Candace Skorupa Walton Page 7

Candace Skorupa Walton

Candace Skorupa Walton Page 7

Department of French Studies

Smith College

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Candace Skorupa Walton Page 7


Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, May 2000.

Fields of Concentration: nineteenth-century French novel and poetry;

language teaching and foreign language pedagogy; music (instrumental and opera), aesthetics, and culture of nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century France and Germany; literary theory and narratology; women’s education in France and England.

M.Phil., Comparative Literature, Yale University, 1995.

B.A., Comparative Literature, cum laude, Yale University, 1992.


“Music and Letters: Correspondances of Notes and Narrative from Berlioz to Proust”

The dissertation examines the narrative connections between nineteenth-century

music and literature, from the program symphonies of Berlioz and the musical

collaborations of Mallarmé and Debussy to the musical narratives of Proust.

Dissertation advisor: Professor Peter Brooks (Department of French and Department

of Comparative Literature).


Derek Bok Certificates of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard College,

Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001.

Yale College Prize Teaching Fellowship, for excellence in teaching French language

and literature, 1998-99.

Robert M. Leylan Dissertation Fellowship, Yale University, 1997-98.

Fulbright Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Lycée Saint-Exupéry, Lyon, France, 1992-93.

Bianca Maria Calabresi Prize for Best Senior Essay in Comparative Literature,

Yale College, May 1992. [Senior Essay: "Spiders and Seamstresses in

Emily Dickinson's Poetry: Weaving Pearly Web of Text."

A reading of Dickinson’s weaving metaphors using critical the lens

of Cixousian écriture féminine.

Steere Prize in Women's Studies, Honorable Mention for Senior Essay,

Yale College, May 1992.


Smith College, Lecturer, French Department, Fall 2002 – present.

Harvard University, Head Teaching Assistant, Department of Romance Languages

and Literatures, Fall 1999 – Spring 2002.

Yale University, Teaching Assistant, Fall 1995 – Spring 1999:

Department of French, Fall 1995 – Spring 1999.

Department of Comparative Literature, Spring 1996, Fall 1998, Spring 1999.

Department of English, Spring 1995, Spring 1996.


Synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC);

webcams and videoconferencing for the foreign language classroom.

Nineteenth-century French novel, poetry, music, and culture; interdisciplinary

courses on music and literature; Proust and Colette.

Foreign language pedagogy; French language and culture.

Teaching of writing in French and English.

Literary representations of women’s education.


Articles under review for publication

Article, “The Baudelairean Art of Musical Translation”

Article, “Cross-Cultural Connections: Webcams and Videoconferencing

in a Bilingual Cultural Exchange”

Chapter in book, “Challenges in Cross-Cultural Telecollaborative Exchanges,”

Computer-Mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Instruction, eds. Julie Belz

and Steven L. Thorne, 2005 Volume of the AAUSC (American Association of

University Supervisors and Coordinators and Directors of Language Programs),

State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005.

Articles and book projects in progress

Article in progress, “La petite phrase: Discovering the Semantic Potential of Verbal

Music in Vinteuil’s Sonata”

Article in progress, “Liquid Songs of Flights: Musical Ornithology in Proust”

Bookmanuscript in progress, Music and Letters: Correspondances of Notes

and Narrative from Berlioz to Proust

Essay in collection

“Berlioz’s Programme and Proust’s Sonate: Parallel Quests to Bridge the Gaps in

Musico-Literary Expression.” The Aesthetic Discourse of the Arts: Breaking

the Barriers. Vol. LXI of Analecta Husserliana. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 251-271.

Article in Proceedings

“Cross-Cultural Connections: Une salle de classe sans murs. Webcams et

visioconférences dans un projet d’échanges bilingues interculturels entre deux

groupes d’élèves: ENST, Paris et Smith College, USA (janvier à mai 2004),”

Proceedings from 32e Congrés UPLEGESS 2004, Union des Professeurs

de Langues des Grandes Écoles, De l’amont vers l’aval. La pédagogie

des langues dans les Grandes Écoles: rupture et continuité.

2,3, et 4 juin 2004 à Télécom Paris; 46, rue Barrault, 75013 Paris.

