/ Natural Resources Conservation Service
Michigan /
Prescribed Grazing Plan
Client Goals and Objectives
Resource Inventory
Acres available for grazing:
Locate and label landuse areas on map.
Existing pasture locations on map.
Barns and other permanent structures present: (also indicate on map)
Water supply type: (also indicate on map) / Animal Inventory:
Species: __
Number ______Weight___
Number ______Wt ______
Number ______Wt ______
Number ______Wt______
Number ______Wt ______
Surface water located on map. Detail any concerns:
Soils present and suitability for pasture
Soil: Suitable:
How will limitations be addressed? / Sensitive areas located on map.
How will sensitive areas be protected?
Forage Inventory:
Cool Season Grasses (list grasses):
Density: low medium high / Warm Season Grasses (list grasses):
Density: low medium high
Grass- Legume mix: (list grasses and legumes)
_____ % legume
Density: low medium high / Weeds present (list):
Average hay or pasture yield
County average
Producer documented average
Pasture stick or other measurement / ______tons/acre
Forage Animal Balance:
Use the Grazing Calculator spreadsheet or Conservation Sheet to calculate. Detail the forage availability and animal demand here.
Sacrifice paddock located on map.
Animals winter on pasture.
Winter paddocks are rotated yearly.
Winter paddocks will be soil sampled in the spring.
Damage to plant cover will be renovated in the following spring.
Planned pasture improvements:
Frost seeding / Soil test
Weed Control
Grazing Plan
Refer to the Prescribed Grazing Conservation Design Sheet for specifications.
Paddock Layout and Design:
Rotation- Rest Periods:
Contingency Plan:
Monitoring Plan: (attach key species grazing height table as needed)
Facilitating Practiceslocate and label on map.
Fence 382
Perimeter located on map. Feet needed:
Type of fence for species:
Exclusion fence needed to restrict access to streams, ponds or sensitive areas. Feet needed:
Interior paddock divisions: (not cost shared as fence, but as a use of the 528 incentive payment)
Portable/Temporary / Water facility 614
New (describe)
Existing facility to be used
Above ground
Heavy use area 561 (describe)
Animal trails and walkways 575 (describe) / Stream Crossing578 (describe)
Agreement to this prescribed grazing plan:
This is a Prescribed Grazing Plan developed by the landowner and the planner. This plan is a design component that meets or exceeds all criteria in the Prescribed Grazing 528 conservation practice standard. This plan is a record of decisions made by the landowner, hence this signature page.
This Prescribed Grazing Plan is dynamic and will require an annual review to assess progress toward meeting resource objectives, unless significant changes in the land base, herd size, or herd composition prompt a shorter update cycle.
By signing below I agree to the following:
When changes to the plan are needed NRCS will be consulted.
I will keep records and submit records when requested. I will refer to the attached job sheets. I will design, install, operate and maintain according to NRCS Standards and Specifications.
Signature of Landowner/Manager / Date
NRCS Signature / Date

Prescribed Grazing 528February 2009

Grazing and/or Browsing Plan1