St. Anthony Parish Council Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2016
Present:Fr. Matt Cushing Tom EwingBrian FischerMary Carol Heidrich Mary Ellen McDaniel Dan Pikar Blair Thompson Tina Thompson
Absent:Jim Scheper
Fr. Matt began the meeting with prayer.
Blair distributed last month’s meeting minutes submitted by Tina. The meeting minutes were reviewed. Motion was
made by Tomand seconded by Brian to approve the minutes. The motion was approved.
Blair discussed the three year terms for Parish Council positions and the expiration of each member’s term. (See back page)
Tom Ewing – Maintenance, School, and ACUE
Maintenance Report:Drain in the bottom lot needs to be repaired.
School Report: We had a successful Open House and a fun-filled Catholic Schools Week. Six new families visited. At least three or four are very interested, so that is a good start. I have reached out to them via email and some wanted to be added to our school newsletter. We continue to pray for the word to spread and hope that more interested individuals appear. We have Catholic Charities coming in to begin some programs with our kids and School House Symphony visits on the 29th. Thanks and keep praying.
ACUE Report: No report at this time.
Brian Fischer - Faith Formation – Men’s Group, RCIA, PREP, and various Faith Formation Groups
Men’s Group Report: Seven men attended that last Men’s Group.
-Catholic Men’s Conference is scheduled for 3/5/16.
PREP Report: Fr. Matt held a “Mass Class” in Church during the School Open House for the PREP children and anyone interested in learning more about the Mass.
RCIA Report: No report at this time.
Symbolon Series, held the first and third Wednesday of each month, is going well. Ten to twelve people attend regularly. The classes are held in the school starting at 7:00 p.m. and will end in the summer. There are ten sessions left. Fr. Matt reminded Parish Council that these are “stand alone” classes and those interested can participate in individual sessions. It was suggested that the topic of the next series be “Bible Time Line”. It was also suggested that Fr. Matt continue to announce these sessions at all Masses.
Jim Scheper – Recreation – Boosters and Foresters
Boosters Report: No report at this time
Foresters Report: No report at this time
Mary Carol Heidrich – Social Outreach – Madison Avenue Christian Church, Pro-Life Committee, St. Vincent DePaul,
and various Social Programs
-MACC served 90 people in January. Leftovers always get distributed to an organization. The next time St. Anthony services will be March 17th.
-Pro-Life Crosses were up on the January 16th and came down on the January 30th.
-The Living Rosary and Pot Luck Dinner welcoming the Guatemalan Community was held on January 16th.
-Regional Pro-Life Mass is at St. Anthony’s on February 23rd. Rosary at 6:30, Mass at 7:00 and a reception afterwards.
-Bags to Bed for Homeless is an ongoing ministry. This ministry is in need of individuals to volunteer to crochet the bags into beds. They meet the first Tuesday of each month in Fleming Hall at 7:00 p.m.
- The Prayer Blanket Ministry meets as blankets are needed. This is an ongoing ministry and all are welcome.
-Parish Council has decided it is important to hold a Ministry Fair in the very near future. It was discussed to possibly hold a Ministry Fairon Pentecost weekend, after each mass.
Dan Pikar – Finance
Report: St. Anthony has had a significant reduction in the Sunday collections and is concerned with the collection figures. Fr. Matt will put an announcement in the bulletin regarding his concerns.
Mary Ellen McDaniel – Evangelization
Report: The bookcase in the back of church holding the lending library books along with the pamphlets and other media is very orderly.
-A “Recommended Book” will be placed in a future bulletin. Dr. Scott Hahn’s book, Last Supper was suggested.
-Ladies Tea is scheduled for March 19th from 2-4:30; Mass at 5:00 to follow. The first meeting is scheduled for this Thursday.
-A “Homecoming” for inactive parishioners, past students, and anyone who has left St. Anthony Parish was discussed and possibly coordinating with the Festival to have a booth for this endeavor. Bulletin notices and articles in the Messenger were also discussed. Working with St. Anthony Alumni was also discussed.
New Business:
-Fr. Matt is very pleased to announce that Dave Schlachter has agreed to Chair the DPAA this year.
-Fr. Matt will chair the Festival as no one has volunteered as of yet.
The first Festival meeting will be held tomorrow at 7:00.
-The Guatemalan Community will hold a Festival on St. Anthony’s grounds on June 25th and September 10th. All are invited.
-Leah Giannattasio would like to start an Adult Choir for the Easter Masses. Fr. Matt will call former members to see if they may be interested.
Action Items:None at this time
Next Parish Council Meeting:March 14th.
Fr. Matt ended the meeting with prayer.
The meeting adjourned.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by TMIT
Term – Three (3)-Years:
MemberTerm Expires:
Mary Carol2018
Mary Ellen2018