Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

ARRA Grants Program

American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act (ARRA)



Incentive 2011 Project Funding

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

1200 East Anderson Lane

Austin, Texas 78752

June 18, 2010

2011 Incentive Project Application Page 3 of 9 Revised 6.2010

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

ARRA Grants Program

TO: Texas Public Institutions of Higher Education (Applicants)

FROM: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, ARRA Grants Program

SUBJECT: Application for the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), Public Law 111-5, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF), Government Services Fund (GSF) grants, Prime Award No. S397A090044, CFDA 84.397A, as appropriated under the Texas General Appropriations Act, Article XII, for the 2010-2011 biennium – 2011 Incentive Project Application

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) is pleased to provide 2011 Incentive Funding applications to eligible higher education universities as appropriated by the Texas Legislature for the 2010-2011 biennium. Here are some important instructions and information to guide you through this application process:

A.  You have received this 2011 Incentive Funding packet via email from the THECB, it includes: (1) this application document containing institutional data, scope, schedule and budget information, (2) a project budget spreadsheet with instructions, and, (3) ARRA grant terms and conditions.

B.  The period of performance for your ARRA 2011 Incentive project will be September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2011; only costs incurred during this period will be eligible for reimbursement.

C.  On Page 3, Table 1, Distribution of ARRA 2011 Incentive Funds by the THECB, you will be able to locate your institution and the total amount of ARRA grant funds available for this project.

D.  Complete the three (3) documents in Paragraph A above, sign where indicated, and scan to .PDF format as a single file. The due date for your application is July 15, 2010.

E.  Your completed and signed application must be uploaded into your THECB GSF SharePoint folder entitled “Incentive 2011 Application”; the ARRA Grants Program will respond with an email to confirm receipt of your application.

F.  Your applications will be reviewed and the THECB will communicate any need for clarification or additional documentation if required. Separate Notice of Grant Awards (NOGAs) will be issued by the THECB; NOGAs are scheduled to be in place by August 31, 2010.

We appreciate your response to our application process and request that you contact us directly at if you should have any questions or need further information regarding this application.


Dan Griffiths, Director, ARRA Grants Program

TEL: 512.427.6118


Table 1. Distribution of ARRA 2011 Incentive Funds by the THECB

Application Review Checklist

The following items must be included in the application in the order they are listed.

For Department Use Only: / ARRA 2011 Incentive Application / Applicant Use: Initial if complete
Complete / Incomplete / Description / Page(s)
Application Review Checklist / 4
Applicant Information Form / 5-7
Project Narrative (Scope of Work) / 8
Schedule (Burn Plan) / 8
Project Budget Sample / 9
Project Budget Instructions / 10
Budget Spreadsheet
(Scan to .PDF when completed) / ATTCH
Terms and Conditions
(Scan to .PDF when completed)
a.  Exhibit A – Applicable Laws and Provisions
b.  Exhibit B – Assurances and Certifications
c.  Exhibit C - Certification Regarding Lobbying for ARRA Subrecipient Agreements, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements / ATTCH

As an applicant for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, I certify that the information, exhibits, and schedules contained herein are true and accurate statements, and fairly represent the financial condition as of the date stated herein:

Typed or Printed Name
Institution Name/Business Title


Applicant/Institution Name
11 Digit Texas Vendor I.D. # / DUNS#
Street Address (No P.O. Box)
City / State / Zip / County
P.O. Box
City / State / Zip / County
First Name / M. I. / Last Name
Primary Phone
() - Ext. / Secondary Phone (optional)
() - Ext.
E-mail address required / Fax (optional)
() - Ext.
Mr. Mrs.
Ms. ___ / First Name / M. I. / Last Name
Title / Primary Phone
() - Ext.
Applicant name
Secondary Phone (optional)
() - Ext. / Fax (optional)
() - Ext.
Mr. Mrs.
Ms. ___ / First Name / M. I. / Last Name
/ Primary Phone
() - Ext.
Secondary Phone (optional)
() - Ext. / Fax (optional)
() - Ext.
District #
U. S. Representative:
Office telephone numbers: Washington D.C.: Regional:
U. S. Senator:
Office telephone numbers: Washington D.C.: Regional:
State Senator:
Office telephone numbers: Regional:
State Representative:
Office telephone numbers: Regional: /
State Representative:
Office telephone numbers: Regional:
The applicant, by and through their signatures below (1) certify that all information provided in connection with this application at any time is true and correct to the best of their knowledge; (2) acknowledge that any misrepresentation or false statement made in connection with this application, whether intentional or not, will constitute grounds for denial, pursuant to this application and/or assessment of monetary administrative penalties, and (3) that the applicant has registered for and received a DUNS number, and has registered on Central Contractor Registration (www.ccr.gov). If signed by an agent (including employee) of the applicant, the person signing certifies that he or she is authorized to make the preceding certifications.
Authorized Official (Printed Name) / Title
Applicant Authorized Signature / Date //
Month day year

