March 1, 2011
Knolls Estates Newsletter for the month of January
February was short month and this will be a short newsletter, because Sharon and I are still traveling. We will be home by the first of April, so anyone who can provide me fodder for my newsletter in my absence will be appreciated.
Before I get on with my news I want to acknowledge the passing of Cal Gorte’s wife Betty. Cal is the gentleman who walks the area almost on a daily basis, with his stick, that is taller than he is. We offer our sincere condolences to you Cal and all I can say is “Keep on walking”
I guess the biggest news that happened in Knolls Estates in Feb. was the 10 day chase and ultimate capture of the white rooster. This critter was reported hovering around the Dovetail / Culver Loop area and was waking people up in the morning. I guess that Scott, the greens keeper at the golf course, caught it and relocated to a farm. What good deedsmanship and it’s too bad that is the news headline.
The 2011 Budget for Knolls Estates was approved in February and is posted on our web site. For those who want to look at it I have some explanations. The Budget includes a number of proposed projects for improvement of our infrastructure. We have allotted funds for placing drain rock around our sign area, for mulching in some of our common areas, for contouring and filling more of the common areas bordering Scardi, for building a rock wall in the area bordering Scardi and the golf course and for grass planting and tree watering. Included in the budget are also funds for the repair of some of the fault areas in our streets, for resealing cracks in the streets and for restriping the fog lines in Phase I. All total, we have budgeted $15,000 for street repairs and $10,000 for infrastructure improvements. Please talk with any of the Board Members if you would like a more detailed explanation of these proposed infrastructure and street projects. The board members can be found on the website also...
Below I am posting the unapproved minutes of the January board meeting for your information:
The Knolls Estates
Unapproved Minutes of the 1/18/11 Board of Directors Meeting
In Attendance: Doyle Hall, Russ Mock, Joe Keady , Monica Duran, Jane Fullerton and Sharon Anderson. Harold Sheeran was excused.
1. Call to Order and Reading of Minutes: The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The minutes of the 11/16/2011 were approved as read.
2. Motion and Vote to Approve Election of Officers for 2011
An Executive Committee Meeting was held on Dec. 28, 2010, to elect officers for 2011.
Motion: Monica Duran made a motion to accept the executive session recommendation that Joe Keady will be President, Russ Mock will be Vice President, Sharon Anderson will be Secretary, Jane Fullerton will be Treasurer and Monica Duran will be Administrator during 2011. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Reports of Officers, Administrator and Committees Treasurer’s Report: Russ Mock and Jane Fullerton reported a beginning balance for the month of December, 2010 of $135,917.46 and ending balance of $140,255.64. Per the November Board decision, $110,000 has been moved to a savings account at Umpqua Bank that will accrue .75% interest.
Candy Taylor has agreed to be the Assistant Treasurer in 2011. Candy Taylor and Monica Duran will have keys to the post office box, and will be responsible for mail. Joe Keady, Jane Fullerton, Russ Mock and Sharon Anderson will be signers on checks during 2011. The storage unit keys will remain with Russ Mock.
Administrator’s Report: Monica Duran asked the Board to discuss their conception of the Administrator’s role. Preparation of the budget, fine and fee schedules and enforcing CC&R guidelines were noted as the main position responsibilities.
Service/Welcome Committee: Joe Keady updated the Board on the welcome baskets that have been distributed to our new owners. Sandra Moulton has volunteered for the Welcome/Service; Donna Cross, Jane Fullerton and Joe Keady will also remain on this committee during 2011.
Design Committee: No report.
Judicial Council: Cindy Alexander and Al Olson have agreed to remain on the Judicial Council during 2011. Russ Mock and Joe Keady will recruit additional members. A four-person Council would be preferred, thus allowing one member to recuse him/herself if a conflict existed.
Newsletter Editor: Russ Mock will be briefed on the web site procedures and will serve as a back up to Paul Anderson. Paul Anderson discussed his concern that the Newsletter is not “fresh” enough. It was suggested that Board Members and Owners might take a more active role in providing news and information for the newsletter.
4. Unfinished Business: Property Management Contract issue still on hold. The Reserve Study is still in process. Doyle Hall requested that Monica Duran ask the golf course if subdivision water is being used on Hole 2, and provide the Board with a report on this issue in February.
5. New Business:
Preparation of 2011 Budget, Past Year Budget Summary, Rules and Regulations and Fine Schedule: Per the CC&Rs, Monica Duran will prepare the first draft of these documents. Joe Keady will schedule a working Board meeting in early February, and the final drafts will be approved at the February Board Meeting.
Plan for Rewriting CC&Rs: Monica Duran requested that Dereck Simmons be contacted to obtain a prototype set of CC&Rs for the Board to use. It was noted that an effort will be made to minimize attorney costs, which will mean that the Board will need to as much work as possible on the rewrite. A vote was not taken on contacting the Attorney.
6. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting
An Executive Committee Meeting was called at 7:38 p.m.
Foreclosures, Liens and Late Payments: The foreclosure, lien and late payment lists were reviewed and updated.
Lot 41 Fence Variance: Lot 41 has removed the original fence and is in compliance with the CC&Rs.
Requests for Renting of Property: Lot 42 was under contract as a lease with an option to buy. The current residents have decided to relocate to Texas and the house will be placed back on the market.
Motion: Monica Duran made a motion to approve the request from Lot 42 to rent the property, with the stipulation that the house will remain on the market while rented, the yard and property will be maintained, a property management agent will be hired to monitor the property and the rental is not to exceed 12 months. Motion passed with four votes in favor and two opposing the motion.
A request has been received from the owners of Lot 23 to rent. It was decided that this issue was not ready to be voted upon and that further communication with the owner was necessary
Lot 102 Request for Variance to Park R.V. in Place of Boat: The Board decided to consider this property with the overall grandfathering issue that will be considered in the rewriting of the CC&Rs.
The following letter was received from a concerned homeowner that is reflecting previous homeowner’s letters. And I quote
“Thanks for all your work, and keeping things in order for us all. However, we are still having a problem with cats in our yards and killing the field birds. They also leave "debris", that is not real pleasant on our lawn. We are hoping that a warning will be in the next newsletter. . . I appreciate it! “
About all I can say is that those people who own cats and let them wander, please consider buying a new product that I will have for sale upon my return, provided I can find a manufacturer. This product is a disposable cat diaper and will carry the brand name of “Anderson’s Feline Absorbents” These will be available at Smitty’s Deli in Sutherlin by April I hope
Below please find a recap of items added to the website this past month:
The following is the purpose/mission statement of this Sutherlin organization and monthly updates will be posted on the web site.
Sutherlin Area Community Involvement
Our "purpose/mission" statement: To facilitate Communication and/or Networking for committees, projects, dreams, and
needs of our area.
The Goal: To provide a resource to all local organizations and volunteers to locate funds, volunteer opportunities and other
Our "round-table" discussion found area residents expressing their goals, needs, dates of events, information, etc.
The infamous lost Rooster is captured and relocated.
Not sure if any homes have come on the market or sold.
I hope that this finds you all well and healthy. Please reply to this mail if you have questions, comments, criticisms or ideas . My thanks to my Cub Reporters, Carley Bratton and Dennis Muensterman for feeding me some news.