Funding Application for It’s not OK Community Projects
It’s not OK is a social change campaign to end family violence in New Zealand. The campaign aims to change attitudes and behaviours that tolerate any kind of violence.
The campaign works in many different ways to deliver its three messages:
- Family violence is not OK
- Is it OK to ask for help
- It is OK to help.
This includes TV ads, research and evaluation, an 0800 information line, printed resources and merchandise, working with the news media, speakers who tell their personal stories and funding for community projects which share the Campaign’s aims.
Community Projects
We fund community projects which are designed to reach a particular group of people and propose effective ways to reach that audience. The project proposal needs to show how the target audience will, through the project’s activities:
- Understand more about family violence
- Talk more about it – break the silence
- Refuse to tolerate violence
- Know that change is possible
- Ask for help early
- Be willing and confident to offer help to whanau, friends, and neighbours
- See that everyone has a role to play in creating safe whanau and communities.
Campaign research shows that projects with these features have a high rate of success:
- strong coordination
- involvement of people outside the family violence sector
- support from local leaders and people of influence
- local champions
- adapting It’s not OK branding and messages for use locally.
For more information on successful community projects go to:
For tools to plan and evaluate your project go to:
What can you apply for?
We fund a wide range of projects, particularly ones that engage the following in family violence prevention:
- businesses and workplaces
- faith communities
- local government
- ethnic communities
- young people
- neighbours and towns
- sports clubs
- or that influence media and popular culture.
We generally give grants of up to $10,000.
We prioritise applications from groups and organisations who will work together on the project.
We can only give grants to legal entities such as registered charitable trusts or incorporated societies. If you are not a legal entity, you will need to find one that can receive and manage the grant. This entity will be the fundholder and legally responsible for accounting for the grant.
We don’t fund:
- services to individuals affected by family violence
- operational costs
- capital items such as computers, vehicles or equipment
- political advocacy
- activities or programmes outside NZ.
What happens to your application?
- Your application will be assessed by the Social Action Team
- We will give feedback and/or approve the application
- A contract will be sent to the fundholder for signing
- You will return the contract with an invoice
- The contract will include a provider return template so you can report on the project.
Please post to: It’s not OK Campaign, Ministry of Social Development, PO Box 1556, Wellington 6140
or email to:
Application Form
Name of contact person and designation
Organisation (please describe)
Other partners (who else is involved)
Phone number
Mobile number
1. / Define the problemExample: Too many young people in East Auckland have poor fitness and diet.
2. / Goal – what do you hope to achieve?Example: young people in East Auckland are fit, healthy and feel good about themselves
3. / Objectives – what are the objectives to achieving your project goal?Example: work with schools to establish a healthy packed lunch programme
4. / Audience – who needs to think or act differently?Example: parents
5. / Behaviour – what attitudes or behaviours do you want to change?Example: parents understand the value of a healthy lunch
6. / Actions – describe how your project will be deliveredExample: host a series of healthy lunch events in communitycentres for parents
7. / Collaborate – who can you work with?
Example: NZ Parents and Teachers Association, Diabetes Auckland etc.
8. / Evaluation – how will you know your project is making a difference?Example: how many more students are opting for physical education
9. / Funding Requested (GST exclusive)10. / Details of the project budget