Project Narrative (Scope of Work)

Description of Proposed ARRA Project – explain how your proposal/project will be used to meet an eligible use of funds for ARRA, P.L. 111-5.
Management of the Institution/Agency – briefly describe your organization’s experience in managing federal ARRA funds (Include reference to any current THECB ARRA projects).
Briefly describe your management Team Lead and any other Key Personnel that will represent your agency for these project activities (Include reference to any current THECB ARRA projects).

Schedule (Burn Plan)

2011 Incentive Project Application Page 3 of 9 Revised 6.2010

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

ARRA Grants Program

Based on the type of expenditures your institution is proposing, describe the period in which you expect to spend these funds i.e. salaries for 3 months, equipment purchases will take 6 months, etc.

2011 Incentive Project Application Page 3 of 9 Revised 6.2010

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

ARRA Grants Program


This ARRA Project Budget form provides for a detailed budget of the proposed scope of work and the total projected expenditures for the ARRA NOGA period. Funds may not be spent or expenditures incurred prior to a fully executed NOGA with an authorized period of performance from THECB. The ARRA Project Budget sample below will be provided to applicants in an MS Excel format for their completion and submission.


Applications must include detailed information and justification of all dollar amounts listed on the ARRA Project Budget form. This must include all major components of the project, i.e. Personnel, Travel, Supplies, etc. Enter data into the yellow highlighted fields of the ARRA Project Budget form to document all project estimates which will be incurred and/or expended upon receipt of an ARRA GSF grant award.

1.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Personnel/Salary provide:

a.  Position titles of employees who will be charged to this program;

b.  Employee monthly salary rates;

c.  Level of effort estimated as percentage;

d.  If created/retained jobs are proposed, be sure that there is adequate documentation to support your estimate;

2.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Fringe Benefits ,provide the same information in (1) above. Allow the spreadsheet to populate essential components of the calculation, enter your organization’s rates as needed in the yellow highlighted fields.

3.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Travel provide on the “Travel” tab of the spreadsheet:

a.  Destination and purpose of travel activity;

b.  #People, #Days and #Trips;

c.  Rates for estimated Round Trip airfare (if applicable), Per Diem (Texas state rates), and Auto/Miscellaneous expenses.

4.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Equipment provide:

a.  Description of equipment; and,

b.  Itemized price/value list per piece of equipment.

5.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Supplies provide:

a.  Estimate consumable supplies to be purchased as a group. If over $5,000/each, list these items under equipment; and,

b.  The estimated cost of the supplies to be purchased (details not required at this time).

6.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Sub-Grants/Sub-Contracts provide:

a.  The name of the Sub-grantee/Sub-contractor;

b.  The amount of the Sub-grant/Sub-contract;

c.  The proposed statement of work for the Sub-grantee/Sub-contractor;

d.  The delivery dates of the Sub-grant/Sub-contract.

e.  Assurance that all of the terms, conditions and reporting requirements of the ARRA award are flowed down to each Sub-grantee/Sub-contractor.

7.  If the project includes ARRA funds for Other Direct Costs, provide a detailed description of the cost(s) i.e. utilities, printing, reproduction, shipping, communications, etc.

Institutions may use their own detailed spreadsheet format other than the one provided with this application packet. Expanded listings of equipment or other expenses may be provided as attachments.

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