Scriveners Company

Peter Esslemont Prize for Calligraphy and Illumination


Previous winners of the Scriveners’ prize include Felicity Hollis, Anthea Power, Lu Guthrie, Helen Scholes, Sally Mangum and Ann Bowen.

Entries for the 2016 prize are now being accepted. It will be awarded in the form of a certificate, a cheque for £500, and an opportunity to exhibit examples of the winner’s work at a livery event in the City of London. The works may also be featured on the Scriveners Company website.

Entries should consist of two to four pieces of original work by the entrant, which will be judged by the Master Scrivener and a panel of Scriveners Company and College of Arms experts. There is no restriction on style or content but illumination as well as calligraphic skills will be taken into account.

Entries should be received in the Clerk’s office (address below) by Friday 14 October 2016. The decision of the judges will be final. There are no age restrictions, but it is anticipated that the winner is more likely to be someone closer to the start of their career than a well-established practitioner, although the latter is by no means ruled out. The only requirement is that entrants should live and/or work in the UK.

Giles H C Cole

Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Scriveners

HQS Wellington, Temple Stairs, London WC2R 2PN

Office (Mon - Thurs): 020 7240 0529 Mobile: 07957 135570

Email: Web:

Scriveners Company

Peter Esslemont Prize for Calligraphy and Illumination 2016

Entry Form

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……….………..…………..

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…………



Phone ………………………………………………… Email ………………………………….…….………………..….

Relevant qualifications, training etc .……………………………………..…………………….…………..….…..



Description of items submitted:

I hereby certify that this entry is entirely my own work and I consent to some or all of it being used by the Scriveners Company for exhibition should the entry be successful.

Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………….