Title of the Paper (Time New Roman - TNR 16 pt bold)
First A. Author1, Second B. Author2, Third C. Author1, … (TNR 12 pt Bold)
1 Association name, City, COUNTRY, E-mail: (TNR 11 pt)
2 Association name, City, COUNTRY, E-mail: (TNR 11 pt)
Abstract: The length of abstract maximally 8 lines, type of font TNR 10 pt, italic, left and right centered.
Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5 (max. 5 TNR 10 pt, italic, left)
1. Introduction (Title of chapter TNR 11 pt bold)
These are the guidelines how to prepare a paper for the proceedings of the 17th International Conference RaDMI-2017. They are written in the format that is being described. Please follow these instructions.
2. Technical requirements
It is possible to write the paper in English language only (Times New Roman – TNR 11 pt normal).
Allowed text editors: MS Word 2003 or higher.
The length of the paper is limited to 6 (six) pages, however, it must not exceed 10 (ten) pages.
For the paper to be published it is necessary to send: in paper form printed on the laser printer and on CD-ROM by regular mail or in electronic form by e-mail: or . Deadline for full paper submission is 20 August 2017.
Announcement about acceptance of the papers and final program will be sent to authors by 25 August 2017.
2.1. Format
Preferably use A4 (297x210 mm2) page (by ISO 216 and ISO 478) format with margins (mm): 25 top, bottom, left and right.
2.2. Tables
Each table is numbered and table captions are in TNR 11 pt, placed above the table, centered and have the following style.
Table 1: Table caption
Column 1 / Column 1 / Column 1Row 1 / Row 1 / Row 1
Row 2 / Row 2 / Row 2
Row 3 / Row 3 / Row 3
2.3. Figures
Figures should be numbered. Please do not insert figures into text boxes. Figure caption is in TNR 11 pt, placed below the figure, centered and has the following style:
Figure 1: Figure caption2.4. Equations
Equations are left justified 5 mm from left with equation number at the right margin in font TNR 11 pt Italic.
/ (1)Paper delivered after the deadline or in incorrect form, will not be published in the proceedings.
3. Conclusion
Write a short review about work and research done in paper and indicate paper highlights.
References should be indicated in the text using consecutive numbers in square brackets, e. g. [1]. In the bibliography (by ISO 690-1 and ISO 690-2) they should be cited including the title of the paper. Follow given examples below:
[1] Dašić, P.: 100.000 technical and ICT abbreviations and acronyms. Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia): SaTCIP Publisher Ltd., 2013. –1200 pp. ISBN 978-86-6075-001-5.
[2] Dašić, P.: Analysis of the journal impact factor in field of mechanical engineering. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference ²Research and Development in Mechanical Industry² (RaDMI-2011), Vol. 1; Sokobanja, Serbia; 15-18 September 2011. Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia): SaTCIP Publisher Ltd., 2011, pp. 62-70. ISBN 978-86-6075-027-5.
[3] Dašić, P.; Natsis, A. & Petropoulos, G.: Models of reliability for cutting tools: Examples in manufacturing and agricultural engineering. Strojniški vestnik / Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 2 (2008), pp. 122-130. ISSN 0039-2480.
[4] Dašić, P.; Franek, F.; Assenova, E. & Radovanović, M.: International standardization and organizations in the field of tribology. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 55, No. 6 (2003), pp. 287-291. ISSN 0036-8792. doi: 10.1108/00368790310496437.