SECTION 08 71 53 - Security Door Hardware
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Copyright 2008 - 2010 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Zero International, Inc.; Architectural door hardware products.
This section is based on the products of Zero International, Inc., which is located at:
11819 N Pennsylvania St.
Carmel, IN 46032
Toll Free Tel: 877-578-1247
Email:request info ()
[Click Here] for additional information.
As the oldest gasketing company in the country, ZERO's history of creative problem-solving has made us the industry leader in engineering specialized door sealing systems for optimal performance. Our specifications focus on integrated gasketing solutions for the entire door opening, vs. stand-alone products. We are best known for high-STC sound control, as well as systems designed to meet fire and life safety standards and other specific building code requirements.
We're a full-line company providing a single source for high-performance hinges, saddles, thresholds and specialty products that complement and complete our systems. We also offer a wide variety of door louvers and vision lites through Advantage Lites and Louvers, a ZERO company located in Wallace, North Carolina.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete items below not required for project.
A. High-performance building hardware products including the following:
1. Specialty products.
2. Thresholds.
3. Seals and weatherstripping.
4. Sill protection.
5. Hinges.
6. Sound control systems.
7. Air control systems.
8. Intumescent fire protection.
9. Photoluminescent stairway marking systems.
10. Window protection.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required.
A. Section 07 84 13.13 - Penetration Firestopping Mortars.
B. Section 08 11 00 - Metal Doors and Frames.
C. Section 08 10 00 - Doors and Frames.
D. Section 08 71 70 - Weatherstripping and Seals*.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section.
A. ADAAG - ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities.
B. ANSI A117.1 - Door Opening Force Test Standard.
C. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA - Standard 90 P Energy Conservation in New Building Design.
D. ANSI/UL 1784 - Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies.
E. ASTM International:
1. ASTM D395 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property Compression Set.
2. ASTM D412 - Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension.
3. ASTM D624 - Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers.
4. ASTM D991 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Volume Resistivity of Electrically Conductive and Antistatic Products.
5. ASTM D2240 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness.
6. ASTM E90 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements.
7. ASTM E152 - Method of Fire Test of Door Assemblies.
8. ASTM E 283 - Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen.
9. ASTM E 331 - Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
10. ASTM E336 - Standard Test for Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings.
11. ASTM E413 - Standard Classification for Rating Sound Insulation.
12. ASTM E547 - Water Penetration Resistance of Exterior Doors by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential.
13. ASTM E814 Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops.
14. ASTM E1332 - Standard Classification for Determination of Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class.
15. ASTM E1408 - Standard Method for Laboratory Measurement of Sound Transmission Loss of Door Panels and Door Systems.
16. ASTM E2074 - Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies, including Positive Pressure Testing of Side Hinged and Pivoted Swinging Door Assemblies.
17. ASTM F609 - Standard for Safety for Slip Resistance of Floor Surface.
F. BS EN 1634 - Fire-Resistance Tests for Door and Shutter Assemblies (British Standard).
G. BS476 Part 22 1987 - Methods for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Non Load-Bearing Elements of Construction (British Standard).
H. BS476 Part 31 Section 31.1 1983 - Methods for Measuring Smoke Penetration Through Doorsets and Shutter Assemblies (British Standard).
I. Building and Regulatory Test AS 1530.4 - Fire Resistance Test (Australia / New Zealand).
J. City of New York Department of Buildings MEA 8-06-M.
K. IBC 2000 - International Building Code.
L. ICC/ANSI A117.1-1998 - Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
M. International Standards Organization, ISO 3008 - Fire-Resistance Tests, Door and Shutter Assemblies.
N. FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency.
O. FIA - Federal Insurance Administration.
P. JIS-A1311-3 - Method of Fire Protecting Test of Fire Doors for Buildings (Japan).
Q. The Ministry of Construction Notice No.1125 of 1990 - Fireproof Performance Test (Japan).
R. MIL STD 285 - Attenuation Measurement for Enclosures, Electromagnetic Shielding.
S. MIL C5541 Class III - Irridate Finish on Aluminum Parts.
T. MIL-D-23003 - Deck Covering Compound, Non- Slip, Rollable.
U. MIL-G-83528 - Shielding Effectiveness.
V. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows.
W. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code.
X. NFPA 105 - Recommended Practice for the Installation of Smoke and Draft Control Door Assemblies.
Y. NFPA 252 - Standard Method of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
Z. NVLAP - All acoustical tests of Zero products are conducted by laboratories accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP).
AA. NSA Specifications 73-2A - Electric Field Attenuation Test (10 MHz to 1 GHz.).
