested for the first quarter of 2014.

·  Comitology

Coordinators took note of Newsletters No. 21 of 1 October, No. 22 of 7 October and No. 23 of 14 October.

Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure



·  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels and repealing Directive 2006/87/EC of the European Parliament and the Council - COM(2013)0622

·  Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 718/1999 on a Community-fleet capacity policy to promote inland waterway transport - COM(2013)0621

Decision: The EPP Group will provide the Rapporteur for the two reports.

·  Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Towards quality inland waterway transport – NAIADES II - COM(2013)0623

Decision: No action.

·  Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: 2012 annual report on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security - COM(2013)0523

Decision: No action.


·  Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 - COM(2013)0639

Decision: The Chair would write to the Budgets Committee, based on input from the Connecting Europe Facility Rapporteurs and Shadows.

·  European Commission: Final annual accounts of the European Union - Financial year 2012 - SESAR Joint Undertaking - COM(2013)0570[46]

·  European Commission: Final annual accounts of the European Union - Financial year 2012 - European Aviation Safety Agency - COM(2013)0570[22]

·  European Commission: Final annual accounts of the European Union - Financial year 2012 - European Railway Agency - COM(2013)0570[26]

·  European Commission: Final annual accounts of the European Union - Financial year 2012 - European Maritime Safety Agency - COM(2013)0570[21]

Decision: The EPP Group will provide the Rapporteur for the four Agency opinions.

·  European Commission: Annual accounts of the European Union - financial year 2012 - European Commission - COM(2013)0570[01]

Decision: The ECR Group will provide the Rapporteur.

·  Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the follow-up to the discharge for the 2011 financial year (Summary) - COM(2013)0668

Decision: No action.

·  Amending letter No 1 to the draft general budget 2014 - Statement of expenditure by section - Section III – Commission - COM(2013)0644

Decision: No action.

The Coordinators decisions of 4 November were approved.

·  Study on interurban transport in outermost regions

Decision: Organise a presentation of the study in one of the next TRAN meetings.

·  Request for Rule 51 on NAIADES II Fleet Capacity Proposal

Decision: Agree to Employment Committee's request for application of Rule 50, with Employment having exclusive competence on the first two tirets of Article 8 and shared competence on the next three tirets. The Chair would investigate the possibility to have a mini-hearing on inland shipping / NAIADES.

·  Aviation ETS - latest developments

Coordinators exchanged views on recent developments which could be taken into account in the preparation of the ETS opinion.

·  Comitology

Coordinators took note of Newsletters 24 of 21 October and No. 25 of 28 October 2013 as well as a report on an expert meeting on road safety related traffic information.

Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure


·  Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in view of the implementation by 2020 of an international agreement applying a single global market-based measure to international aviation emissions - COM(2013)0722

Decision: The EPP Group will continue to provide the Rapporteur.

·  Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be taken by the Union within the Administrative Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe regarding the draft regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of Retrofit Emission Control Devices (REC) for heavy duty vehicles, agricultural and forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery equipped with compression ignition engines - COM(2013)0693

Decision: No action.

·  Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be adopted on behalf of the Union within the relevant Committees of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe regarding the proposed amendments to certain Regulations and the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), and regarding the draft Global Technical Regulation on Pole Side Impact - COM(2013)0694

Decision: No action.

·  Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be taken by the Union in the Administrative Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe regarding the draft regulation on uniform provisions concerning the recyclability of motor vehicles - COM(2013)0697

Decision: No action.

No action to be taken on the following documents that were received for information:

·  Report from the Commission on the working committees during 2012 - COM(2013)0701

·  Report from the Commission: Progress towards achieving the Kyoto and EU 2020 objectives (required under Article 21 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and repealing Decision No 280/2004/EC) - COM(2013)0698

·  Commission staff working document European Competitiveness Report 2013: Towards knowledge driven reindustrialisation - SWD(2013)0347

·  Communication from the Commission: Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2013-2014 - COM(2013)0700

·  Amending letter No 2 to the draft General Budget 2014 - Statement of expenditure by section - General Statement of revenue Section I – Parliament Section II – European Council and Council Section III – Commission Section IV – Court of Justice of the European Union Section V – Court of Auditors Section VI – European Economic and Social Committee Section VII – Committee of the Regions Section VIII – European Ombudsman Section IX – European Data Protection Supervisor Section X – European External Action Service - COM(2013)0719.

14. An integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce in the EU


2013/2043(INI) COM(2012)0698

Rapporteur for the opinion: / Michel Dantin (PPE) / PA – PE514.642v01-00
AM – PE516.846v01-00
Responsible: / IMCO – / Pablo Arias Echeverría
(PPE) / PR – PE516.736v01-00
AM – PE519.457v02-00
  • Adoption of draft opinion

Amendments adopted: 1 (2nd part), 2, 8, COMP B, COMP C, 17, COMP D, 24, 25, COMP E, COMP F, 29, COMP G, 34, COMP H, 38, 50.

Decision: The draft opinion as amended was adopted by 37 votes in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

15. Maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management


***I 2013/0074(COD) COM(2013)0133 – C7-0065/2013

Rapporteur: / Gesine Meissner (ALDE) / PR – PE516.661v01-00
AM – PE516.626v01-00
Responsible: / TRAN –
Opinions: / EMPL – Decision: no opinion
ENVI – / Mario Pirillo (S&D) / PA – PE516.628v01-00
AM – PE519.486v01-00
ITRE – Decision: no opinion
REGI – Decision: no opinion
AGRI – Decision: no opinion
PECH – / Isabelle Thomas (S&D) / AD – PE514.932v02-00
AM – PE516.724v01-00
PETI – Decision: no opinion
  • Adoption of draft report

Amendments adopted: 11, 82, 83, 12, 85, 87, ENVI 14, 88, COMP 3, COMP 4, COMP 5, COMP 6, 103, 17, ENVI 16, 18, 109, 19, 110, 111, COMP 7, 116, COMP 8, ENVI 22, ENVI 23, 150, 27, 28, 29, 30, COMP 9, 32, COMP 10, COMP 11, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, ENVI 41, ENVI 42, 46, 47/187, 48/189, 49, COMP 12, ENVI 48, COMP 13, 197, 198, 52, PECH 59, 53, ENVI 50, 204, 205, 208, 210, 211, 214, 216, 217, 55, 220/221, 56, 57, 228, 58, 2, ENVI 1, 3, 4, 68, 69, COMP 1, COMP 2, 73, ENVI 5, 7, 75, PECH 15, PECH 16, 8, 9, ENVI 9, 78, 10, ENVI 12, PECH 25, 61.

Decision: The legislative proposal as amended was adopted by 32 votes in favour, 7 against and 0 abstentions.

The legislative resolution was adopted by 32 votes in favour, 7 against and 0 abstentions.

16. Regional quality branding: towards best practice in rural economies



Rapporteur for the opinion: / Alfreds Rubiks (GUE/NGL) / PA – PE516.979v01-00
AM – PE521.503v01-00
Responsible: / AGRI – / Eric Andrieu (S&D) / PR – PE506.226v01-00
AM – PE521.502v01-00
  • Adoption of draft opinion

Amendments adopted: COMP 1, COMP 2, COMP 3, 17, 18, 21, COMP 4, COMP 5, 30, 34, 35, 36, 2, 3, 5, 6.

Decision: The draft opinion as amended was adopted by 35 votes in favour, 4 against and 0 abstentions.

17. Maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community


***I 2013/0105(COD) COM(2013)0195 – C7-0102/2013

Rapporteur: / Jörg Leichtfried (S&D) / PR – PE521.689v01-00
DT – PE516.725v02-00
Responsible: / TRAN –
Opinions: / ENVI – Decision: no opinion
ITRE – Decision: no opinion
IMCO – Decision: no opinion
  • Consideration of draft report

·  Deadline for amendments announced by the Vice-Chair: 5 December at noon

Speakers: Jörg Leichtfried, Virgilio Ranocchiari (EESC), Petri Sarvamaa, Phil Bennion, Michael Cramer, Peter van Dalen, Dominique Riquet, Ismail Ertug, Philippe De Backer, Jacqueline Foster, Corien Wortmann-Kool, Jim Higgins, Georges Bach, Mathieu Grosch, Fotis Karamitsos (EC), Werner Kuhn, Brian Simpson.

The meeting continued at 10.35 with Peter van Dalen (Vice-Chair) in the chair.

18. Deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall


***I 2013/0166(COD) COM(2013)0315 – C7-0173/2013

Rapporteur: / Philippe De Backer (ALDE) / PR – PE521.535v01-00
Responsible: / TRAN –
Opinions: / ITRE – / Adina-Ioana Vălean (ALDE) / PA – PE519.838v01-00
IMCO – / Olga Sehnalová (S&D) / PA – PE521.607v01-00
  • Consideration of draft report
  • Deadline for amendments announced by the Vice-Chair: 13 November at noon

19. Deployment of the eCall in-vehicle system


***I 2013/0165(COD) COM(2013)0316 – C7-0174/2013

Rapporteur for the opinion: / Philippe De Backer (ALDE) / PA – PE521.698v01-00
Responsible: / IMCO – / Olga Sehnalová (S&D) / PR – PE521.605v01-00
  • Consideration of draft opinion

·  Deadline for amendments announced by the Vice-Chair: 13 November at noon

Speakers (points 18-19): Philippe De Backer, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Zita Gurmai, Olga Sehnalová, Fotis Karamitsos (EC).