Contract for Confirmation Preparation
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. (CCC1316)
During this 6 week concentrated Confirmation course, candidates will obtain instruction through presentations, group discussions, group activities and journal writing which will enable them, once they have been Confirmed, to fulfil their Baptismal promise more fully:
- By understanding what it means to be a disciple and witness to Christ by:
- Bearing witness to Christ in what he/she says. In other words, called to be heralds and prophets of Christ, announcing the Good news of his saving lover
- Bearing Witness to Christ in what he/she does. In other words, called to do acts of loving kindness to those in need.
- By understanding that they are called to serve by the way they:
- Live
- Love
- Pray
Role of the Holy Apostles Church, Pimlico.
Under the leadership of the Father Michael Jarmulowicz, acting Parish Priest, Holy Apostles is Responsible for the following:
- The safety of the Candidates on the premises of the Holy Apostles and wherever instruction is being undertaken:
- By ensuring that the parents/guardians of the Candidates have completed a signed consent form.
- By ensuring that parents/guardians of the Candidates have given the Course Co-ordinator (Canon Par Browne) contact details in case of emergency.
- By ensuring that parents/guardians of the Candidates have a comprehensive programme of the course including when the Candidates are off-site.
- By ensuring that everyone involved in the Confirmation instruction of the Candidates have been trained in Safeguarding and carry a current DBS Certificate.
- The Catechetical instruction of the Candidates
- By ensuring that all those involved in the instruction of the Candidates have received the appropriate training.
- By ensuring that the aim of the course is achieved as outlined in the introduction is achieved by the appropriate instruction.
Role of the Parents/Guardians
Parents/guardians of the Candidates have an important role to play:
- By ensuring that the Candidates attend weekly Mass both pre and post Confirmation.
- By ensuring that the Candidates, once they have agreed to undertake the course, attend all the sessions and arrive punctually. Candidates who miss session(s) may be asked to leave the course.
- By ensuring that they have the Course Co-ordinator’s (Father Michael Jarmulowicz, acting Parish Priest) contact details in case of emergency.
- By reading and understanding the pamphlet “Why be Confirmed” which explains the importance of Confirmation and what is expected of the Candidates once they have been confirmed.
Role of the Candidates
By agreeing to undertake this 6 week course, Candidates must:
- Read and fully understand the pamphlet “Why be Confirmed” which explains the importance of Confirmation and what is expected of them once they have been confirmed.
- Must attend all sessions and arrive punctually. Candidates who miss a session may be asked to leave the course depending on the circumstances.
- Already be attending weekly Mass and continue to do so once they have been Confirmed.
- Fully participate in their instruction i.e. in large and small group discussions, in group activities and in journal writing.
- Respect the views of their fellow Candidates during group discussions.
- Fully respect the feelings of their fellow Candidates during group discussions and group activities.
- Respect the catechists during instruction.
By agreeing to undertake this 6 week course, Candidates must not:
- Bring mobile phones or mobile communication devices to the sessions. Candidates do bring them to sessions will have them confiscated and their parents will be informed.
- Ridicule, harass, bully or demoralise any of their fellow Candidates.
By signing this document, you confirm you have understood and agree to the above.
Father Michael Jarmulowicz, Course Coordinator and acting Parish Priest / Parent/Guardian of Candidate / CandidateName (Print)
Date / Name (Print)
Date / Name (Print)