BB. SDI 118 - Basic Fire Door Requirements.
CC. SDI 128 - Guidelines for Acoustical Performance of Standard Steel Doors & Frames.
DD. UBC 7-2-97 PART I - Fire Test Standard for Swinging Fire Doors.
EE. UBC 7-2-97 PART II - Method of Smoke and Draft Control Tests of Door Assemblies.
FF. UBC 43-2 - Fire Test of Door Assemblies.
GG. UL10B - Standard for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
HH. UL10C - Standard for Positive Pressure Fire Test of Doors.
II. UL410 - Standard for Safety for Slip Resistance of Floor Surface.
JJ. UL1479, Standard for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops.
KK. UL1784 - Standard for Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies.
A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements.
B. Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including:
1. Preparation instructions and recommendations.
2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
3. Installation methods.
C. Shop Drawings: Show components, layout, mounting and support, anchorage details, and interface with adjacent construction.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete selection samples if colors have already been selected.
D. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and finishes.
E. Component Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum size 6 inches (150 mm) long, representing actual product, color, and finish.
F. Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements.
A. Installer Qualifications: Approved by hardware supplier.
A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation.
B. Store in dry, protected, well ventilated area and protect from damage.
A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Zero International, Inc., which is located at: 11819 N Pennsylvania St.; Carmel, IN 46032; Toll Free Tel: 877-578-1247; Email:request info (); Web:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs; coordinate with requirements of Division 1 Section on product options and substitutions.
B. Substitutions: Not permitted.
C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select products required from the following paragraphs and delete those not required. Insert material finish designations after Model Numbers. Not all finishes are available in all shapes. See manufacturer's catalogue. Indicate sizes on the Hardware Schedule.
A. ADA Access System: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Choose one automatic door bottom meeting 1.9 lb. opening force from the following:
1. Automatic Door Bottoms.
a. Model Number: 350LS automatic door bottom.
b. Model Number: 351LS automatic door bottom.
c. Model Number: 364LS automatic door bottom.
d. Model Number: 365LS automatic door bottom.
e. Model Number: 366LS automatic door bottom.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain the following paragraph for head and jamb seals and door bottom meeting 1.9 lb. opening force.
2. System: ADA 1000.
a. Model Number: 475 saddle.
b. Model Number: 365LS automatic door bottom.
3. Detectable Warnings:
a. Model Number: 3672A detectable warning threshold, interior.
b. Model Number: 3672A-E detectable warning threshold, exterior.
4. Shower Threshold:
a. Model Number: 8452A shower threshold.
B. Communicating Doors: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For detailed CAD drawing go to the following link:
1. Model Number: 119WB perimeter seal.
2. Model Number: 475AA head and jam seal.
3. Model Number: 367AA automatic door bottom.
4. Model Number: 254A sill seal.
5. Model Number: 1684A saddle.
C. EMI/RFI Sealing Systems: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. EMI - Electromagnetic Interference System: Tested in accordance with MIL STD 285. Meets MIL-G-83528 Standards.
2. RFI - Radio Frequency Interference System:
a. Model Number: Z950 cam hinge.
b. Model Number: 770 EMI head and jamb seal.
c. Model Number: 564B saddle.
d. Model Number 10WB perimeter seals.
e. Model Number: 365 EMI automatic door bottom.
D. Equipment Room Doors: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. Model Number: ZBB960 full mortise hinge.
2. Model Number: T4G lite kit.
3. Model Number: 200AIL louver.
4. Model Number: 3674 rubber traction tread threshold.
E. Gasketing for Exterior Inswing Doors: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. Model Number: 475AA perimeter seals.
2. Model Number: 141A water shed for automatic door bottom.
3. Model Number: 365AA automatic door bottom (ADB).
4. Model Number: 655A threshold.
5. Model Number: 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold.
6. Model Number: 8361 ADB locking key.
7. End cap for automatic door bottom and water shed.
F. Gasketing for Exterior Outswing Doors: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. Model Number: 142A water shed.
2. Model Number: 25A interlocking water shed frame part.
3. Model Number: 144A interlocking water shed door part.
4. Model Number: 475AA perimeter seal.
5. Model Number: 11A water shed.
6. Model Number: 360A automatic door bottom.
7. Model Number: 655A threshold.
8. Model Number: 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold..
G. Gasketing for Non-Latching Doors: Provide the following:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. Model Number: 570AA perimeter seal.
