New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
2012 Small Historic Preservation Grants
NMHPD’s mission is to identify, study, and protect New Mexico’s unique cultural resources, including its archaeological sites, architectural and engineering achievements, cultural landscapes and diverse heritage. Through the Small Historic Preservation Grant Program, NMHPD supports a variety of preservation projects statewide. Previously funded projects include the development of preservation plans; surveys of historic districts; the preparation of nominations to the State Register of Cultural Properties and the National Register of Historic Places; walking tours, workshops and other public events to promote historic preservation.
Funding Areas:
Projects in the following categories are eligible: National and State Register nominations, Conditions Assessments, Preservation Planning, Heritage Education, Architectural and Archaeological Surveys, and Public Outreach, including Heritage Preservation Month events.
In 2012, NMHPD will give consideration to projects that address the following but will accept other preservation oriented projects:
§ A project to develop and/or enhance local historic preservation ordinances.
§ Educational training in a specific technology found in the archaeological record and how to interpret that technology archaeologically in terms of human behavior.
§ Register nomination(s) to expand upon the cultural resources identified within the Religious Properties of New Mexico Multiple Property Nomination Form and to identify sacred places.
§ A statewide education and outreach activity to address heritage preservation and the 2012 Centennial within New Mexico communities, including Heritage Preservation Month events.
Please note that restoration, stabilization, and mitigation projects are not eligible.
Funding Availability:
Individual grant awards are estimated to be between $3,000 and $6,000. The grant period is from May 1, 2012 to August 1, 2013.
Funds available for the Small Historic Grant Program are contingent upon NMHPD’s annual National Park Service, Historic Preservation Fund federal appropriation.
Who should apply?
Applications for NMHPD Small Grant funding is open to the general public including individuals, historical and archaeological societies, preservation groups and local units of governments, with the exception of Certified Local Government (CLG) communities.
Grant Awards:
Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are encouraged to include matching funds from the sponsoring organization or individuals. No more than two (2) applications may be submitted by the same organization, individual, or community.
All awards will be paid on a reimbursable basis only. NMHPD will seek to ensure a reasonable distribution between urban and rural areas in the State.
To request an Application Form contact:
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
Attn: Shalie Gasper, Grants Coordinator
407 Galisteo Street, Suite 236
Santa Fe, N.M. 87501
Tel: 505.827.8494 Fax: 505.827.6338
Web site: