More programs, sans write-ups:


  • Each tzrif had to dress up a counselor as one element of ‘etzchayim’: dirt, photosynthesis, ruach, water, and sun and present them as a fashion show with fitting music
  • Each tzrif competed in challenges (anagrams, cookie on a string, memory game) to win “Booger Bucks” and then there was a Chinese auction using the booger bucks received.
  • Groups received a genre of Israeli music and had a choice between to songs to choreograph a dance to. We then had a discussion about Israeli music on the world stage
  • “Zehut/Identity” peulaterev. The chanichim walked into the moadon to find quotes, clothing, books and other objects, picked up the objects which spoke to them and gravitated towards the quotations which spoke to them and had a discussion about what “identity” means and what their identity is and how it is different at camp.
  • Stations of Israeli cities/locations: each station had a game or activity that thematically related to what the place in Israel is known for. Bersheva= army exercises because of the many tzahal bases, Tel Aviv=improve games because of the art scene of Tel Aviv, Yerushalayim=writing letters to soldiers because it is the spiritual heart of Israel, Kibbutz=trust games because of the communal principles
  • Country Club Ramah: Everyone dressed up preppy and chanichim sat around chadar tables and learned table manners and we then walked single file to the Beit Am Gadol for indoor mini golf which was so cool! We crowned one PGA tour winner and also had the chanichi bet on a horse race – the horses were madrichim. It was hysterical
  • Dynamic Duos medurah: We paired the chanichim and read the list during t’fillot. The chanichim had all day to dress as a dynamic duo with their pair. During the medurah they each came up for a picture and had a one line solo during a song. It was very cute!
  • Laila Tov Medurah: we taught Israeli lullabies, read bed time stories, and sang other songs.