Veterans Health Benefits Seminar

Middleburg Heights, Ohio

May 11, 2006

I.  8:30-9:10 Check-in, Registration and Coffee/Donuts

II.  9:10 Pledge of Allegiance

III.  9:15 Opening remarks

A.  Executive Director VNAF

B.  Introduction of Speakers

C.  Introduction of Congressional Staff Members

IV.  9:30 Richard O’Donnell – Vet Centers

A.  Definition and Origin

B.  Programs

1.  PTSD

2.  Substance Abuse

3.  Bereavement

C.  Counseling: Who qualifies

1.  Veteran

2.  Family/Support Structure for Veteran

V.  10:00 Semanthie Brooks – Medicare Part D

A.  What is Medicare Part D

1.  Premiums

2.  Deductible

3.  Gap in Coverage

4.  Medicaid

5.  Are All Prescriptions Covered?

B.  Who Qualifies

C.  Why is May 15th Important

D.  Electing/Opting Out

1.  Do I have to choose?

2.  What if I do nothing?

3.  Will there be a delay of 5/15 deadline?

VI.  10:30 Khadija Miller – Veterans Health Care System: Eligibility

A.  Why Should I Enroll?

B.  How Do I Enroll?

1.  DD 214

2.  Form 10-10ez

C. Income Levels

1.  National

2.  Geographic Norm

E.  Priority Groups

1.  Disability Level

2. Income Level

F.  Will I Have To Re-Enroll Each Year?

VII.  11:00 Keith Dixon – Veterans Health Care System: Benefits

A.  Cost of Care?

1.  Co-Pay

2.  Waivers

B.  What If I have Private Insurance?

C.  Medical Services

1.  Prescription Medication

2.  Eye glasses

3.  Hearing Aids

4.  Dental Coverage

D.  Major Medical Coverage

1.  Transplants

2.  Major Surgery

3.  Transportation and Pre/Post Surgery Housing Allowance

a.  Veteran

b.  Family

VIII.  11:30 Gary Chetwood/Mark Faust – Long Term Care Options: OVH

A.  Locations

1.  Sandusky

2.  Georgetown

3.  Proposed

B.  Services

1.  Nursing Home

2.  Dom

C.  Eligibility

1.  Veteran

2.  Family Member (Spouse)

D.  Cost

1.  Who Pays?

2.  Does Ohio Recovery Costs From a Veteran’s Estate?

E.  Miscellaneous

1.  Life Style

2.  Waiting List

3.  Automobiles

IX.  12:00 Questions and Answer Session

X. Closing Remarks and Thank Yous - VNAF