Other Professional Writing

Peer reviewer for two new textbooks in progress, Mise en scène: cinéma et lecture

and Mise en scène: langage en contexte, by Krueger, Weber, Virtue, Martin;

McGraw-Hill, June 2004.

Publicity for Teaching and Pedagogical Innovations

“Students Make Connections Across Cultures,” Hampshire Gazette, by Sara Placzek,

12 May 2004.

Interview with Candace S. Walton, WFCR (Five College Radio), local station of

National Public Radio, 30 April 2004.

“Cultural Exchange in Real Time: Speaking ‘Screen-to-Screen’ with

Parisian Students Helps Smith Students Discover Subtle Differences that Shape

French Culture,” Press Release, Office of College Relations, Smith College;

3 March 2004

“Remote Cultural Exchange Happens in Real Time,” Smith News, by Jessica Brophy,

Spring 2004, p.10.

“Living a Language: High-Tech Language Labs Inspire Innovative Teaching,”

by Jenny Hall, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, Spring 2004, p. 8.


Smith College (2002-present)

“Cross-Cultural Connections: Student Life in France and America” (FRN 250),

designed, coordinated, and taught advanced culture course featuring computer-mediated communication exchange (telecollaboration) with webcams, videoconferencing, and online forums to promote cultural understanding and oral expression, with partner school, l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications (ENST, Télécom-Paris), Paris, France; with Professor James Benenson, Département de langues et cultures, ENST.

Spring 2004, Fall 2004. Funded by Dean of Faculty Curricular Initiative Grant.

“A Reader’s Romance with Paris” (FRN 230), designed and taught advanced

introduction to literature and culture course, Spring 2003.

Elementary French (FRN 101-102), Fall 2002, Fall 2004, Spring 2005.

High Intermediate French (FRN 220), Fall 2002, Fall 2003,

Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005.

Harvard University (1999-2002)

“Beginning French” (French A), Harvard College, Fall 1999 - Spring 2002;

Course Head: Dr. Marlies Mueller.

“Comprehensive Intermediate French III: L’Etre humain et son univers” (French 25),

Harvard College, Fall 2001; Course Head: Dr. Marlies Mueller.

Head Instructor for French Teaching Practicum, Pedagogy course for new

instructors of French language in Department of Romance Languages and

Literatures, Harvard University, Fall 2000, Fall 2001.

Senior Theses Advisor, Nineteenth-century interdisciplinary topics, Department of

Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard College, 2000-2002; Directors:

Professors Janet Beizer and Virginie Greene (French), Professor Julie Buckler

(Slavic Languages and Literatures), and Professor Robert Levin (Music).

Junior Tutorial Advisor, Led independent study in nineteenth- and
early-twentieth-century topics, Department of Romance Languages and
Literatures, Harvard College, Spring 2001.

Intensive Beginning French (French S-Aab), Harvard Summer School, 2000;

Course Heads: Dr. Marlies Mueller and Dr. Patricia Chaput.

First-Year French Language, Harvard Extension School, Fall 1999;

Program Director: Raymond Comeau.

Language Tutoring Center, Individual instruction for all levels of French language and

literature, Harvard College, 1999-2000.

Yale University (1993-1999)

Senior Essay Advisor, Twentieth-century interdisciplinary topic, Literature Major,

Department of Comparative Literature, Yale College, Spring 1999.

“Narratives in Music and Literature” (Lit 210a), Designed and taught upper-level

undergraduate seminar on nineteenth- and twentieth-century works in original

language and in translation (according to students’ background),

Department of Comparative Literature, Yale College, Fall 1998.

“Introduction to Theory of Literature” (Lit 300b), Section Leader, Yale College,

Spring 1996; Course Head: Professor Michael Holquist.

“Intermediate and Advanced French” (French 130), 1996-1997, Spring 1999;

Course Head: Ruth Koizim.

“Elementary and Intermediate French” (French 115), Yale College, 1995-1996;

Course Head: Maria Kosinski.

“Daily Themes” (English 450b), Non-fiction prose writing course with daily writing

assignments, weekly lectures, and a weekly private tutorial,

Department of English, Yale College, Spring 1995, Spring 1996;

Course Head: Professor Linda Peterson.


[“Musique à programme, programme de musique: Narrative Innovations in Berlioz

and Baudelaire,” at MLA Session “Papier à musique: Musique sur papier,”

to be chaired by Rosemary Lloyd and Adrianna Paliyenko, MLA 2004,

Philadelphia, PA; 29 Dec 2004.]

[Invited participant, “CULTURA, Its Adoptions and Adaptations,” Workshop for

innovators in CMC using MIT’s Cultura model, to be held at Brown University,

Providence, RI; 29-31 Oct 2004.]

“Cross-Cultural Connections: Une salle de classe sans murs” (co-presented with

James Benenson, ingénieur d’études, École Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications (ENST)/ Télécom-Paris; Paris, France),

UPLEGESS 32e Congrès 2004 (Union des Professeurs des langues étrangères des grandes écoles), ENST, Paris, France; 2-4 June 2004.

“Liquid Songs of Flight: Musical Ornithology in Proust,” Twentieth-Century

Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY;

24-26 February 2004.

“Amorous Artists and Musical Narrative in Berlioz and Proust,”

Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference 2002; Ohio State University;

Columbus, Ohio; 24-26 October 2002.

Participant, “Foreign Language Collaborations and the Web,” hosted by Consortium for

Language Teaching, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;

11-13 October 2002.

“Listening to Wagner with Baudelaire,” invited speaker at Winthrop House Senior

Common Room, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 5 April 2002.

“Dis Donc!: New Frontiers of Teaching with an On-line ‘Talking Textbook,’ ”

Sine Nomine Group, University of Massachusetts at Boston, 2 March 2002.

“Amorous Artists and Musical Narrative in Berlioz and Proust,” Department of

Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 11 February 2002.

Pre-Concert Lecture on Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique, Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra,

Harvard University, 3 November 2000.

“How to Make Grammar Fun,” Seminar at Language Teaching Conference, Derek Bok

Center, Harvard University, January 2000.

“The Power of Music in George Sand’s Les maîtres sonneurs and Balzac’s Gambara,”

George Sand Conference, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA; April 1999.

“Berlioz's Programme and Proust's Sonate: Parallel Quests to Bridge the Gaps in

Musico-Literary Expression,” Second International Congress of the

International Society of Phenomenology, Aesthetics, and the Fine Arts,

“The Creative Impulse in Music and the Fine Arts: Expression and Form,”

Harvard University, May 1996.

“Literature and Music,” presented at “Literature and...,” faculty-student conference,

Dept. of Comparative Literature, Yale University, April 1996.

“The Heteroglossic World of Lucy Snowe in Villette,” presented in Bakhtin panel

at “Textual Boundaries,” graduate student conference at University of Kentucky,

Lexington, KY, November 1994.


Developer, Coordinator, and Director of “New Directions in Learning Languages and

Culture with Technology,” Foreign Language Pedagogy Conference to be

hosted by Smith Department of French, 9 April 2005. (Funding acquired

through Smith College Lecture Committee, Five College, Inc., and Smith

College Dean of Faculty Curricular Initiative Funds.)

Directed student assistant in research tasks for FRN 250, Spring 2004, Smith College.

Supervision of teaching assistants (from Sorbonne and Sciences-Po) for FRN 221,

Fall 2003.

Head Teaching Assistant, French A, Department of Romance Languages and

Literatures, Harvard College, 2000-2002; Course Head: Dr. Marlies Mueller.

Team-Teacher in Summer Intensive Course, French S-Aab, Harvard Summer School,

Summer 2000; Course Head: Dr. Patricia Chaput.


Smith College

Chair of Technology Committee, French Department, Fall 2003 – Spring 2005.

Creation and development of Web-based cultural exchange course (FRN 250)

using webcam conferencing and videoconferencing; CET initiative grant

awarded for purchase of webcams for installation of project, Fall 2003;

French Department, Smith College, Spring-Fall 2003.

Creator of Foreign Language Pedagogy Website for Smith College French Department

faculty and other foreign language departments, (to post recent articles of

interest in foreign language pedagogy, to compile grammar exercises of

common interest, and to share course syllabi); Smith College, Spring 2003.

