Graduate Council Minutes
The University of Southern Mississippi
February 15, 2010
The Graduate Council met at 3:00 p.m. on February 15, 2010 in McCain Library, Room 203 with Dr. Ernest King, Chair of the Graduate Council, presiding.
The following voting members were present:, Dr. David Daves, Dr. Dan Drane, Dr. Sabine Heinhorst, Dr. Lawrence Hosman, Dr. Ernest King, Dr. Lisa Nored, Dr. Timothy Rehner, Dr. Shiao Wang, Dr. Ellen Weinauer, Dr. Mike Wittmann and Dr. Kathy Yadrick.
The following voting members were represented by proxies to constitute a quorum: Dr. Michael Miles for Dr. Chris Goertzen, Dr. Dan Drane for Dr. Bonnie Nicholson and Dr. Sam Bruton, Dr. Ellen Weinauer for Dr. Michael Neiberg, and Dr. Sabine Heinhorst for Dr. Mark Peterson.
The following non-voting members were present: Dr. Patricia Biesiot, Ms. Nancy Kaul, Mr. Greg Pierce, Dr. William Powell, and Dr. Susan Siltanen
The following guests were present: Ms. Tammy Adams, Dr. Marie Danforth, Dr. Jay Grimes, Dr. David Holley, Ms. Kathryn Lowery, Dr. Amy Miller, Ms. Dawn Porter, Ms. Desiree Rodriguez and Mr. Jerry Ross
1.0 Call to Order
Dr. King called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
2.0 Adoption of Agenda
Dr. King presented the agenda for approval with the addition of MKT 595, ACC 640 and ACC 660. Dr. Whittmann moved and Dr. Hosman seconded a motion to approve the agenda as modified. The motion passed.
3.0 Approval of Minutes
Dr. King presented the January 25, 2010 minutes for approval. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Rehner seconded a motion to approve the January 25, 2010 minutes. The motion passed.
4.0 Course and Program Proposals
4.1 College of Arts & Letters
4.1.1 Department of Anthropology & Sociology
Dr. King presented the request to add SOC 527. Dr. Drane moved and Dr. Hosman seconded a motion to table the addition of SOC 527. The motion passed. Council is requesting a 400 level syllabus and requesting more clarification from the Policies and Procedures Committee regarding classes that have a 400 level counterpart before consideration for approval.
Dr. King presented the request to add a Health Education emphasis to the dual masters in Anthropology and Community Health Sciences. Dr. Heinhorst moved and Dr. Daves seconded a motion to table the addition of the Health Education emphasis to the dual masters in Anthropology and Community Health Services. The motion passed. Council has requested to wait for consideration until the Community Health Science proposals are available.
4.1.2 Department of History
Dr. King presented the request to add HIS 508, HIS 523, HIS 538, and HIS 593. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Wang seconded a motion to consider the addition of these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Wang seconded a motion to table HIS 508, HIS 523, HIS 538 and HIS 593. The motion passed. Council is requesting more clarification from the Policies and Procedures Committee regarding classes that have a 400 level counterpart before consideration for approval.
4.1.3 School of Mass Communication and Journalism
Dr. King presented the request to add MCJ 501. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Drane seconded a motion to table MCJ 501. The motion passed. Council is requesting a 400 level syllabus and requesting more clarification from the Policies and Procedures Committee regarding classes that have a 400 level counterpart before consideration for approval.
4.1.4 School of Music
Dr. King presented the request to modify the Ph.D. in Music Education. Dr. Wang moved and Dr. Drane seconded a motion to table the modification of the Ph.D. in Music Education. The motion passed. Council is requesting that an online degree proposal be submitted since students would be able to take 50% or more of their classes online.
Dr. King presented the request to modify MED 538 and MED 624. Dr. Yadrick moved and Dr. Whittmann seconded a motion to consider modification of these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Yadrick moved and Dr. Whittmann seconded a motion to approve the modification of MED 538 and MED 624. The motion passed.
Dr. King presented the request to add MED 701, MED 702 and MED 745. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Miles seconded a motion to consider the addition of these courses a group. The motion passed. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Miles seconded a motion to approve the addition of MED 701, MED 702 and MED 745. The motion passed.
4.1.5 Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. King presented the request to add IDS 690. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Yadrick seconded a motion to approve IDS 690. The motion did not pass.
Dr. King presented the request to add NPS 692. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Yadrick seconded a motion to approve NPS 692. The motion did not pass.
4.1.6 Department of Philosophy and Religion
Dr. King presented the request to add a Religion emphasis to the MA in Philosophy. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Weinauer seconded to approve the addition of the Religion emphasis to the MA in Philosophy. The motion passed.
Dr. King presented the request to add REL 691, REL 697 and REL 698. Dr. Wang moved and Dr. Drane seconded a motion to consider the addition of these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Wang moved and Dr. Drane seconded a motion to approve the addition of REL 691, REL 697 and REL 698. The motion passed.
4.2 College of Business
4.2.1 Department of Marketing and Fashion Merchandising
Dr. King presented the request to modify MKT 595. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Whittmann seconded a motion to approve the modification of MKT 595. The motion passed.
4.2.2 School of Accountancy
Dr. King presented the request to modify ACC 640 and ACC 660. Dr. Whittmann moved and Dr. Hosman seconded a motion to consider the modification of these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Whittmann moved and Dr. Hosman seconded a motion to approve the modification of ACC 640 and ACC 660. The motion passed.
4.3 College of Education and Psychology
No new business.
4.4 College of Health
No new business.
4.5 College of Science and Technology
4.5.1 School of Construction
Dr. King presented the request to add an Architecture and Construction Visualization (ACV) emphasis area to the Ph.D. in Computational Science. Mr. Fletcher requested that this proposal be withdrawn.
Dr. King presented the request to add AEC 720 and AEC 792. Mr. Fletcher requested that these proposals be withdrawn.
4.5.2 Department of Coastal Sciences
Dr. King presented the request to add COA 730 and COA 730L. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Daves seconded a motion to consider the addition of these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Hosman moved and Dr. Daves seconded a motion to approve the addition of COA 730 and COA 730L. The motion passed.
5.0 Officers Report
5.1 Chair – Dr. Ernest King
No report.
5.2 Chair-Elect – Dr. Sharon Rouse
No report.
5.3 Corresponding Secretary – Dr. Susan Siltanen
No report.
5.4 Parliamentarian – Dr. Susan Siltanen
No report.
6.0 Standing Committee Reports
6.1 Bylaws Committee – Dr. Sam Bruton
No report.
6.2 Credentials Committee – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson
Dr. Nicholson submitted the Credentials report for February 2010 for approval. The report was approved. Please see attached.
6.3 Election Committee – Dr. Kathy Yadrick
No report.
6.4 Policies and Procedures Committee – Dr. Lisa Nored
Dr. Nored presented a report from the Policies and Procedures Committee of the items that they are working on. Please see attached.
6.5 Program Review Committee – Dr. Lawrence Hosman, Chair
No report.
7.0 Liaisons to University Committees
7.1 Assessment Committee- Dr. Sharon Rouse
No report.
7.2 Academic Technology Committee- Dr. Sharon Rouse
No report.
7.3 Strategic Planning Committee – Dr. Ernest King
No report.
7.4 Strategic Enrollment Planning Council- Dr. Sharon Rouse
No report.
7.5 Provost Council- Dr. Sharon Rouse or Dr. Ernest King
No report.
8.0 Ad-hoc Committees
8.1 No new business.
9.0 Unfinished Business
9.1 No new business.
10.0 New Business
10.1 No new business.
11.0 Announcements
11.1 No announcements.
12.0 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2010 at 3:00.
Greg Pierce, Recording Secretary Dr. Ernest King, Chair
February 15, 2010
College of Arts and Letters
Department of Anthropology & Sociology
Tabled: SOC 527 Sociology and Film.
Tabled: The addition of a Health Education emphasis to the dual master’s in Anthropology and Community Health Sciences.
Department of History
Table: HIS 508 African American History in Contemporary Film.
Table: HIS 523 Gay and Lesbian History.
Table: HIS 538 The Crusades.
Table: HIS 593 Ghanaian Studies.
School of Mass Communication & Journalism
Table: MCJ 501 International Multimedia and Storytelling.
School of Music
Table: The modification of the Ph.D. in Music Education.
Modify: MED 538 Seminar in Band Literature. Face to face format.
To: MED 538 Seminar in Band Literature. Face to face, and online delivery format.
Effective fall 2010.
Modify: MED 624 Practicum in Music Education. Face to face format.
To: MED 624 Practicum in Music Education. Face to
Face and online delivery format.
Effective fall 2010.
Add: MED 701 Quantitative Research in Music Education.
3 hours. Face to face and online delivery format. Effective fall 2010
Add: MED 702 Qualitative Research in Music Education.
3 hrs. Face to face and online delivery format. Effective fall 2010.
Add: MED 745 Music and Special Learners. 3 hrs.
Face to face and online delivery format.
Effective fall 2010.
Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
Not Approved: IDS 690 Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Not Approved: NPS 692 Special Problems in Non-Profit Studies.
Department of Philosophy & Religion
Add: A Religion emphasis to the MA in Philosophy. Effective fall 2011.
