Special Meeting
September 18, 2008
The Town of St. James met in special session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday September 18, 2008 in the conference room of the Town Hall.
Council Members Present: Councilors Jim Donnelly, Bruce Maxwell, Bob Morrow, Gary Tagtmeyer and Mayor Shelley Lesher.
Staff present: Town Clerk, Josann Campanello.
Others: Citizens, Sue & Paul Maguire and Taylor Ryan, Lisa Stites from The State Port Pilot, Walt Madsen, consultant for the town hall and community center projects as well as architects John Sawyer and Philip Humphrey.
Review of PreliminaryTown Hall design and other project issues: Walt Madsen, John Sawyer and Philip Humphrey reviewed the preliminary town hall and community center plans, as well as answering Council questions relative to these plans. It was noted that the Town Hall as well as the Community Center, will not be used for a shelter or an EmergencyCenter. Mayor Lesher will prepare a letter to the Developer regarding the easement needed to gain access to the Town property.
Discussion and Motion to Appoint Community Center Board: Mayor Lesher asked each council member to name the person they had asked to be on the Community Center Board. Walt Madsen will be the adviser to this board. The board will consist of the following members: Dave Anderson (Mayor Lesher); Sue Maguire (Bob Morrow); Robert “Doug” Voegtlin (Gary Tagtmeyer); Marlene Kastleman (Bruce Maxwell) and Jim Devine (Jim Donnelly). Mayor Lesher will send an e-mail to the board members congratulating them and suggesting that they contact Town Hall with available meeting dates for an initial meeting. A motion was made by Councilor Jim Donnelly to approve the appointment to this board. All were in favor.
Motion: Jim Donnelly
Vote: 5/0, motion carried
Five-Year Financial Plan Update/Town Hall and Community Center Finance Process - Jim Donnelly: Councilor Donnelly reviewed the property count for St. James as of August, 2008. Additionally, Councilor Donnelly reviewed the changes in the 5 Year Plan that have occurred since the August, 2008 Offsite Retreat. Regarding borrowing $4.8 million, the LGC requires a maximum of a 20 year loan with the same principle payment made annually over the 20 year term. The Department of Agriculture offers loans to communities for a variety of purposes. Jim Donnelly and Jeff Johnston, for the Investment Committee, will meet in the Regional office of the Department of Agriculture in Lumberton, today. Jim Donnelly Jeff Johnston and Walt Madsen will meet with the LGC next week.
Council Action – St. James Fire Department –
- Motion to Move Funds from the Fire Capital Reserve (Fund 41) to the General Fund (Fund 10)/Motion to Amend the Budget for FY 2008-2009: Deputy Clerk, Sylvia Butterworth, joined this meeting to present the six budget amendments for fiscal year 2008-2009. These amendments are necessary in order to prepare to fund the purchase of a new truck, pay off the ladder truck and move budgeted funds out of the walking path line item. Councilor Maxwell made a motion to approve all six amendments and all were in favor.
Motion: Bruce Maxwell
Vote: 5/0, motion approved
CapeFear Rural Planning Organization Update – Bruce Maxwell: The North Carolina Transportation Authority has established the NC Turnpike Authority to study implementation of toll roads in the state. The Cape Fear Skyway project is on hold until the I140 Bypass into Brunswick County is firmed up with respect to property acquisition, exact location and funding. The Long Beach Road extension project has a “let” date of 7/21/09. The 2nd bridge to OakIsland is on schedule for completion in 12/09. A feasibility study is in process for Midway Road to Rte 17 Bypass. Planning and design for Rte 211 four lane to Rte 87 is underfunded.
Discussion on Request to Expand Vegetative Debris Collection- Bruce Maxwell: Paul Maguire, POA President, has received up to 15 e-mails inquiring about extending the yard debris collection service to lot owners. Councilor Maxwell will meet with Paul Maguire and Jose Ponton to look at the overall needs in the community.
Entrance Improvement Project Update – Gary Tagtmeyer: The current proposal is to reduce the height of soil and landscaping on the bull nose for a distance of approximately 50 feet and hopefully be able to leave the curbing alone. The committee will get elevations to see if any curbing has to be “knocked down” as well as determine the amount of paving. At this time, there will not be a third lane. The timing for a potential third lane is dependent on the Developer’s possible changes to the entrance to the sales office. Anthony Law, from the DOT, will meet with the committee on October 16th in the Mayor’s office.
Review Contract with Holland Consultant Planners – The contract with Holland Consultants to work with the Planning Board in updating the County Core CAMA Land Use Plan is not to exceed $11,500 and requires a minimum of 7 meetings. On September 30th, there will be a meeting at 10:00 a.m. with Dale Holland, Mayor Lesher, Josann Campanello and Bernadette Baun. Bob Morrow will not be available for this meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Maxwell at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,Approved,
Josann A. Campanello, Town ClerkShelley Lesher, Mayor