School for Public Health Research
Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES)
Stage 1 Application FormAutumn 2015
This form should be completed by public health practitioners who want a local project or initiative to be considered by the NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) for inclusion in our Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES). The scheme now operates in collaborationwith Public Health England.
Applicants to PHPES can be working in any sector in England and details of the selection criteria and application process are provided in the Guidance for Applicants available on our websitePlease read the guidance document carefully before preparing your application as it sets out the criteria that will be used in our selection process.
The form asks for information about the project or initiative you want SPHR to evaluate. You should provide enough information to enable us to understand what your project or initiative is about, who it is aimed at and why you think it is likely to improve population health and reduce health inequalities. You should make it clear how your project or initiative meets the scheme’s criteria. We also want to know whether you used any evidence when you were designing the project/initiatives and, where the work is already underway, whether you are already collecting data on the impact.
We also need to know about the type of information you would like the evaluation to provide (for example whether your project/initiative is leading to improved quality of life for particular groups or a reduction in smoking). However, PLEASE DO NOT include information on how you think your project/initiative could be evaluated. If your application is shortlisted, a member of SPHR will talk to you about the design of the evaluation. As the applicantguidance explains it is particularly important that you speak to a SPHR member before you submit your application. Contact details are provided in the guidance. They will advise you on whether your project/initiative fits the scheme’s criteria, whether they would be able to support the evaluation should your application be shortlistedand, if it does meet the criteria, they will help you describe your project or initiative in a way that helps us to assess the scope for a robust evaluation.
The deadline for applications by email to midday on Friday 2nd October, 2015.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contactyour local SPHR member or Catherine Porter, SPHR School Manager at
SPHR\PHPES\Stage 1 Final Docs Sep 2015\PHPES Application Form NIHRSPHR PHE Sep2015FINAL
NIHR SPHR – Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES)
Stage 1 Application Form
Please DO NOT exceed 5 pages of A4 and DO NOT attach appendices
Job Title
Postal Address
Contact Tel No.
Email address
Website address
Title of project / initiative
(please specify start date and end date, if applicable)
Project Lead (if different from above)
Please provide a brief description of the project/initiative and the health and other outcomes you hope to achieve.
Describe the origins and development of the project/initiative, provide brief information about any evidence you have drawn on when designing it and/or the theory it is based on.
What target population is the project/initiative aimed at and what is the anticipated or actual ‘reach’? We need to know approximately how many people itis delivered to in a year to get a sense of the scale.
Has any evidence of the project’s/initiative’s effectiveness been gathered to-date? (please provide details)
Is the project/initiative being implemented elsewhere? If yes, please specify location(s) and outline details. If not, what scope is there for roll-out in other areas?
What impact do you think the project/initiative will have on health inequalities? What information would you like an evaluation to provide?
Please provide details of the funding arrangements for the project/initiative including whether funding is secured. You should give an estimate of the total costs with broad expenditure headings e.g. staff and non-staff costs.
It is normally expected that organisations will make a significant contribution in cash or kind to the evaluation in partnership with SPHR. For example, they might second a staff member part time to the evaluation team. Please outline what contribution you would be able to make to the evaluation, in terms of resources and / or funding.
You must have the support of an SPHR member before your application will be accepted for consideration. A representative from the relevant SPHR member must sign the form below to indicate that they have provided advice on the application and would be willing to evaluate your project should it be shortlisted.
SPHR member signature:
We confirm that [insert name of SPHR member] has advised on this application and are willing and able to undertake an evaluation of the project should it be shortlisted.
SPHR member: