
SOS Workshop

Presented by Guy Inaba - 2008.02

Secrets Of Success Home Page - http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/SOS


u Why Time Management?

u Purpose

u Time Management (5 Steps)

n Goal Setting

n Tracking Your Time

n Planning

n Taking Action

n Evaluation and Adjusting

u Summary/Q&A

Why Time Management?


Purpose of this workshop

u Better Management of time


u Strategies


u Learn to Manage Yourself (Life Management)

Time Management (5 Steps)

1) Goal Setting

u Goals and Priorities can change throughout life

u Have a balance of Academics and Personal

u SMART Guidelines for Goals

n S = ______

n M = ______

n A = ______

n R = ______

n T = ______

u Divide Goals into Time Frames

n Short term or Immediate Goals

n Medium term Goals

n Long term Life Goals

Exercise #1: Write down a list of Goals and divide them into time frames.

Short Term Goals or Immediate Goals






Medium Term Goals




Long Term Goals or Life Goals




u Sub-divide Goals into manageable pieces

n Easier to deal with smaller tasks

n Easier to track and reward

n Doesn't seem so overwhelming

n Reduces Procrastination
2) Tracking Your Time

u What is the purpose of tracking your time?

n Discovering how actually spend my time

n Seeing if I'm using my time efficiently

n Gives me a base line to create a better time management plan

u Time Tracking

n Log down things that you have already done

n how much time did each task take?

u Suggestions

n Hourly Log

n Log down after you complete a task

n Log down at the end of the day

u Tracking your time is usually over a given week. Use a weekly time chart

Activity / S / M / T / W / T / F / S / Totals
Personal Care
TOTALS / 24 / 24 / 24 / 24 / 24 / 24 / 24 / 168

u Weekly Chart - Tips

n Round off to the nearest 15 minutes

n Keep descriptions simple

n Try not to cheat or embellish

n Add up your time in the various areas of your life

n Determine where you spend too much or too little time.

n Make changes based on what your goals are.

u Exercise #2: What did you do yesterday?

n Create a short list of the things that you did & how much time it took

Activity / Time
Personal Care
TOTAL / 24

u Time Bandits/Thieves: People who or things that “steal your time”




u Steven Covey: Time Management Matrix

3) Planning

u Each Person is unique

u Use what works for you

u Keep It Super Simple (KISS) Method

u Planning Tools

n Monthly or Term Calendar

n Weekly Planner

n To Do” Lists (Plan the night before)

n Electronic devices

n Web/Online

u Chart - Tips

n Round off to the nearest 15 minutes

n Keep descriptions simple

n Use different colors for different kinds of events

n Use arrows to define range

u Charting things that are beyond your control

u Then things that you have some control over

n Need to Do

n Want to Do

u Plan for 30 – 50% more time for each task

u Try to leave some “Breathing Room”

u Reduces overall stress

u How much time do you have in a week? ______hours.

n _____ / _____ / _____

u Sleep (56 hours)

u School (56 hours)

n Full-Time = 12 hours

n For every class credit = Study 2-3 hours

n 12 credit = about 36-48 hours/week

n Plan for review time before and after class

n Include travel and hang time = 56 hours

n Check your Finals Schedule yet?

n Get to know your KCC and System resources

n Study difficult or boring subjects first

n Be aware of your best time of day

n Start early as possible - Don't plan from the end date.

n Work Smarter - not harder

u Leisure - everything else in Life (56 hours)

u Time is Money?

u Everyone needs to eat 3 meals a day

n ______is most important

n Try to stay away from fast foods

u Personal Care

n Nutrition and Health

n Hygiene

u Work: Include travel time

u Travel: Commuting and Parking

n Listen to recorded lectures

n Review notes on the Bus

n Try to remember 1 thing or concept

u Family and Friends (especially relationships)

n Communication is very important

u Environmental Maintenance

u 14 hours of personal time per week

u Exercise #3: What are you going to do tomorrow?

Make a simple To Do List

To Do List
4) Taking Action

u Now is the time to put your plan in motion

u There is no “Ideal Plan”

n don’t be discouraged if the times you allot are not perfect.

n some things will take longer to do

n others will take less time

u Things we…

n Love to do = Usually we over estimate the time needed

n Hate to do = Usually we under estimate the time needed

u 15 minutes can make a big difference

u Exercise #4: Think of 3 things that you can do in 15 minutes.

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______


n 40% of students experience this problem

n Marathon Sessions near Academic Deadlines

n Unable to utilize the study aids and support

u Causes of Procrastination

n Lack of clear goals

n Task looking too big?

n Underestimating the difficulty of the tasks

n Underestimating the time needed

n Unclear standards for the outcomes

u More causes of Procrastination

n Waiting for the right Mood or right Time

n Related to fear of failing?

n Perfectionism

n Is this a runaway from stress?

n Bottom Line – Just lazy?

u Getting Started TIP:

n Sub-divide tasks into manageable pieces

u Motivation

n Try working a short time to “get into it”

n If still no motivation, you must be motivated to do something else.

n Sometimes you just need go do the other thing and get it over with instead of trying to decide to do it or not.

n Reward is a very important Motivator.

5) Evaluation and Time Adjustment

u Once you have completed your plan

n Evaluate how closely you were able to follow your plan

n Did you take care of the high priority things?

n Reflect back on any problem areas

n Ask yourself what when right or wrong

u Control

n some things are under your control

n many others are beyond your control

u Predictability

n some things are predictable

n other things are not predictable

u Any adjustments needed?

n All plans should be flexible

n You should be flexible also

u Each time you evaluate and make the proper adjustments your planning gets better and more efficient.

u Estimation of time is the #1 skill to master in time management


u Why do we all need time management?

u The Time Management (5 Steps)

n Set your Goals based on your Priorities

n Tracking Your Time

n Planning - Create a plan to reach your goals

n Take Action - put your plan in motion

n Evaluate and Adjust your plan, be flexible and open minded


Please fill out the evaluation and leave them on the front table.

Thank you for coming!