2. Model Number: Z955 cam lift hinges.
3. Model Number: 360LS automatic door bottom.
H. Hurricane Wind-Driven Water Infiltration: Provide the following:
1. Option 1:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. Model Number: 142A water shed.
b. Model Number: 8144S perimeter seal.
c. Model Number: Z955 cam lift hinges.
d. Model Number: 475AA perimeter seal.
e. Model Number: 139A door sweep.
f. Model Number: 328AA door sweep.
g. Model Number: 561A threshold.
h. Model Number: 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold.
2. Option 2:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. Model Number: 142A water shed.
b. Model Number: 8144S perimeter seal.
c. Model Number: 119WB perimeter seal.
d. Model Number: Z955 cam lift hinges.
e. Model Number: 870AA door sweep.
f. Model Number: 39A door sweep.
g. Model Number: 328AA door sweep.
h. Model Number: 65A threshold.
i. Model Number: 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold.
I. Safe Haven Room Gasketing: Provide the following:
1. Option 1:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. Model Number: 119WB perimeter seal.
b. Model Number: 475AA perimeter seal.
c. Model Number: Z955 cam lift hinges.
d. Model Number: 321AA automatic door bottom.
e. Model Number: 564A threshold.
f. Model Number: 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold.
2. Option 2:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. Model Number: 870AA perimeter seal.
b. Model Number: 119WB perimeter seal.
c. Model Number: Z955 cam lift hinge.
d. Model Number: 321AA automatic door bottom.
e. Model Number: 564A threshold.
f. Model Number 226 stainless steel anchors for threshold.
J. Hotel Corridor Suite Entry Doors (Smoke and STC35): Provide the following.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
1. Model Number: 8144S perimeter seal.
2. Model Number: 8878A perimeter seal.
3. Model Number: 254A door sweep.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain one of the following two paragraphs. Retain 1685R for non-fire doors. Retain 1682A for fire doors.
4. Model Number: 1685R threshold.
5. Model Number: 1682A threshold.
K. Latching Pocket Doors: Provide the following:
1. Model Number: 7350A automatic door bottom.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain one of the following two paragraphs for the head gasket.
2. Model Number: 381A perimeter seal.
3. Model Number: 53A perimeter seal.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain one of the following two paragraphs.
a. Inside mount.
b. Outside mount.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following if not required.
4. Model Number: 304A.
L. Sound Trap System:
1. STC 52 rated operable assembly 3' x 7'.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. STC 55 rated door with non-rabbeted frame, latching mechanism and door closer.
b. Z950 cam hinge (3).
c. 770 head and jamb seals.
d. 367 automatic door bottom.
e. 564 threshold.
f. 119 head, jamb and sill seals.
2. STC 52 rated operable assembly 3' x 7'.
a. STC 53 rated door with non-rabbeted frame, latching mechanism and door closer.
b. Z950 cam hinge (3).
c. 770 head and jamb seals.
d. 369 automatic door bottom.
e. 564 threshold.
3. STC 49 rated operable assembly 3' x 7'.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. STC 55 door with rabbeted frame, latching mechanism and door closer.
b. Z950 cam hinge (3).
c. 870 head and jamb seals.
d. 365 automatic door bottom.
e. 564 threshold.
f. 119 head, jamb and sill seals.
4. Band/Music Room STC 41 rated operable paired assembly 6'w x 7'h.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For details go to the following link:
a. Pair of STC 53 doors with non-rabbeted frame, latching mechanism and door closer.
b. Z950 cam hinge (3).
c. 770 head and jamb seals.
d. 362 (2) automatic door bottoms.
e. 41 pull side astragal.
f. 40 push side astragal.
5. Classroom STC 35 rated operable assembly 3' x 7'.
a. STC 38 door with rabbeted frame, hinges, latching mechanism and door closer.
b. 188 head and jamb seals.
c. 369 automatic door bottom.
d. 564 threshold.
e. 119B.
6. STC Rating: Classroom 35 STC. Paired operable opening, 6'w x 7'h.
a. Pair of STC 45 doors, hinges, latching mechanisms and door closers.
b. 485 head and jamb seals.
c. 383 threshold.
d. 564 door bottom.
e. 119WB.
M. Mullion Application: Closed cell sponge neoprene strip with self adhesive tape.
1. Model Number: 8780N.
N. Sliding Doors: Provide the following:
1. Model Number: 7350A.
2. Model Number: 8199A.
O. Sliding and Pocket Doors: Provide the following:
1. Model Number: 154A.
2. Model Number: 7350A.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain the following paragraph for optional pile seal.
