KalamazooValleyCommunity College
Financial Aid Office


To:Roger Miller, Dennis Bertch, Carol Mallinson, Michael McCall, Steve Doherty, Mike Collins, Mary Lawrence, Erick Martin, Carol Heeter, Heidi Stevens-Ratti, Laura Cosby, Laura Converse

From: Sue Newington

C: Institutional Effectiveness Council, Nancy Young (archives)

Date: 09/16/2018

Re: Financial Aid Advisory Council Minutes – October 16, 2008

Present: Miller, Mallinson, Lawrence, McCall, Collins, Heeter, Converse, Martin, Bertch, Stevens-Ratti, Cosby, Newington

Absent: Lawrence

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 23, 2008 were approved as submitted.

Welcome and Introductions


Miller distributed updated listing of Financial Aid Advisory Council members. Laura Cosby and Laura Converse are the new members. A corrected membership list is attached reflecting updated titles.

Council Charge

Miller distributed copy of Financial Aid Advisory Council charge.

Old Business

Federal Title IV Program Review from September 3-6, 1996 Update

Miller reported this program review continues to remain outstanding.

2006 Final Cohort Default Rate

Miller reported our 2006 cohort default rate is 4.8%. He reported the national average default rate is 5.2% while the national community college default rate is at 8.4%. Our loan volume at KVCC continues to increase.

New Business

Tuition Delay Update – Summer 2008

Miller reported the Financial Aid Office approved 56 tuition delays totaling $31,476 for the 2008 summer semester. All tuition delays have been closed out. A summary of tuition delays approved for the 2008

fall semester will be available at the next meeting.

Scholarship Update

Newington distributed a copy of KVCC Foundation-Sponsored Scholarships that were recently promoted through the Financial Aid Office. The deadline to apply for these 39 scholarships is November 7, 2008. Newington thanked Steve Doherty and Louise Anderson for their assistance in getting the needed information to me in order to promote these scholarships. Miller also thanked Doherty and expressed his appreciation to the KVCC Foundation for their continued support.

Newington reported that 70 applications were submitted for the Michigan Nursing Scholarship. At this time, based on our allocation of $92,000, we were only able to award 32 scholarships. A few more scholarships may be awarded after the fall semester due to nursing students graduating or not able to move on with the program.

2007/2008 FISAP

Miller reported the annual FISAP report was submitted by the October 1 due date. He expressed his appreciation to Mallinson and Lawrence for their cooperation with this report.

Customer Satisfaction Survey – Winter 2008 and Summer 2008

Newington distributed summaries of Financial Aid Office Customer Satisfaction Surveys for the winter and summer 2008 semesters. Two different surveys were available for students to complete. A paper version was available in the Financial Aid office for student completion and a Zoomerang version was emailed to all registered students during the respective winter and summer semesters.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Update – Winter 2008 and Summer 2008

Newington distributed summaries of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress for the 2008 winter and summer semesters.

Kalamazoo Promise Update

Miller reported 281students received a Kalamazoo Promise award for the 2008 fall semester. Newington distributed an enrollment status summary of the Kalamazoo Promise students for the fall semester. She reported, beginning with the 2008 fall semester, students attending KVCC no longer have to be enrolled full time to use their Kalamazoo Promise award. For the 2008 fall semester, 110 students are currently enrolled less than full-time, 81 students are enrolled for 12 credits hours, 88 students are enrolled in more than 12 credit hours, and 2 students are enrolled in the AutoTechnologyAcademy. Students enrolled less than full-time are encouraged to sign up with the StudentSuccessCenter. KVCC’s Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress will now also be used to monitor Kalamazoo Promise students. Students need to complete and pass at least 75% of their credit hours their award is based on with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

Cosby asked us to provide her with a list of Kalamazoo Promise students currently enrolled less than full-time. Miller responded to a question Stevens-Ratti asked regarding how many of the Kalamazoo Promise students enrolled for fall were new students compared to returning students. He reported 158 students were new and 120 were returning. This was based on information he had prior to when the total headcount was calculated on September 25, 2008.

2008/2009 Constitution Day Compliance

Miller thanked Dr. Kocher for his assistance with Constitution Day on September 17, 2008. There were activities on both campuses.

Independent Audit

Miller reported that the A-133 Independent Audit is done and the auditors are gone.

Financial Aid Balance Checks

Newington reported about 3900 balance checks were made available on the first day of availability on September 24, 2008. Mallinson said there have been approximately 4600 checks available year to date for 08/09. Students were required to provide an active banner address before their balance check was released. Newington reported that any balance checks not picked up within 21 days are now being mailed to the students. The first batch of mailings went out this week. Discussion followed regarding the delivery of balance checks.

Department of Education Reauthorization

Miller reported that President Bush signed the Reauthorization Bill on August 14, 2008. Reauthorization reviews and authorizes the laws that makes available federal Title IV student financial aid. Last time this was reviewed was ten years ago. This current bill is over 1000 pages. There are many issues dealing with financial aid, including cash management and loans. The financial aid staff will be attending staff development workshops to make sure we are in compliance with all the new rules and regulations.

ACC Financial Aid Coverage

Miller reported over the summer, Makida Coulter from the ACC was cross-trained in the financial aid office to become a financial aid generalist at ACC. We are currently looking at other areas in financial aid to expand her involvement. Stevens-Ratti and Collins both expressed how pleased they were with Makida’s willingness to learn about financial aid and her good job performance.

2008 Fall Semester Bookstore Authorizations and Vouchers

Newington distributed a summary of book and supply vouchers used for the fall semester. Newington reported 772 bookstore vouchers were completed during the 2008 fall semester. Book vouchers were available from August 25, 2008 – September 11, 2008. However, on an exception basis, 55 book vouchers were completed from September 12, 2008- September 18, 2008.

Attendance Monitoring

Newington distributed a summary of 257 students who were dropped from their 2007 fall classes due to non-attendance. Financial aid was reviewed and adjustments were made.


Miller reported that Kate Mahoney, one of our job-share positions, has left to take a full-time position at M-Tec. She will be greatly missed not only by the staff but also the students.

Miller also reported Mimi Johnson is back from medical leave.

Newington distributed a summary of students who were dropped for non-attendance for the 2008 fall semester. She reported 220 students were dropped from classes. 95 of these students had their financial aid awards adjusted resulting in 16 of these students now owing the college money ($4,786).

Agenda Items Next Meeting

Miller asked for any agenda items for next meeting be submitted to himself or Newington

Next Meetings

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

All meetings will be held at 2:00 pm in room 4370.

Meeting Adjourned

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