Boone County Fairgrounds
8791 Rte 76 (Fairgrounds Rd)
Belvidere, Illinois
Saturday April 18th
at 9 am
Crystals + Minerals Rough Rock
ArtiniteHalotaichiteLarge CalciteSnake Skin Agate
GoethiteBarite RosesSulfurMalachite
RutileRhodocrositeMicaSuccor Creek Jasper
Herkimer DiamondsDickite on QuartzFlouriteChunk Spectrolite
Garnet w AndraditeAragoniteAmethystMontana Moss Agate
BronchantiteMagnetiteDolomiteBaby Brazilian
ChalcopyriteMarcasiteSeleniteTurritella Agate
Barite on QuartzGalena LeadGypsumRiver Rock
SmithsoniteQuartz & PyriteCopperThomsonites
VanadiniteWavelliteMeteoriteSunstone – Mexico
Dogtooth CalciteRose Quartzand more!Apache Tears
Amazonite w Smokey QuartzDedritic Agate
Tumbling Mix
Machines and Miscellaneous:Lg. Assortment slabs
Jeweler’s SawHighland Park Diamond saw14”Measel Rock
Carbide BursLapidary JournalsLake Superior Agates
Jeweler’s Vice6’ Lighted Curio CabinetPlume Agate
Rock & Gem MagazinesArtifact BooksGeodes Dino bone
Preform cabsPlastic BoxesTripoliTurquoise Tigereye
Pen BasesBooksSolderThunder eggs Jade
Fossil BookRubber Maid TotesNickel SilverBiggs Canyon Picture
Wooden Display cases 19” x 12” (nice!)Plus More!Jasper ...and more!
China Berry SculpturesSand Dollars Antler Wild Life pins Horse Shoe Crab
Big selection of carvingsConcretions
Beautiful S.S. Jewelry Fish Fossil
Horse Shoe Crab OWNERS:18# Amonite
Nice selection slices ofA. Escobar B. Kubala
Biggs Canyon Picture JasperC. Heinze K. EbbeShells:
Polished Lake SuperiorsR. Trokan A. CrawfordBrain Coral
Two Walt Disney S.S. PinsSea Whips
Hishi materialShark Teeth
Indian ArtifactsCoral
Double Thunder Egg ½ polished 13#Abalone
Beautiful Shells
Next Auctions – June 20th, Sept 12th
Auctioneers Note: This will be a large auction. This is a partial listing, come check it out!
TERMS: Cash or Check with proper I.DNOT responsible for accidents or items after purchased. All items sold “as is”. Any questions call Gary at 815-871-9212
Dress warm, usually cold! Bring a chair and Flashlight!