Add: REL 691 Research in Religion. 6hrs. Face to face format. Effective fall 2011.
Add: REL 697 Independent Study and Research. 3hrs.
Face to face format. Effective fall 2011.
Add: REL 698 Thesis. 1 to 6 hrs. Face to face format.
Effective fall 2011.
College of Business
Department of Marketing and Fashion Merchandising
Modify: MKT 595 International Marketing.
To: MKT 695 International Marketing. Effective fall 2010.
School of Accountancy
Modify: ACC 640 Contemporary Problems in Accounting.
To: ACC 640 International Accounting.
Effective fall 2010.
Modify: ACC 660 Controllership.
To: ACC 660 Fraud Accounting and Valuation.
Effective fall 2010.
College of Science & Technology
School of Construction
Withdrawn: Architecture and Construction Visualization (ACV) emphasis area to the Ph.D. in Computational Science.
Withdrawn: AEC 720 Info Interoperability, Object Oriented and Parametric Modeling.
Withdrawn: AEC 792 Special Problems in Architecture and Construction Visualization.
Department of Coastal Sciences
Add: COA 730 Oceans and Human Health. 3hrs.
Face to face and interactive video format.
Effective summer 2010.
Add: COA 730L Oceans and Human Health Laboratory. 1hr.
Face to face format. Effective summer 2010.
DATE: Feb 15, 2010TO: Graduate Council
FM: Graduate Credentials Committee
RE: Graduate Faculty Recommendations
Name / Department / Recommendation Status
Associate Level 1
Dearman, Francis I. / Educational Studies & Research / A1
Associate Level 2
Associate Level 3
Aiken, Eula (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Brewer, Joyce (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Calabrese, Anthony A. (3 Year Review) / Psychology / A3
Garbee, Deborah D. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Hartman, Sherry L. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Kim, Jeong-Ho (3 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / A3
Konkle-Parker, Deborah J. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Leach, Mark M. / Psychology / A3
Northington, Ladonna (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Pessoney, George F. (3 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / A3
Wilkerson, Robin R. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Wyatt, Sharon B. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Wysocki, Annette B. (3 Year Review) / Nursing / A3
Regular Level 1
Regular Level 2
Ahua, Emmanuel (5 Year Review) / Community Health Sciences / R2
Anderson-Lewis, Charkarra T. (5 Year Review) / Community Health Sciences / R2
Bomhold, Catharine A. (5 Year Review) / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Bossaller, Jenny S. / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Burgess, Anne S. / Child & Family Studies / R2
Carver, Vivien C. (5 Year Review) / Community Health Sciences / R2
Hall, Margaret J. (5 Year Review) / Medical Technology / R2
Hayes, Monica M. (5 Year Review) / Theatre & Dance / R2
Haynes, Dorothy E. (5 Year Review) / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Hinton, William J. (5 Year Review) / Child & Family Studies / R2
Hornor, William E. (5 Year Review) / Mathematics / R2
Hudson, M. Jane (5 Year Review) / Medical Technology / R2
Kolbo, Jerome R. (5 Year Review) / Social Work / R2
LaFleur, Elizabeth K. (5 Year Review) / Marketing & Fashion Merchandising / R2
Lux, Mary F. (5 Year Review) / Medical Technology / R2
Mann, Edward C. (5 Year Review) / Technology Education / R2
McGuire, James G. (5 Year Review) / Community Health Sciences / R2
Mitra, Amal K. (5 Year Review) / Community Health Sciences / R2
Norton, Melanie J. (5 Year Review) / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Perry, Harriet L. (5 Year Review) / Coastal Sciences / R2
Rackoff, Louis N. (5 Year Review) / Theatre & Dance / R2
Rehner, Timothy A. (5 Year Review) / Social Work / R2
Scurfield, Raymond M. (5 Year Review) / Social Work / R2
Welsh, Teresa S. (5 Year Review) / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Yu, Xinyu / Library & Information Sciences / R2
Regular Level 3
Agler, Lin-Miao L. (5 Year Review) / Psychology / R3
Alford, Mac H. (5 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / R3
Aten, Jamie D. (5 Year Review) / Psychology / R3
Beckett, David C. (5 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / R3
Berman, Mitchell E. (5 Year Review) / Psychology / R3
Biesiot, Patricia M. (5 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / R3
Butts, Mary J. (5 Year Review) / Nursing / R3
Contreras, Jose N. (5 Year Review) / Mathematics / R3
Conville, Richard L. (5 Year Review) / Speech Communication / R3
Coyne, Mary L. (5 Year Review) / Nursing / R3
Curry, Kenneth J. (5 Year Review) / Biological Sciences / R3
Dahlen, Eric R. (5 Year Review) / Psychology / R3