Yale Peabody Museum

Mystery Hunt Winter/Spring 2017

Level: Challenging


1) What is the name of the large flightless bird that lives in tropical forests of New Guinea and is featured in the Dinosaurs Take Flight exhibit? ______

2) One of the Archaeopteryx specimens is known as the “most important fossil ever found”. Which one is it? ______

3) The three dimensional artist’s conception of a nesting Archaeopteryx shows the bird using a nest built of sticks similar to which modern bird? ______

4) This Yale Peabody Museum paleontologist of the 1960’s resurrected the idea that dinosaurs and birds may be related. What is his name? ______

5) Which other tidal animal fossils were discovered in the limestone of the Solnhafen Archipelago where Archaeopteryx was discovered?

a) ______b) ______c) ______d) ______

6) The skull that the Yale Peabody Museum originally had on the Brontosaurus was incorrect and was replaced with the correct skull in what year? ______

7) The dinosaur Othnielia rex is named for which important Yale Peabody Museum historical figure? ______

8) Connecticut fish fossils of the Triassic Period are similar to which modern fish? ______

9) Did mosasaurs walk, swim, or fly? ______

10) The Otisville Mastodon is a relative of which kind of large animal that is alive today? ______

11) What is the scientific name for the sabertooth cat? ______

12) Baird’s Horse of the Oligocene Period had how many toes on each foot? ______

13) The most complete specimen of the early hominid Australopithecus afarensis was named for which famous Beatles song? ______

14) The name Homo habilis refers to what artifacts found in connection with these early human fossils? ______


15) The phalanx or toe bone of what well known dinosaur is featured in a display on the stairwell landing about the Torosaurus? ______

16) Meteors can be divided into two groups depending on their composition. What are these two groups? ______


17) Meteorites are often named for where they fell on Earth. What is the name of the meteorite that fell in Connecticut on December 14, 1807? ______

18) What color is Rhodochrosite? ______

19) Which sedimentary rock on exhibit in the Hall of Mineral, Earth and Space is named for the city where the Peabody Museum is located? ______

20) What color does willemite appear to glow under ultraviolet light? ______

21) What is the primary food of polar bears? ______

22) In the Tropical Savannah diorama, what is the name of the snail eating bird? ______

23) Which snake is featured in the Kaibab Plateau Diorama? ______

24) Which duck is appropriately named for its extremely broad bill? ______

25) Which member of the falcon family is the most colorful? ______

26) Name four different turtles represented in the Connecticut Coastal Region Diorama.

a) ______

b) ______

c) ______

d) ______

27) Which two owls can be seen in the Connecticut Forest Margin diorama?

a) ______& b) ______

28) What is another name for the spearthrower used by Connecticut Native Americans during the Paleo-Indian period? ______

29) Stone storage vessels were replaced by what new technology in the Early Woodland Period in Connecticut? ______

30) What is the name of a popular board game played from the earliest days of ancient Egypt until Roman times? ______

Answers to Scavenger Hunt Spring/Summer 2017

1) Northern Cassowary

2) Berlin specimen

3) Magpie

4). John Ostrom

5) Horseshoe crab, Brittle star, Shrimp, Lobster

6) 1981

7) O.C. Marsh

8) Gar-pike

9) Swim

10) Elephant

11) Smilodon californicus

12) Three

13) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

14) Stone tools

15) Triceratops

16) Stone & iron

17) Weston Meteorite

18) Red or Pink

19) New Haven Arkose

20) Green

21) Seals

22) Limpkin

23) Gopher Snake

24) Shoveler

25) Sparrow Hawk (aka American Kestrel)

26) Any four of the following: Box turtle, Spotted turtle, Snapping turtle, Painted turtle, Diamondback terrapin

27) Eastern Screech Owl & Saw-Whet Owl

28) Atlatl

29) Pottery

30) Senet