CGS 1000
Computer Information Systems
CGS 1000 Computer Information Systems (3) (A.A.) This course surveys the computing field. The student is introduced to computer hardware, software, storage concepts, local area networks, data security, privacy issues, the copyright law, file management techniques, email, the Internet, and productivity software using an integrated software package.
At the successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the components of a typical computer systems.
2. Describe major categories of input devices used with computers.
3. Describe major categories of output devices used with computers.
4. Describe major categories of secondary storage devices used with computers.
5. Identify the major processing components of a computer.
6. Describe the hardware and software necessary to connect to the Internet .
7. Describe the four phases of activity in a computer-based information system: input, processing, output and storage.
8. Differentiate system and application software.
9. Describe the computer resources available on a typical local area network.
10. Explain how using a computer on a network differs from using a standalone computer.
11. List the advantages and disadvantages of using a local area network.
12. List the major causes for lost or inaccurate data.
13. Describe techniques to protect digital data and devices
14. Describe how computer technology affects personal privacy.
15. Differentiate between open source, shareware and public domain software.
16. Explain how the copyright law applies to computer software.
17. Define computer ethics
18. Employ file handling methods to save, copy, delete and rename files and directories.
19. Create, edit, format, save and print a word processing document.
20. Prepare headers and footers to a word processing document.
21. Spell check a word processing document.
22. Create, edit, format, save and print a spreadsheet.
23. Implement formulas and functions into a spreadsheet.
24. Create, edit, save and print charts created from spreadsheet data.
25. Describe relational database management system components
26. Implement simple queries based on a database table.
27. Create and use simple forms and reports based on database tables
28. Create electronic presentations.
29. Send, receive, retrieve and store email messages.
30. Perform research using the World Wide Web.
Date of Original Submission: 1/4/84 (COC 1110)
Date of Last Revision: 2/19/93 (CIS 1000), 4/16/96 (CGS 1000), 12/17/97, 10/14/14
Date of Last Review: 2/19/93, 4/16/96, 12/17/97, 10/14/14