
“Everyone needs good friends. Your circle of friends will greatly influence your thoughts and your behavior, just as you will theirs. When you share common values with your friends, you can strengthen and encourage each other.” ~ President Thomas S. Monson


1 - It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. Make a point to reconnect with old friends. Plan a reunion or outing with old friends just to catch up, act stupid, and be yourselves. While there, really reconnect and build your friendship.

Date Completed ______

2 - The only way to have a friend is to be one. For one month, forget yourself and just be a friend to others. Go out of your way to say hi to new people, introduce yourself to others, invite people to do things, and really try to be people’s friend rather than needing them to be yours. At the end of the month, write down the names of the new friends you made by just being friendly to others.

Date Completed ______

3 - Siblings can be your best friends.. Over the course of a week, call each of your siblings just to ask them about their lives. Ask then listen. Check in with them over the next few weeks to see how everything turned out. Begin a foundation of them being your best friends.

Date Completed ______

4 - Friends are best to turn to when you’re having a rough day. Friendships are strengthened when you go through things together. For one week, every time you’re having a rough time, reach out to a friend for strength and comfort. You’ll be amazed at who will reach back out to you because you’ve opened the door to that relationship.

Date Completed ______

5 - Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness. Every day for one week, choose a friend and surprise them with a little gift and note thanking them for their friendship.

Date Completed ______

6 - Foster friendships for your children. For two weeks, set aside time each day for your kids to play with others and build friendships through storytime, nursery, play dates, parties, etc.

Date Completed ______


Design and complete a large project that incorporates the goals above.

Project Details ______

Date Completed ______