Languages and Religions of Latin America Notes
•Spanish and Portuguese spread their languages and religions to the indigenous people they conquered.
•Over time the indigenous people replaced their native tongues with Spanish and Portuguese. They also replaced religious practices of idol worship and human sacrifice with the Catholic religion.
Latin America
•Central and South America and the CaribbeanIslands make up the region of Latin America
•The term “Latin America” was started in the 1800s to group the countries that spoke mostly languages based on the ancient Latin language of Spanish and Portuguese.
Languages today
•Spanish is the primary language of most of Latin America
•Portuguese is the official language of Brazil
•French, English, Dutch, and hundreds of native languages are still spoken
•Catholic priests and missionaries built missions in the newly conquered areas. Missions were church outposts where Indians learned the Spanish language and the Spanish way of life.
• The missionaries tried to convert the indigenous people to the Catholic religion.
•The priests also ministered to the new European settlers in the area.
•The Spanish and Portuguese military helped provide protection for the missions.
•Sometimes the indigenous people were forced to convert to Catholicism.
•Sometimes they mixed their traditional beliefs with beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Blending of Ethnic Groups
•Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans were the largest ethnic groups in Latin America
•Over time many people in these groups intermarried and developed their own unique cultures
•Some of the Native Americans were able to preserve their culture by moving into remote mountainous or jungle regions
•Mulattoes are people that are a mix of African and European heritage. There are numerous mulattoes today in Brazil, Panama, and the CaribbeanIslands.
•Mestizos make up the majority of the population of Venezuela today. Mestizos are people that have a mix of European and Native American heritage.
•The main religion today in Latin America is Roman Catholic. However many of the Native Americans and Africans have blended their own religions with the Roman Catholic religion to form unique practices.