[#======Child Injury Prevention: Campaign Awareness ======]
>cip_1< [start timer] [store <1> in st_cip]
[if age0_6 ge <1>][store <1> in cip_1][goto cip_2][endif]
[define <d<8>][define <r<9>]
How often do you have children under the age of seven[fill in age range depending on health unit. For TPH, use “children between 5 to 9 years of age”] in your home: would you say always, often, sometimes, rarely or never?
1 always
2 often
3 sometimes
4 rarely
5 never
d don't know r refused
[@] <1-5,d,r>
[if HEALTH_UNIT eq <11>]
Have you heard or read about "How Hot is Your Tap WaterKids are unpredictable. Injuries don’t have to be", a campaign
to prevent childhood injury?
1 yes
5 no
d don't know r refused
[@] <1>
<5,d,r>[goto exit_cip]
>cip_3< [open cip_3][default answer <0> all]
[if HEALTH_UNIT eq <11>]
How did you hear or read about "Kids are unpredictable. Injuries don’t have to beHow Hot is Your Tap Water"?
Interviewer: DO NOT READ list, enter 1 to all that apply, probe once with:
"Are there any others?"
@1 Bus Shelters / Transit Ads
@2 Community Location (OEYC, Parent Resource Centre, Library,
Retailer / Store)
@3 Day Cares / Schools
@4 Friend / Family / Colleagues at Work
@5 Health Professional
@6 Mass Media (Newspaper / Radio / TV / Magazines)
@7 Print Material (Pamphlet /Colouring Book /Newsletter /Flyers, etc.)
@8 Poster/Displays
@9 On-line / Internet / web site
@10 Other, please specify
d don't know r refused
[@1] <0,1> <d,r>[@2] <0,1>[@3] <0,1>[@4] <0,1>[@5] <0,1>[@6] <0,1>[@7] <0,1>[@8] <0,1>
[@9] <0,1>[@10] <0> <1> [specify]
[r] Was this child injury prevention information very helpful, somewhat helpful [n]
[r] or not helpful to you?
1 very helpful
3 somewhat helpful
5 not helpful
d don't know r refused
[@] <1,3>
<5,d,r> [goto exit_cip]
Have you used the information you learned in this campaign to protect
children from injury in your home?
1 yes
5 no
d don't know r refused
[@] <1>
<5,d,r> [goto exit_cip]
>cip_6< [open cip_6][default answer <0> all]
[r] How have you used this information in your home to protect children from
[r] injury?
Interviewer: DO NOT READ list, enter 1 to all that apply.
@1 Supervised child(ren) more, watched child(ren) more carefully, etc.
@2 Made Changes in My Home ("child proofed", "turned down hot water heater",
installed gates, electrical outlet covers, locks, latches etc.)
@3 Changed How I Do Things (use back burners, spill-proof mugs)
@4 Sought Out More Information (called the number given, contacted an agency
service, went on-line, talked to someone)
@5 Chose Safer Products (non-toxic cleaners, developmentally appropriate toys)
@6 Taught My Child About Potential Dangers (traffic, fire drills)
@7 Told Others About the Information
@8 Other, please specify
d don't know r refused
[@1] <0,1> <d,r>[goto exit_cip][@2] <0,1>[@3] <0,1>[@4] <0,1>[@5] <0,1>[@6] <0,1>
[@7] <0,1>[@8] <0>Campaign <1> [specify]