St. Bernard Catholic School

SAC Meeting Minutes

December 1st, 2015

Present: Michaele Kulick, Kris Hess, Jen Ostrenga, Katie Sullivan, Sue Broberg, Melanie Christensen, Lori Richgels, Laura Nuemann, Sarah Johanski, Wendy King, Sarah Pethan, Red Hoslet, Phil Bush

Welcome & Prayer – Crystal

Approval of November Meeting Minutes - Michaele, Lori

GRACEUpdate/Parish Update: Mr Bush – O’Connor connective will be renewed

Crystal – Strategic Plan – due to the self study for WRISA realized a strategic plan is not necessary as we fall under GRACE strategic plan. Will look back after the self study & identify long range/specific strategic actions we might want to consider.

Latino Enrollment Initiation – Crystal – Shared video regarding the LEI program that we are partnering with the University of Notre Dame. Discussed enrollment trends & gave a detailed summary of the LEI program & things currently being worked from an enrollment perspective.

Accreditation Process – Colleen/Shannon- Summary of the work being done for the accreditation process. Reviewed the standards & discussed portions where they feel thereare strengths & areas where we need to develop further. Plan to have a draft prepared before Christmas.Actual WRISA visit Feb 23, 24 & 25th.

Committee Reports

Chair/PACE: Michaele – For marketing, plan on creating a detailed school tour, and will go through this tour as a group next month. Create a program tour vs a facility tour.

Parish looking through storage area & have a lot of decorating items that they are questioning needing. May need to spend some time going through to make sure we’re keeping what works & weeding out excess.

Extra uniform items being boxed up & given to St Thomas More.

Cindy Sweeney is now the decorating chair for the auction.

Former Chair: Red–N/A

Vice Chair: Katie – N/A

Secretary: Jenny – Will review the by-laws & provide update in January regarding who is to manage the Charity Powers award this year since she has a child in 4th grade.

Treasurer: Karen – N/A

Scrip: Bridget – Last day for special orders before Christmas is December 14th. Current software for tracking will be replaced in January. “Where you are at” went home today (December 1st).

Third Source: Lori/Chris

  • Packer Seat Rental - ended up short 4-5 people for the Thanksgiving game. Have just enough people signed up for the next couple games.
  • Auction (Laura & Michelle M) March 5th– New logo designed by MrLani – released today. Will be up at the Holiday shopping Extravaganza. Will be looking for volunteers & contacts for people to donate items (big & small).
  • Magazine Drive (Michelle S & Colleen Garcia)
  • Holiday Shopping Extravaganza (Michaele, Katie, Michelle & Cindy) – On Sunday from 9-2. Coming along well – 60 vendors are signed up, we are full. Should be a wonderful event. Still need volunteers for clean up etc.
  • Hoops Mania – Will start to sell in February.

Retention & Recruitment: Summary of recent non-traditional advertising efforts (Facebook, Fox 11 website)

Athletics: Sarah - 63 athletes playing basketball currently. Team at each grade level/each gender, some combined with a couple other schools to make teams. Concerns with running a 5th grade tournament –difficult to get teams due to all the futures programs taking up weekends and does not seem to pay out with the work involved. Have been running concessions on nights when there are multiple games on site which has been helping from a revenue perspective.

Next meeting January 5th.Will meet in the school office to begin with for the school tour simulation.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Ostrenga