3. Model Number: 34A.
P. Sliding Hangar Doors: Provide the following:
1. Model Number: 93, 69.
2. Model Number: 94, 69.
3. Model Number: 97.
4. Model Number: 948, 69.
5. Model Number: 948, 94.
Q. Heavy Duty Sliding and Overhead Doors: Provide the following:
1. Model Number: 93, 69.
2. Model Number: 96A.
3. Model Number: 97A.
4. Model Number: 98A.
5. Model Number: 98D.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** The following product is for overhead doors.
6. Model Number: 8047R.
R. Child Finger Guard:
1. Model Number: 51A-120.
2. Model Number: 51A-180.
3. Model Number: 951.
4. Model Number: 72A.
S. Dust Plug: Polypropylene pile, self adhesive.
1. Model Number: 2541.
T. Flood Barrier Shield: In compliance with FEMA and FIA.
1. Model Number: 2070-10, 10 inch (254 mm).
2. Model Number: 2070-20, 20 inch (508 mm).
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain one of the following two paragraphs.
a. Inside mount.
b. Outside mount.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following if not required.
3. Model Number: 304A.
A. Adjustable:
1. Tread: 672.
2. Tread: 673.
3. Tread: 674.
4. Tread: 675.
5. Tread: 676.
6. Tread: 678.
7. Tread: 6710.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** For Rubber Traction Tread, retain as written. For epoxy Abrasive Traction Tread, add "-E". For Traction Tread Glow photoluminescent stairway marking system, add "-L" after the tread model number. For abrasive and Photoluminescent marking system, add "-E-L" after the model number.
8. Traction Tread: 2673.
9. Traction Tread: 2676.
10. Traction Tread: 3672.
11. Traction Tread: 3673.
12. Traction Tread: 3674.
13. Traction Tread: 3675.
14. Traction Tread: 3676.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain two of the following seven paragraphs if different types of nosings required. If the same nosing is used on both sides of the tread, delete all but one of the following paragraphs.
15. Nosing/Rest: 68.
16. Nosing/Rest: 105.
17. Nosing/Rest: 106.
18. Nosing/Rest: 168.
19. Nosing/Rest: 268.
20. Nosing/Rest: 269.
21. Nosing/Rest: 469.
22. Accessory: Model 69A.
23. Accessory: Model 44A.
24. Accessory: Model 905A.
B. Adjustable Interlocking:
1. Model Number: 7336.
2. Model Number: 7337.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following paragraph if not required.
3. Extension Leg: Model 7332.
C. Bulkhead Door, Adjustable:
1. Series Number: 77.
2. Series Number: 670.
3. Series Number: 671.
D. Butt and Transition:
1. Model Number: 15.
2. Model Number: 70.
3. Model Number: 73.
4. Model Number: 76.
5. Model Number: 80.
6. Model Number: 81.
7. Model Number: 101.
8. Model Number: 102.
9. Model Number: 103.
10. Model Number: 104.
11. Model Number: 175.
12. Model Number: 304.
13. Model Number: 1545.
14. Model Number: 1673.
15. Model Number: 1674.
16. Model Number: 1675.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following paragraphs if not required.
17. Interlocking Hooks: Model 23.
18. Interlocking Angle: Model 25.
E. Carpet Divider:
1. Model Number: 239.
2. Model Number: 522.
3. Model Number: 522W.
4. Model Number: 523.
5. Model Number: 622.
6. Model Number: 623.
7. Model Number: 643.
8. Model Number: 663.
9. Model Number: 1682.
10. Model Number: 1684.
11. Model Number: 1685.
F. Diamond Plate Bulkhead:
1. Model Number: 669 DP.
G. Rabbeted:
1. Model Number: 65.
2. Model Number: 265.
3. Model Number: 267.
4. Model Number: 525.
5. Model Number: 526.
6. Model Number: 560.
7. Model Number: 561.
8. Model Number: 563.
9. Model Number: 564.
10. Model Number: 565.
11. Model Number: 566.
12. Model Number: 568.
13. Model Number: 663.
14. Model Number: 729.
15. Model Number: 8729.
16. Model Number: 8730.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following paragraph if not required. To order, add - EBF after the threshold Model Number.
17. Extruded Bulb/Finger: Neoprene gasket with extra lip.
H. Ramp:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** If a combination of ramps is required, retain paragraphs below which, in combination, make up the entire ramp.
1. Model Number: 233.
2. Model Number: 234.
3. Model Number: 235.
4. Model Number: 236.
5. Model Number: 237.
6. Model Number: 238.
7. Model Number: 239.
8. Model Number: 2361.
I. Thermal Break: