Practicum & Capstone Principal Handbook

Name: Click here to enter text. Cohort: Click here to enter text. Year: Click here to enter text.

Viterbo University - 2015-2017

Capstone & Practicum in Education Leadership

Capstone & Practicum Handbook Table of Contents

Selection I Pages 3-5

  • Selecting a Mentoring – Page 3
  • Forms Needed by end of Dec. 2015– Page 3
  • The Goals of the Practicum Are: - Page 4
  • The Benefits of the Practicum Experience – Page 4
  • The Process to Fulfill Practicum Expectations/Requirements – Page 4
  • Unique Possibilities – Page 5

Select II Appendices Pages – 4-42

Appendix A – Agreement Form – Page 6

Appendix B – Application Form – Page 7

Appendix C – Resume Form – Page 8

Appendix D – Prospectus - Practicum Activities – Pages 9-30

Appendix E – Sample Format – Log/Journal – Will be sent via e-mail upon request

Appendix F – Honorarium Form –Page 31

Appendix G – Spring 2016 – Mid –Semester Evaluation Form – Page 32

Appendix H – Spring 2016 – Final Practicum Evaluation Form – Page 33

Appendix J – Verification forms – page 36

Appendix k– Expectations for Principal Practicum /Capstone – Page 42

Introduction to Capstone & Practicum Experience

This Handbook is designed to give you directions on your practicum & capstone, the practical side of your aspiring principal preparation program and final project (capstone). The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires all candidates for an administrative license to complete a practicum. It is similar to your student teaching experience as preparation for your teaching license. The difference is that you will complete the practicum and continue your teaching responsibilities. The other part of the practicum is that we believe it is essential to start working with your mentor for longer than the final semester. Just as universities are now getting prospective teachers in schools/classrooms much sooner through clinical supervision, we believe it is critical that we get you working with the mentor (practicum supervisor /administrators) in your building/district as soon as possible. You are encouraged tobegin your practicum activities starting the 2nd course of your program.


There is a $150 stipend (Spring Semester 2016) attached to this course to cover the cost of your Viterbo Practicum instructor to travel to your school site (mileage) twice during this semester, and provide your building mentor with a $100 honorarium. This will be included with your tuition for this course EDUL 767.

1)Selecting a Mentor

Who would you like to work with over the course of the remaining semesters of this program? When making your decision, you need to choose someone who is:

  • a licensed principal.
  • truly interested in working with you in a collaborative manner.
  • willing to assist with the selection of practicum activities and provide some coaching advice, to begin with, to continue and upon completion of the activity/project.
  • willing to dialogue with you on any number of administrative topics that are critical to being a good principal.
  • willing and able to give you verbal and written feedback and then during the actual practicum course provide two written evaluations which are included in the appendix.
  • able to meet with your Viterbo University advisor to discuss your progress in the program.

2)Forms Needed –[ by the end of Dec. 2015]

The Agreement form – Appendix A

The Application – Appendix B

Mentors Resume – Appendix C or a recent resume of his/her own

Practicum Activity List – Appendix D

You must complete some activities at, at least two levels, i.e., if you are elementary teacher, then you need to complete some activities at the high school level and vice versa. If you are middle school teacher you can chose either an elementary school or a high school for your second level. The reason for this is that your principal’s license will be a Pk-12 principal license and therefore you need to have experiences at more than one level.

3)The Goals of the practicum are:

  • to complete an activity aligned to each of the WI Content Guidelines which will demonstrate your understanding
  • to align activities with the different semesters during the school year, previously the practicum activities were all done during the spring semester of the student’s last semester, the problem with this was that any number of activities could not be completed because of the timing of what happens when in a school
  • to develop the skills, dispositions & performances aligned to standards
  • to develop a working knowledge of a number of management activities; such as
  • a building budget
  • scheduling the students in a school
  • being familiar with building maintenance
  • being updated on the building safety/crisis plan

√ to keep your electronic portfolio up to date –follow the form suggested in appendix E

  • to summarize the activities and your reflection of them as part of your course portfolio – The score sheet for the practicum portfolio is contained in appendix I

4)The Benefits of the Practicum Experience

  • Benefits to mentees
  • Guidance and support during your progression through the program at the building level
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Encouragement to take risks to achieve the skills and disposition needed to meet initial principal levels
  • Opportunities to discuss professional issues with a veteran administrator
  • Promotes networking
  • Experience the actual duties of a building principal

