Major Finds Summary

Missing link is a transitional specimen that has characteristics of two diverse species (eg. Archaeopteryx has features of both birds and dinosaurs). Where would you find this on a cladogram?

Major Find / Summary
Archaeopteryx – Missing Link / ·  Oldest known bird, means “Ancient Wing”
·  Transition/link between birds and dinosaurs:
·  Birds - feathers and hollow bones
·  Dinosaur – teeth, skull
·  Late Jurassic
·  First specimen found in Germany 1861; in fine-grained sediment so preserved great detail
Burgess Shale / ·  Location: Canadian Rockies, black shale
·  Exceptionally preserved soft-bodied fossils, especially Trilobites
·  Mid-Cambrian
·  Discovered by Charles Walcott in 1909
·  Stephen J Gould made famous in book “Wonderful Life” (in the school library)
·  Includes “bizarre” fossils finds of which there are no modern equivalents (Hallucegenia)
Ediacaran Fauna / ·  Pre-Cambrian fossil finds in Australia, Newfoundland and UK (Leicester – Charnwood Forest)
·  Prior to “Cambrian Explosion” of life at 550
·  Directly follows the Snowball Earth event at 600 Ma
·  Represent the earliest-known complex multicellular organisms
·  Exceptionally preserved soft-bodies fossils, precursors to trilobites
·  First found in 1868 but not recognised as Pre-Cambrian until 1957 when Chania was found in Leicester
Lucy – Missing Link / ·  Earliest Hominid ever found (Australopithecus afarensis)
·  Link between humans and apes
·  Apes - small skull akin to apes
·  Humans - bipedal
·  Lived 3.2 Ma ago in Ethiopia
·  Found in 1973 by an international team headed by Donal Johanson, included Mary Leakey
·  The British Leakey family are famous for their ancient human fossil finds
Ida – Missing Link ?
Recent Discovery / ·  Primate 47 Ma found in 1983 in Germany
·  Link between lower primates (lemurs) and higher primates (apes, monkeys, humans):
·  Lower Primates – wet nose
·  Higher Primates – lower talus bone, fingernails not claws
·  The best and most complete fossil primate ever found
·  Fossil includes body tissues (including hair) and her final meal
·  Hailed as a missing link in 2008, debate rages on whether it is a true “missing link”