Florida Emergency Nurses Association

State Council Agenda

Date: October 28, 2015
Location: Munroe Regional Medical Center
Ocala, Florida
Start: 10:00AM End 3:15 PM / Facilitator: Leona Stout-Demps
Recorder: Paula Davis
Officers: Leona Stout-Demps (President); Dennise Mathis (President-Elect); Paula Davis (Secretary); Elizabeth Bonner (Treasurer); Catherine Edmisten (Treasurer-Elect); Terri Repasky (Immediate Past-President)
Parliamentarian: Dottie Hindman Co-Parliamentarian: Larry Williams Board Liaison: Ellen “Ellie” Encapera(not present)
Members: Darleen Williams, Marlene Bacharach, Katrin Breault, Teresa Murphy, Jay Brosnan, Christine Townsend, Cathy Sakers, Penny Blake, Robin Powers, Jennifer Sweeney, Isabella Discepolo, Tammy Lamansingh, Pat Hogan, Janine Manigold, Hazel Griggs, Bethany Beard
Guest: Naxcie Merchant, Michael Rushing, Kevin Captain, Sue Brenton, Michelle Artman


FENA Executive Committee or Board – Officers and Parliamentarian / FENA State Council Board of Directors Meeting – Quarterly state meetings
FENA State Council Board of Directors – Officers, Committee Chairs/Co-chairs and Chapter Representatives / FENA State Council - All members of the state
Time / Items / Responsible / Notes
10:00AM / Call to order/Introductions/Recognitions/Celebrations
·  New attendees/Student Nurses/Other
·  Congratulations:
·  Thank you: State Captain; Charles Davis letter; … / Leona Demps / ·  Quorum verified at 1008 by Dottie Hindman
·  Leona Demps thanked for her service as FENA President 2014-2016 and was presented a gift for her service as President. Leona recognized her officers and committee chairs for their teamwork during her role as President.
·  Thank you to Charles Davis for donation of I watch for FENA fundraising opportunity.
Verification of Quorum / Dottie Hindman / ·  Minutes presented with amendments made. Motion to approve Bethany Beard; second by Darleen Williams; motion passed.
·  Parliamentarian report has no new updates. All policy and procedures have been reviewed for current status. FENA documents will be scanned into ICloud for permanent record keeping.
Chapter Reports to Secretary (online or in person) / Leona Demps
Approval of Meeting Minutes / Paula Davis
Parliamentarian Report
Treasurer’s Report:
·  Current budget report
·  Treasurers: End of year (2015) chapter financial report; Prepare 2016 annual budget; Signatory on all chapter accounts (3) / Elizabeth Bonner / ·  Treasurer’s report presented by Elizabeth Bonner accepted as presented. Chapter financial reports need to be sent to FENA secretary by January 30, 2016. Anyone needing a1099 needs to send information to Elizabeth by December 31, 2015.
Fundraising Activity / Cathy Sakers Rachelle Zahniser / ·  Cathy Sakers presented items for donations opportunities. The donation winner was Katrin Breault. Donations were $160 to fundraising.
FENA Officer Election
·  Open positions Announcement: President-Elect & Treasurer-Elect
President-Elect: Ann Blevins, Bethany Beard
Treasurer: Isabella Discepolo / Terri Repasky / ·  Candidates for officers for President Elect and Treasurer Elect presented by Terri Repasky. Motion made to close nominations by Cathy Sakers and second by Penny Blake; motion passed.
·  Officer elections for 2016-2018 terms held.
·  Anne Blevins elected FENA President Elect for 2016-2018.
·  Catherine Edmisten confirmed as 2016-2018 FENA treasurer.
·  Isabella Discepolo elected FENA Treasurer Elect for 2016-2018. Motion made to destroy ballots by Darleen Williams; second by Robin Powers; motion passed.
Awards & Scholarship Awardees 2015 / Marlene Bachrach / ·  Awards and scholarships presented by Marlene
·  Bachrach. Discussion to make awards more visible on FENA website home page. Marlene will send letter to Chapter Presidents as reminder for chapter members to apply for scholarships for 2016.
·  Awards for Academic Scholarship presented to Robin Powers. Awards for FENA Scientific Assembly Scholarship presented to Hazel Griggs, Terri Repasky, and Marlene Bachrach.
Website Updates
·  Tabs
·  Event Calendar
·  Links / Cathy Edmisten / ·  Cathy Edmisten updated on FENA website. Will work to add Government Affairs and Awards on home page. Anyone can send pictures for FENA website to Cathy and she will post.
General Assembly & ENA Conference Wrap-Up
·  Pins
·  Luggage Tags
·  Flo-Flamingo Bird Naps / Dottie Hindman
Terri Repasky
Leona Demps / ·  Thank you to Florida from national ENA for great conference. Many thanks from Leona to all FENA members who helped make conference in Orlando a success. The Flo Bird Napping event at General Assembly raised $325 that FENA donated to the ENA Foundation. Her sisters have gone to New York, New Jersey, California and Australia and will reunite next year in Los Angeles.
State Pin and Luggage Tag Discussion / Leona Demps / ·  FENA luggage tags were left over and will bring to January 2016 to give out to members.