Harvard University

Website course administrator for French A, 25, 35, 36, Foreign Cultures 22a/b,

Fall 2001 – Spring 2002, Harvard College. Developed course websites with

audio and digital files of audiovisual course materials, web-accessible handouts.

Assistant to author (Marlies Mueller) in implementing use of on-line French textbook,

Dis donc!, in Elementary French course, Fall 2001, Harvard College.

On-line sectioning administrator for French A, 25, 35. Fall 2001 – Spring 2002, Harvard College. Collaborated in development of on-line sectioning forms for facilitating student registration for introductory-level French courses, and successfully implemented its introduction and use.

Fully proficient on PC and Macintosh computers using Microsoft Office, HTML and website development.


Communication Technology: email, webcam conferencing, Internet Relay Chat.

Organization and Presentation Technology: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Information Search and Resource Management Technology: web, internet, electronic database, EndNote.

Audio and Video Technology: digital audio, streaming audio, MSN Messenger, AOL Messenger, NetMeeting, iChat, videoconferencing (Tandberg, Polycom).

Web-based Course Management Systems: Blackboard.

Creation and Manipulation Tools: HTML editors (Microsoft Front Page, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat), digitizing of audio and video files (Broadway Pro, Real Producer, Cool Edit 96, Audio Capture 2000).

Discipline-specific software programs and tutorials: Système-D 4.0, Le Correcteur.

Distance Learning Systems: interactive videoconference and webcam-conferencing.


Smith College (2002-present)

Developer, Coordinator, and Director of “New Directions in Learning Languages and

Culture with Technology,” foreign language pedagogy conference hosted by

Smith Department of French, 9 April 2005. (Funding acquired through Smith

College Lecture Committee, Five College, Inc., and Dean of Faculty Curricular

Initiative Funds.)

Technology Committee, appointed committee, Department of French Studies,

Smith College; Fall 2002 – present; Committee Chair, Fall 2003 – Spring 2005.

Creation of foreign language pedagogy library book collection to augment present

library holdings, Neilson Library, Smith College, 2002-2005.

Acquisition of foreign language textbooks for inauguration of departmental textbook

reference collection, 2003-04.

Development of publicity bulletin boards for French Department and archiving of

Paris and Genève photos taken by junior-year-abroad students JYA, 2003-2005.

Harvard University (1999-2002)

Member of Tutorial Board, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures,

Harvard University, 2000-2002.

Member of Senior Common Room, Winthrop House, Harvard University, 2000-2002.

Flutist, Dudley House Orchestra, Harvard University, 2000-2001.

Yale University (1993-1999)
Advisory Committee for “World Literatures” (Lit 141a/142b), Department of

Comparative Literature, Yale University, Spring 1999.

Student-Faculty Liaison Committee, Department of Comparative Literature, Yale

University, 1994-96, 1997-99.

Yale French Table, leader of weekly undergraduate conversation group, 1995-97, 1998.


Modern Language Association (MLA), 1992 – present.

American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), 2003 – present.

American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), March – present.


French: fluency in speaking, writing, and reading.

German: good speaking, writing, and very good reading ability.

Italian: good speaking, writing, and reading ability.

Latin: good reading ability.

Spanish: basic skills.


Professor Peter Brooks, Department of Comparative Literature and

Department of French, Yale University.

Professor Michael Holquist, Chairperson, Department of Comparative Literature,

Yale University.

Ruth Koizim, Senior Lecturer, Department of French, Yale University.

Maria Kozinski, Senior Lecturer, Department of French, Yale University.

Dr. Marlies Mueller, Senior Preceptor, Department of Romance Languages and

Literatures, Harvard University.

Professor Linda Peterson, Department of English, Yale University.

Professor Leon Plantinga, Department of Music, Yale University.

Professor Janie Vanpée, Department of French Studies, Smith College.


Complete dossier available from Yale University Dossier Service Office,

Hall of Graduate Studies, McDougal Center, Room 126

P.O. Box 208236, New Haven, CT 06520-8236.

Telephone: (203) 432-8850 Fax: (203) 432-8356
