**Planners will be provided for all students**

**Each individual teacher may request additional items**

**Kindergarten supply list - NO book bags with wheels

1 1 inch 3 ring binder (plain cover preferred, no characters please)

1 book bag large enough to hold a binder; please label it with your child’s name. NO rolling backpacks allowed.

1 poly/plastic folder with 3 pre-punched holes (no prongs) and with 2 pockets (folder must have 3 holes so it can be

placed in binder rings. Paper folders rip and do not last.

2 boxes of 24 crayons (Crayola works the best – no larger boxes please)

12 glue sticks

1 box of tissues

1 bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer (the kind that does not require water)

1 package of colored dry-erase markers (Expo brand preferred)

1 pair of Fiskars scissors - rounded tip (Fiskars brand seems to work the best and are more comfortable for children)

1 box of snack-sized or 1 box of quart-sized or 1 box of gallon-sized (Ziplocor other brand of plastic bags

with a plastic slider at the top)

1 tub/pkg of baby wipes

1 plastic pencil box (5” x 8” preferred – not the real large or real small one)

1 70 page wide ruled spiral notebook

1 pack of (12) yellow #2 pencils – plain pencils (no designs/characters please)

A change of clothing to keep on hand (Shorts and pants for all types of weather), including underwear and socks to keep on hand if needed. Please put your child’s items in a gallon-size bag and label the bag with your child’s name.

**1st grade supply list - NO book bags with wheels

1 book bag NO WHEELS

1 pack of sharpened pencils1 old sock

10 glue sticks1 pack of colored pencils

2 black and white composition notebooks1 roll of paper towels

2 packs of 24 Crayola crayons1 pack of eraser tops

1 pair of scissors1 box of plastic Ziploc-type bags (any size)

1 box of Kleenex tissues1 container of baby wipes

1 pencil box1 bottle of hand sanitizer

1 pack of THIN Expo dry erase markers

2nd grade supply list - NO book bags with wheels

3 boxes of crayons (no bigger than 24 crayons each)

1 pair of scissors (Fiskars are more comfortable)

3 packs of #2 pencils

20 glue sticks (NO bottle glue)

2 two-pocket vinyl folders (NO prongs)

1 large eraser

2 large boxes of unscented tissues

1 book bag NO WHEELS

1 pack regular wide-ruled notebook paper

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

3 one-subject composition notebooks

2 packs of Dry Erase Markers (Expo brand is the best)

1 Clorox wipes or package of baby wipes

1 plastic pencil box

1 pack of pencil toppers (erasers)

Classroom needs: Ziploc-type bags (snack or sandwich size), pack of bright colored duplicating paper or cardstock paper. Do not send trapper keeper or 3-ring binder.


**Planners will be provided for all students**

**Each individual teacher may request additional items**

**3rd grade supply list – NO book bags with wheelsor trapper keepers/3-ring binders

Please send in brand names when specified. They tend to last longer and hold up better than the others.

2 packs of wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper1 pairFiskar scissors

2 packs of #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils1 box of 24 count crayons

4 glue sticks1 large pink eraser

1 regular pencil box (x-large boxes will not fit in desk, no bags)2 boxes of Kleenex tissues

2 plastic two-pocket (no prongs) folders for class work2 rolls of paper towels

2 packages of 4-5 Expo dry erase markers1 canister of Clorox wipes

Classroom needs: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, Ziploc-type bags (snack, pint, quart, or gallon size), a pack of bright colored duplicating paper teacher.

Please do not label supplies – they will be collected for use in the classroom

**4th grade supply list – No book bags with wheels allowed

1 pair of scissors 8 glue sticks

3 spiral notebooks5 folders with pockets and prongs

1 box crayons or colored pencils2 highlighters

Pencils2 boxes tissues

1 roll paper towels1 container wipes

3 packs wide-ruled notebook paper4 dry erase markers

1 bottle hand sanitizer1 zipper pencil pouch (No boxes please)

1 box Ziploc type bags (sandwich, quart or gallon size)

**5th grade supply list – Book bags with wheels allowed

2 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper

1 pair of scissors (Fiskars are best)

4 single subject spiral notebooks

5 glue sticks

1 pencil pouch or small box

1 ruler

1 small box colored pencils and markers (optional)

1 pen for checking papers

1 (2 inch) three-ring binder (No trapper keepers or large zipper binders)

4 two-pocket folders with prongs (plastic ones are best)

1 hard cover black and white marble composition book

1 package notebook dividers (at least 5)

1 small box of crayons

4 whiteboard (dry erase) thick-tip markers

1 clipboard


tissues and paper towels

hand sanitizer

Thank you for your assistance with these supplies.