Activity Hub Evaluation Protocol

Evaluation Protocol for Open Streets Activity Hubs

The protocol for the activity hub will be a combination of observation, secondary data analysis, and follow-up call on perception of success. The hubs may differ based on sponsor organization and related activities, but the basis of the evaluation will be the same. The three grant-sponsored hubs per event will be evaluated by students hired to conduct overall Open Streets observations and surveys. The following sheet will be used to record information.

Describe any tracking or material distribution at hub.

a. Will the organization record participant information? If yes, how?

b. Does the organization distribute flyers or other promotional materials? (if yes, will there be a before-after count of number distributed?)

c. Are there any other unique data collection aspects at the hub? If yes, please describe.

Date:Observer Name:

Hub Sponsor:

Location along Open Streets Route:

Basic Observation of Location:

Please describe the location of the hub. (Where is it situated? What does the hub consist of? What buildings are nearby? What is the condition of the street? )


Stand near the activity hub. For three 15 minute periods listed below, record subjective observations of organization staff, activity, participants, or any other interesting aspects in the surrounding environment.


2. Describe any tracking or material distribution at hub.

a. Will the organization record participant information? If yes, how?

b. Does the organization distribute flyers or other promotional materials? (if yes, will there be a before-after count of number distributed?)

c. Are there any other unique data collection aspects at the hub? If yes, please describe.

3. Follow –up information and questions.

Record name and phone number of a person who can answer questions on the perception of the success of the hub in a follow up interview.



Phone number:


Scheduled time for follow-up call:

Follow-up Questions: (please record answers)

  1. What is your general sense of the Open Streets event on (date)?
  1. Describe your activity hub during the Open Streets event.

Probe: What activity was going on? Were there lots of people?

  1. Do you think your activity hub was successful? Why or Why not?

Probe: How do you define success?

  1. What could be done to make activity hubs better for future events?
  1. Would your organization be interested in hosting activity hubs for future Open Streets Events?