·  ENA conference pins: have 1172 left over so will give to each of Florida chapters to let them either give to members or use as fundraising opportunities for chapters. Motion made by Penny Blake to distribute the pins to chapters and each chapter decide on how to use pins. Second made by. Motion passed. Motion by Cathy Edmisten that each chapter will receive 54% of their chapter’s membership as number of pins each chapter will receive. Second by Penny Blake; motion passed.
·  New FENA state council proof of pin presented and also could use artwork to make new logos on new delegate shirts. Will table further discussion on this until January 2016 meeting.
1 HR / Lunch & Learn> / Archena Dabney / Genetech
FENA Strategic Plan 2013-2015
·  FCEP Affiliation
o  Newsletter contribution
o  Education
·  Culture of Learning
o  FENA Chapter Leaders Orientation Program
o  Education/Symposium by the Sea
o  ClinCon Conference
·  Safe Practice/Safe Care
o  Work Place Violence
o  Support Legislation to Promote Safe Nursing Practice
·  ENA Annual EN Conference Hosting State 2015
·  Promote Awareness of ENA to the Public and Schools of Nursing / ·  Reviewed strategic plan
Committee Chairs & Co-Chairs Positions
·  Reporting form / 2015 goals Wrap up / Leona Demps
Government Affairs Report / Penny
Tammy / ·  2016 Florida legislation updates posted on FENA Facebook website. Several bills already filed and some have started through committees. See Government Affairs Report for complete information.
·  Emergency Medicine Days January 18-20,2016 in Tallahassee
·  ENA Day on the Hill May 10-11,2016
·  California governor vetoed bill for felony for assaulting healthcare worker even though widely supported.
·  Tammy Lalmansingh continues work learning as assistant chair.
TNCC / ENPC Report/Discussion / Robin Powers/
Cindy Garlesky / ·  Robin Powers presented TNCC discussion about classes held in Florida. Some course directors not reporting classes to her. She is working on policy/procedure for TNCC Florida state committee chairs and will present at later date.
·  No report for ENPC
Committee Reports (10-15 minutes per committee)
·  Awards and Scholarships
·  Advanced Practice
·  Certification
·  Communications/Informatics
·  Emergency Preparedness/ Disaster Management
·  Education
·  EMS Advisory Council
·  Fundraising
·  General Assembly/Nominating
·  Injury Prevention/IQSIP
·  Membership / Committee Chairs / ·  Awards and Scholarships – see above report
·  Advanced Practice- Darleen Williams reported she has been elected to ENA Advanced Practice Committee and they have already had one meeting. Lot of Florida legislation will be introduced for 2016 legislative session regarding advanced practice nurses.
·  Certification – no report
·  Communications/Informatics-see report
Open Discussion/Round Table:
·  State Award Application
·  FENA Strategic Planning 2016
Upcoming Events 2015:
·  Deadline for 2016 state council and chapter officers to be entered in the state/chapter online management area / October 31 / Group
2016 FENA State Council Meetings Dates:
·  January
·  April
·  July
·  October
2016 Dates to Remember / ·  January 22 (TBA) – Daytona Beach
·  April- TBD
·  July 11-`14 with Clincon – Orlando
·  October – TBA
·  February 19-20 State leaders Orientation and Advocacy Meeting – Las Vegas
·  July 11-14 Clincon – Orlando
·  August 3-7 Symposium by the Sea - Naples
·  September 13-17 ENA Annual Meeting – Los Angeles
4PM / Adjournment / Motion to adjourn made by Terri Repasky; second by Penny Blake. Motion passed meeting adjourned at 1315.
2015 Committee / Position / Chairperson / Co-Chair / Board Liaison
Press Secretary / Bethany Beard / NA / Leona Stout-Demps
Awards/Scholarships / Marlene Bachrach / Tricia McCarthy / Leona Stout-Demps
Advanced Practice / Paula Davis / Darleen Williams / Paula Davis
Certification / Katrin Breault / Teresa Murphy / Paula Davis
Communications/Informatics / Michael Bonn / Catherine Edmisten / Dennise Mathis
Emergency Preparedness / Jay Brosnan / NA / Leona Stout-Demps
Education / Ann Brown / Christine Townsend / Terri Repasky
Fundraising / Rachelle Zahniser / Cathy Sakers / Elizabeth Bonner
State Captains / Dottie Hindman / Terri Repasky / Leona Stout-Demps
Government Affairs / Penny Blake / Tammy Lalmansingh / Dennise Mathis
IQSIP/Injury Prevention / Cathy O’Neil / NA / Elizabeth Bonner
2015 EN Conference Planning Work Group / Bonnie McIntosh / Grace Green / Leona Stout-Demps
Membership / Elizabeth Blevins / NA / Elizabeth Bonner
Pediatrics/ ENPC / Cindy Garlesky / Robin Powers / Dennise Mathis
Trauma/TNCC / Robin Powers / Cindy Garlesky / Terri Repasky
Nominations/Elections / Terri Repasky / NA
EMS Advisory Council / Pattie Stadler / Terri Repasky

Thank you for all you do on behalf of ENA, FENA and your Local Chapter

FENA Executive Committee & Officers