Project Title:TN Fire Academy HVAC and BAS Replacement

Institution: TN Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy

Project location: Bell Buckle, Bedford County, Tennessee

Agency: Commerce & Insurance

Letter of Interest is to be limited to a total of 4 pages. Requested case study, resumes and Instruction Guide Sheet can be in addition to the 4 pages. Submitted information shall address all items below, including completion of Instruction Guide Sheet. Submittal shall be provided as a single PDF and must be received by Midnight CST/CDT.

By submission of this Letter of Interest, each Designer and each person signing on behalf of any Designer certifies, and in the case of a joint Letter of Interest each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of its knowledge and belief that each Designer is not on the list created pursuant to TCA §12-12-106.

  1. Firm(list info only for the office that will do the work):





  1. Project Experience
  2. Describe up to 5 on-going or recently completed projects of similar type and scope. For each project, include the name and role of the design team members and role of consultants.
  3. Provide basic information on each of the projects listed, including, scope of work, cost, and completion date.
  4. Provide, as an attachment, a single case study on a similar scope project.
  5. Indicate familiarity with STREAM’sDesigners’ Manual, its provisions and requirements.
  6. Project Team
  7. Define the roles and qualifications of each staff member proposed for the design team and list their home office location.
  8. Define the roles and qualifications of each proposed consultant and list their home office location. Describe your firm’s experience with each consultant.
  9. Provide, as an attachment, the resumes of key personnel and consultants.
  10. Project Approach
  11. Describes the firm’s specific approach to the project scope and type, including firm’s familiarity with the area where project is located, and if applicable, reference current or former projects in the area or at the site.
  12. Describe firm’s intended utilization of STREAM’s Designers’ Manual, as it applies to this project.
  13. Address special design or submission requirementsfrom the project description if not otherwise covered.
  14. Workload
  15. List current and proposed Firm and specific proposed team members’ workload, distinguished by project title, location, phase of project (SDP, DDP, CDP, Bid, Construction, Close-Out, etc.) and amount of time devoted by your firm as a percentage of total available time. Also, list other State Building Commission projects for which you are currently registering interest. Please respond in tabular format


STREAM July2016SBC-6 Instruction Guide Sheet Page 1 of 1

INSTRUCTION GUIDE SHEETSBC-6 (Designer Agreement)Page 1

Development Manager: / Doug Freeman / Date:
State Agency: / Commerce and Insurance
Designer(s) (Legal Entity Name): / Secretary of State Control #:
City, State Zip:
Phone: / Email:
Contact Person:
Project Title: / TN Fire Academy HVAC and BAS Replacement
Institution: / TN Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy
Project Location: / Bell Buckle, Bedford County, Tennessee
SBC Project No.: / 700/001-XX-2018 (2017-000031)
1.1.1Description (Scope of Work):
The Administration Building, Classroom Building, Dining Hall, Fire Station, Maintenance Building, Training Center, and Survey Tower at the campus require mechanical system upgrades that include, but not limited to, replacing geothermal heat pumps, geo-loop circulating water pumps, energy recovery make-up air units, package terminal A/C units, and replacing the existing Building Automation System. Project will include all required related electrical work.
1.3 / Principal(s) and License(s):
Designer’s Consultants – Basic Services
1.4.1 / Consultants / Firm / Principal / TN License No.





1.5 / Estimated Design and Construction Time
Phase 1 – Program Verification: / 15 / Calendar Days
 Phase 2 – Schematic Design: / 15 / Calendar Days
 Phase 3 – Design Development: / 45 / Calendar Days
Phase 4 – Construction Document: / 60 / Calendar Days
Phase 5 – Bidding or Negotiation / In accordance with Owner’s schedule and the construction schedule.
Phase 6 – Construction: / 300 / Calendar Days
Phase 7 – Close Out Phase / 30 days after final completion of construction
2.1 / Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC): / $2,420,000.00
2.2 /

Lump Sum Amount:

/ $202,290.00
2.2 / Direct Expense: / N/A
3.1.4 / Professional Liability Insurance: / $1,000,000.00 / (Minimum One Million Dollars)

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