5)Process to fulfill Practicum Expectations/Requirements

A)Fallof 2015 – prior to Jan. 30, 2016

  • First and foremost choose a mentor – using the guidelines in 1) Selecting a Mentor
  • Set up an hour meeting with your mentor:
  • Bring these forms to the meeting:
  • Prospectus form in Appendix D
  • Application for the practicum form Appendix B
  • Agreement for the practicum form Appendix A
  • Establish regular meeting times for the summer, fall and spring terms
  • Develop an electronic portfolio with your Application, Agreement, Mentor Resume and Prospectus which includes pages 10-26 of your handbook. Your prospectus is a plan as to the activities you are going to complete to fulfill the minimum 150 hours of activities required by the DPI.
  • The website of this electronic portfolio needs to be provided to your Viterbo program director. He/she will check over your portfolio paperwork and if it is appropriate, you will receive a letter of acceptance which needs to be included in your electronic portfolio.
  • Artifact (notes from activities) need to be included in your electronic portfolio as indicated in appendix E.

B)Discussion Questions for Mentor and Mentee

  • How can you support each other goals?
  • What mentor/mentee relationship is going to work for both of you?
  • The preparation of aspiring principals has shifted with the adoption of the ISLLC standards from management and administration to learning and school improvement. With that in mind how can you work together to implement strategies for improving teaching and learning including putting programs and improvement efforts into action; developing a vision and establishing clear goals; providing direction in achieving stated goals; encouraging others to contribute to goal achievement; and securing commitment to a course of action from individuals and groups.

Examples of Mentor/Mentee Practicum Agreement:

We commit to the following shared goals and processes:

  • To deliberately mange our relationship so that we both grow
  • To maintain open, honest, and consistent communication with one another.
  • To meet on a scheduled, bi-monthly basis for mentoring conversation based on the content of your assignment this semester and/or school
  • To meet on a quarterly basis to review the mentees goals and professional growth in a conscious effort to expand the mentee range of knowledge and experiences.

Mentee needs to keep up his/her electronic portfolio

  • Sample format is included in appendix E

Your job is to sit down with your mentor and agree on the activities that would be beneficial for you and the school. When this is agreed on it is a win-win. You would be learning something that would assist you in your course of study and it would assist the school.

6)Unique Possibilities

If there is some project that your school is involved in and can be aligned, please don’t hesitate to request a modification. If the project is a relatively significant in time, energy and effort and runs from the start of the year until the end this again could be a win-win.

  • Please write this up, with an indication of how the different standards are being met.

Appendix AViterbo University

Department of Educational Leadership

Practicum Site Agreement

At all sites, the student receives individual supervision from a qualified professional who (a) has a current principal's endorsement/license and (b) agrees to coordinate, manage, and/or administrate the student’s professional preparation activities at the site. This person is referred to as the Local Building Mentor (LBM). Individual Mentoring involves an average of one hour per week of one to one supervision between the student and the LBM, and is provided in addition to the student's practicum related activities as outlined in the practicum prospectus.

Student: Click here to enter text. Course: EDUC 767 Practicum in Educational Leadership

Email Address Click here to enter text. Phone# Click here to enter text.

Local Mentor (LM) Name: Click here to enter text. Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Phone# Click here to enter text. Name and Address of Mentoring Main Site: Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text. CityClick here to enter text. StateClick here to enter text. Zip Click here to enter text.

Authorization: Your signature below indicates authorization for the student identified above to participate in an educational leadership practicum at your site as well as your commitment to serve as the Local Building Mentor for that student.

Local Building Mentor Signature: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Student’s Signature: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Viterbo Advisor Signature: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

This form is to be completed, signed by you (the student), your mentor and your Viterbo supervisor.

This form should be scanned and included in your electronic portfolio.

Send to Scott Mihalovic:

Appendix B

Viterbo University

Department of Educational Leadership

Practicum Application Form

Complete this form and return it to the Director of the Program at Viterbo, make sure you keep a copy and share on with your mentor.

It then can be scanned and included in your electronic portfolio.

Student: Click here to enter text. Date Click here to enter a date.

Home Address: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

StreetCity State Zip

Phone: Click here to enter text. Home Click here to enter text. (Work)

Email Click here to enter text. Practicum Course Number and Abbreviation: EDUC 767

Please type or print the complete name(s) of the site(s) to which you want to apply for this practicum.

1. Site Name: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

City State Zip

2. Site Name: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

City State Zip

Appendix C

Viterbo University

Mentor Resume

Note: If a Mentor has a resume, a copy of such may substitute for this form.

This also needs to be included in your electronic portfolio.

Personal Data

Name Click here to enter text. Email Click here to enter text.

Title Click here to enter text. Phone Click here to enter text.

School Address______, ______

Education - College/University Click here to enter text. Grad. Year Click here to enter text. Degree Click here to enter text.

License Click here to enter text. Issuing State Click here to enter text. Expiration Click here to enter text.

License Click here to enter text. Issuing State Click here to enter text. Expiration Click here to enter text.


Position Click here to enter text. School Click here to enter text. Years Click here to enter text.

Position Click here to enter text. School Click here to enter text. Years Click here to enter text.

Appendix D

Practicum/Capstone Activity List & WI Content Guidelines for Principal Licensure

Name Click here to enter text. Mentor Click here to enter text. Date Click here to enter a date.

Below is list of activities under each of the WAS 2-7, (Standard 1 is integrated into the other standards). You and your local mentor are to select relevant activities under each standard that align to the WCG. You will be expected to complete an activity for each of the WCG by the end of your practicum course which you will register for during your last semester for the principal license (unless an exception is granted by the program Director).

You need to complete some activities at the elementary and high school or the middle school and either the high school or elementary level. The point is that, it is important to have experiences at, at least two levels because your license will be a PK-12 license.

Once you have agreed on the activities for each standard, and your local mentor has signed (initials) off, please scan and return this document along with the agreement form, the application and mentor resume to the Director at Viterbo University, these documents should be included in our electronic portfolio. Your electronic portfolio needs to be shared with your Viterbo advisor.

You should start these activities during the second semester of the program to ensure they are completed by the end of the program.

Wisconsin Administrative Standard (WAS) 1 (the teaching standards) is incorporated into the WCG’s. WAS 3 is the first standard with the Teaching Standards incorporated into it (you need one activity completed for the listing of teaching standards) .

Wisconsin Content Guidelines for Principals aligned with WAS.

WAS 2 – The Administrator leads by facilitating the development , articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the local community.

Covered in Courses EDUL 634, 635, 636, 640

Listed below are activities that can be completed to demonstrate your understanding of the WI Content Guidelines (WCG). The letter(s) at the end indicate the WCG that it is aligned to. / Indicate what Content Guideline this will align with / Local
Initials / Number
Approximate Hours for this Activity / Level – H.S., M.S.,
1. On committee to develop and/or review District &/or School Vision/Mission – A / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
2. Evaluate present Vision/Mission & Goals and propose a process to modify, if needed - A / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
3. Served on District &/or School Improvement committee – H & B / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
4. Served on District &/or School Data retreat team – H & D / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
5. Collected data and assisted with its analysis to see if benchmark goals were being met - C / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
6. Analyze Test Data to Improve Instruction – F* / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
7. Served a committee to plan and implement the new site plan - G / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
8. Met with school community to share data analysis aligned to the vision/mission – E / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
9. Assist with the development of assessment instruments to ascertain school attainment and/or growth toward goals/benchmarks – E / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
10. Principal for a Day (Note – can be broken up over several days) – A / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
11. Analyze Data on WISEdash website and share information with appropriate school community members – G,B / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
12. Completed course assignments aligned to guideline – indicate appropriate essential question & course A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
13. Other activities unique to your district ______A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

There will be a separate document entitled “Practicum Verification Form for Principals” that can be included in your file at Viterbo.

A Wisconsin principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following:

Content Guidelines for WAS 2 / Local Mentor Verification Signature indicating an activity was completed which demonstrate an understanding of the content guidelines.
  1. Use collaborative process for developing and implementing a vision for student learning
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Align the School’s Vision with the district and community at large.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Communicate and build support for vision with stakeholders.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Support the vision by creating a results-oriented focus to increasing student achievement.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Use data to inform the development, support and evaluation of a shared vision and mission.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Lead the process of setting and monitoring the goals based on the vision.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Lead the change process to increase student achievement.
/ Click here to enter text. /
  1. Construct and implement evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the school’s vision and progress toward goals
/ Click here to enter text. /

WAS 3: The administrator leads by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth