Budget Reference:

Grant contract 2015/370-476

Financed by EU in Albania under the

Civil Society Facility – Civic Initiative and Capacity Building component

Sub-Granting Authority:

Institute for Democracy and Mediation



Civil Society Instruments against Corruption- ROUND 1

Deadline for submission of full application: 20 / 02 / 2017 at 17:00


This is an open Call for Proposals, where all documents are submitted together. In the first instance, only the eligibility will be checked. Thereafter, for the applicants who have been pre-selected, the full proposal will be evaluated. Eligibility will be checked on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the Sub-granting Authority and sent together with the application.

If possible, applicants are encouraged to inform the sub-granting Authority (Institute for Democracy and Mediation) whether they intend to submit an application for this Call for Proposals by sending an e-mail to by 11 / 02 /2017. This is NOT obligatory and does NOT affect the evaluation of the application. However, it will enable the sub-granting Authority to mobile the necessary resources for the evaluation of the applications.


1. CIVILISC Fund - SUB Grants to Civil society organizations in Center- South Albania

1.1 Background

1.2 Objectives of the CIVILISC FUND and priority issues

1.3 Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority

2. Rules FOR THE call for proposal: Anti- corruption and Capacity Development Grants

2.1 Eligibility of applicants

2.2 Eligible operations: operations for which an application may be made

2.3 Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included

3. How to apply and the procedures to follow

3.1 Application forms

3.2 Where and how to send Applications

3.3 Deadline for submission of Applications

3.4 Further information about Applications

3.5 Evaluation and selection of applications




Notification of the Contracting Authority’s decision

Content of the decision

Indicative timetable

Conditions for implementation after the Contracting Authority’s decision to award a grant


Documents to be completed (For applications under LOT 1)

Documents to be completed (For applications under LOT 2)

1. CIVILISC Fund - SUB Grants to Civil society organizations in Center- South Albania

1.1 Background

The CIVILISC project, funded by the European Union is implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, in partnership with RiskMonitor Foundation, Bulgaria. This project is funded under Civil Society Facility- Civic Initiative and Capacity Building component, under the grant contract 2015/370-476.

The main purpose of the CIVILISC is to empower and develop capacities of local civil society at fighting against corruption in twelve small-medium size municipalities located at centre-south Albania— Prrenjas, Devoll, Cerrik, Lushnje, Shijak, Divjake, Belsh, Tepelene, Vore, Libohove, Selenice, Ura-Vajgurore.

The specific objectives of CIVILISC are:

(1) Consolidation of capacities and strengthening the impact of civil society in remote areas through a development-oriented approach;

(2) Building active civic players to promote good governance and accountability, fighting corruption through integrity mechanisms, citizen participation and agents of change;

(3) Developing resources and opportunities for networking and exchange within civil society and across the spectrum of local governance stakeholders-civic, public and private.

The project duration is January 2016-December 2018.

The expected resultsof CIVILISC are: (1) improved capacities of local civil society in remote municipalities to work in a professional and sustainable way and uphold good governance and high integrity levels in the civic and governments sectors; (2) Enhanced efforts to ensure an efficient mid-and long- term monitoring of anticorruption policies, instruments and practices at local level; (3) Increased effectiveness of the beneficiaries to analyze, monitor, advocate and participate in the policymaking and policy implementation processes.

The CIVILISC Fund has a budget of 400,000 EUR. It will support local civil society initiatives focusing on good governance and anti-corruption at local level. The CIVILISC Fund will be distributedin two rounds of call for proposals based on the sub-granting structure as showed below:

Table 1: Sub-granting Structure

ROUND / Anti- corruption and Capacity Development Grants / LOT 1 - Up to 5 000 Euro
LOT 2 – Min 5000 – Max
20.000 / EUR 250.000 / 6- 12 months
2nd ROUND / Networking and know how sharing grants / Min 10.000-max 30.000 / EUR 150.000 / Up to six months

The CIVILISC FUND aims to reach out more than 100 local CS actors(direct and indirect) in 12 municipalities of eight regions/quarks of Centre-South Albania— Prrenjas, Devoll, Cerrik, Lushnje, Shijak, Divjake, Belsh, Tepelene, Vore, Libohove, Selenice, Ura-Vajgurore.

This is the first Call for Proposals under the CIVILISC Fund and is divided in two LOTs. The second round of call for proposals “NETWORKING AND KNOW-HOW SHARING GRANTS” will be launched in September 2017.

1.2 Objectives of the CIVILISC FUND and priority issues

CIVILISC Fund aims to empower local civil society to participate, advocate, and monitor corruption practices at local level.

Specific objectives of the CIVILISC Fund are:

-To support (fund) different local initiatives designed from the local civil society actors relating to anti-corruption and good-governance at local level.

-To enhance capacities and engagement of local civil society and set path to civic participation at fighting against corruption and improving good-governance at local level.

-To promote dialogue and build communication between civil society and local government units as one of the most important instruments to counter corruption.

-To help CSOs themselves as well as genuine community groups to improve their legitimacy, transparency and accountability.

-To enhance capacities, knowledge and commitment of local CSOs and local communities’ (at municipal level) to provide analysis, monitoring and advocacy on policy, measures and reforms related to good governance and anti corruption.

-To build an anti-corruption and good governance network in targeted regions, in order to boost CSO cooperation among them and with the community groups at the remote areas.

-Contributing to an enhanced cross-region public/civic support and participation for good governance and anti corruption measures.

The CIVILISC FUND seeks to support initiatives of formal civil society organizations (such as registered NGOs, membership organisations, community based organisations, etc) which aredesignedand planned to be implemented in close collaboration with non-formal community based groups.

Initiatives of the unregistered civil society actors such as grassroots, youth and citizen groups, local journalists, are encouraged to develop their initiatives in the framework of the formalized organizations. This way, they will also demonstrate their capacity for cooperation and networking in order to achieve their objectives.

Priority will be given to projects which involve such groups and manage to support community organizing around the priority topics of the program and to encourage establishment of sustainable civic structures.

All the initiatives should meet the specific objectives of the CIVILISC FUND and following the thematic areas:

-Watch dog activities, monitoring of the performance of municipalities, municipal councils, administrative units, and/or de-concentrated institutions;

-Active civic participation in the design of LGU’s anti corruption measures as well as on policy framework/strategies;

-Monitoring of the implementation of existing legislation as well as monitoring of budgetary expenditure and public contracts;

-Participation of civil society/citizens in local decision-making, priority setting, budget development and implementation, public investments, and service delivery;

-Citizens’ monitoring and vigilance to demand accountability, transparency and integrity from the respective local authorities;

-Community mobilization for constructive engagement with public institutions to improve responsiveness; Public hearings; Citizen structures on fighting corruption;

-Information and awareness campaigns focusing on citizen entitlement and rights including use of the right to information to help them obtain better services;

-Broad public awareness on denouncing corruption;

The presented call for proposals is divided in two LOTS:

LOT 1- These grants will target particularly small and newly established CSOs (which are registered recently or have less than one year of experience). Furthermore, through these type of grants the new local CSOs will develop experience and will build their capacities on anti-corruption efforts at local level. Additionally, these initiatives should be designed and implemented in close collaboration with local community based groups and should reflect concrete interventions within the context of the targeted municipalities.

In this regard, the main objective under this LOT 1 is to encourage small and new local Civil Society Organizations, particularly youth, women and other active players to engage in anticorruption efforts and boost their involvement in the field.

LOT 2-In addition to above mentioned thematic areas, these type of grants aim to support initiatives of CSOs which combine also organizational capacity development for small/ newly establish CSOs.In this regard, the project proposals will aim also to enhance professional and organizationalcapacities of small / new CSO at tackling, monitoring and engaging broader segments of the society at improving good-governance in local level.Civil Society Organizations applying under the LOT 2 should have capacities and experience at implementing these type of activities.

1.3 Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority

The overall indicative amount available under this first round of Call for Proposals of CIVILISC fund is EUR 250.000. The contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.

Size of Grants:

LOT 1- Up to EUR 5,000

The total project budget (including own contribution) for any grant requested under LOT 2 of this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

LOT 2:

  • Minimum amount: EUR 5,000
  • Maximum amount: EUR 20,000


Initiatives under the LOT 1 will be financed 100 %. Therefore, no own contribution will be required.

Applicants under the LOT 2 of the sub-granting component “Anti corruption and Capacity Development Grants”should provide 5%-7%contribution to the project. Therefore, CIVILISC project will fund up to 93% - 95% of the project budget. For example, if the total proposed project budget is EUR 10.000, the minimum own contribution required from the applicant should be EUR 500.

2. Rules FOR THE call for proposal: Anti- corruption and Capacity Development Grants

These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of the operations financed under the first round of Call for Proposals under the CIVILIS FUND, in conformity with the Practical Guide to contract procedures for actions, which is applicable to the present call (available on the internet at the address:

Eligibility criteria

There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to:

(1) The actors:

The applicant, i.e. the entity submitting the application form (2.1.1)

(2) The project:

Projects for which a sub grant may be awarded (2.1.2);

(3) The costs:

Types of cost that may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant (2.1.3).

2.1 Eligibility of applicants


Potential applicants under this call for proposals can be the civil society organisationslocated and/ or acting in the following twelve (12) small-medium size municipalities: Prrenjas, Devoll, Cërrik, Lushnjë, Shijak, Divjakë, Belsh, Tepelenë, Vorë, Libohovë, Selenicë, Ura-Vajgurore and the respective regions (qarks): Tirana, Durrës, Korçë, Fier, Vlorë, Berat, Elbasan and Gjirokastër.

Preferences will be given to those registered CSOs that will perform in partnership with local CSOs (at municipal level)which are based in and operate in one of the 12 municipalities targeted in the project.

The applicants should fulfil the following criteria:

  • The organization is situated and acting in one of the targeted municipalities and/ or respective regions.
  • The organisation should provide:

-The Court registration Act and Founding Act of the organisation

-The Statute of the organization

-The Registration at the regional tax office, NIPT number;

-Latest financial statements of the organisation (applicable for CSO applying under LOT 2).

-Document issued by the Court and the Prosecution certifying that the CSO has no pending cases.

-Other supporting documents (At the bottom of this guidelines you will find thelist of documents to be submitted under this call for proposals).

2.2 Eligible operations: operations for which an application may be made


The initial planned duration of the projects awarded under this call for proposal:

LOT 1: Up to 6months

LOT 2: From 6 to 12 months.


Proposed initiatives should focus on delivering results based on the objectives set out in section 1.2. The main areas of intervention of CIVILISC Fund are Good governance and anti-corruption at local leveland priority will be given to the following themes:

  • Active civic participation in the design of LGU’s anti corruption measures as well as on policy framework/strategies;
  • Watch dog activities, monitoring of the performance of municipalities, municipal councils, administrative units, and/or de-concentrated institutions in counteracting corruption;
  • Monitoring of the implementation of existing anti-corruptionlegislation as well as monitoring of budgetary expenditure and public contracts;
  • Participation of civil society/citizens in local decision-making, priority setting, budget development and implementation, public investments, and service delivery in order to minimize corruption practices;
  • Citizens’ monitoring and vigilance to demand accountability, transparency and integrity from the respective local authorities as prevention measure of corruption;
  • Community mobilization for constructive engagement with public institutions to improve responsiveness; Public hearings; Citizen structures on fighting corruption;
  • Information and awareness campaigns focusing on citizen entitlement and rights including use of the right to information to help them obtain better services, as well as the rights to participate in local decision making and preventive anti-corruption actions;
  • Broad public awareness on denouncing corruption; etc.


Projects must be implemented intwelve small-medium size municipalities: Prrenjas, Devoll, Cërrik, Lushnjë, Shijak, Divjakë, Belsh, Tepelenë, Vorë, Libohovë, Selenicë, Ura-Vajgurore.

Types of operation

To be eligible for a grant, applicants under this call should carry out part of the following types of activities (but not limited):

  • Actions that promote awareness raising, lobbying and advocacy, monitoring for issues related to the main intervention areas;
  • Appropriate capacity building trainings (as part of the intervention approach) aiming to enhance knowledge and capacities of active local community groups to design, implement and follow up local initiatives on good-governance.
  • Local actions implemented through participatory process with active involvement of local communities;
  • Actions that promote broad public awareness on denouncing corruption; etc.

Non-eligible actions

The following types of operation are ineligible for this financial support:

  • Actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses.
  • Actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses.
  • One time off conference: conferences can only be funded if (1) they are duly justified and fall under objectives of the call for proposals and (2) they form part of a wider range of activities to be implemented in the lifetime of the project. For these purposes, preparatory activities for a conference and the publication of the proceedings of a conference do not in themselves constitute such “wider activities”.
  • Projects which consist entirely, or in most part, of preparatory works or studies.
  • Co-funding of other projects.
  • Projects supporting political parties or illegal activities.
  • Core funding of the applicants or (where relevant) its partners.
  • Deficit funding and capital endowments.
  • Financial subventions to other organisations.
  • Purchase of land, building and offices.
  • Retroactive financing for projects that are already in implementation or completed.
  • Projects taking place outside of the targeted regions.
  • Purchase of equipment (unless necessary for the successful execution of the project and costing not more than 15% of the budget).
  • Humanitarian activities.

Financial support to third parties

Applicants may not delegate or transfer parts of the implementation / finances of the project to third parties in order to help achieving the objectives of the operation, or propose to fund other third parties through the implementation of the project.

Contract award procedures

Where implementation of the project requires awarding of a procurement contract, beneficiary must award the contract to the economically most advantageous offer, i.e. the bid offering the best value for money, respecting the principles of transparency and equal treatment of potential contractors and ensuring that there is no conflict of interest.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of the approved projects will be conducted by IDM.


The Applicants must take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union is funding the action through CIVILSC project implemented by IDM. As far as possible, the proposals that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union must incorporate information and communication activities designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for the project activities and the EU support in the local or region concerned, as well as the results and the impact of this support.

Applicants must comply with the objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the EU financing (see the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU external actions specified and published by the European Commission at

The applicant may submit only one application under this call for proposals.

The applicant may be co-applicant in another application at the same time.

A co-applicant may not submit more than one application under this Call for Proposals.


-The CIVILISC Fund will support civil society organizations from the municipalities of Southern-East Albania.Potential Applicants of the first round (both LOTS) will be encouraged to involve in their anti-corruption and good-governance activities as networks throughout the second round of the CIVILISC Fund “Networking and know-sharing grants”. Hence, potential applicants will have the opportunity to reinforce their achievements and efforts on anti-corruption at local level in the second round.