250 E. 111thStreet

Chicago, IL 60628


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

6:30 p.m.

Welcome: Call to Order and Roll Call: 6:40 Adjourned 7:43 p.m.

Joseph Banks / P / Anthony Beale / P / Robert Douglas / P / Kenneth Jennings
7:22 / L
Maurice Johnson / P / Riley Jones / P / Sherrie Kingcade 6:48 / L / Pauline Lampkin / P
Clifton Lloyd / P / Anthony McFerren / P / Jacob Mitchell / P / Barbara Ware 6:50 / L
D’Andre Weaver / P


Welcome: Call to Order and Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes from February, 13th Minutes approved with question from Mr. Johnson about meeting being classified as a Special call meeting due to meeting date being changed

Chairman’s Report

Welcomed Mr. Mitchell as a LSC member. Deferred majority of information to Mr. Weaver under principal report.

Members need to submit economic interest statement.

Need to complete training

Principal’s Report

Past Saturday, Litery explicit came in 2nd place in Louder than a Bomb competition

9th Grade Boys Basketball team won city championship

Mac Lab installed in distance learning lab. 15 labs installed

Collaboration to obtain 10 additional MACs

New communication Pod. A 50” Flat screen TV has been installed near main entrance. TV is being used to keep students, staff and visitors abreast of school events

New website - Riley Jones won $1000 NSA scholarship

Brooks student finalist for the Gates Millennium Scholarship

Power Poverty and Pursuit of Change held on February 23, 2013. Raise over a $1000 to donate to food drive

Girls Basket Ball team held OLD School Fund raising dance

Kitchen Garden Grant – Will install growing beds. Will be able to provide food for community

3 science teacher and 1 math teacher attended STEM conference.

Admitted Student night held last Thursday. 700 people, students and parents attended.

174 students committed that night. 22 students committed prior to the Student night. Approximately 200 students have already committed to Brooks.

Principal discretion

The principal can accept approximately 5% of the accepted student population. Can accept approximately 9 students.

Transfer students will be accepted based on similar application process. Would like to have each grade level should have approximately 200 students

School has been accessed has being able to house 945 students.

Space will be reserved for tentative 7th and 8th grade program.

Bell Schedule

Staff surveyed for opinion on Bell schedule. Majority of Staff wanted to maintain current bell scheduled with modifications


New AP course offering

New Electives in English Department

AP course Policies

New Course Requirements

Questions: How does the new AP course offerings align us with the other select enrollment schools.

Brooks is passed King and Lindbloom

Freshmen 171

More Sophomore transfers will be taken in than other class levels.

Money will be allocated based on per students not on

Probably will not take in Juniors and Seniors

Principal Report Accepted unopposed.


Mr. Weaver is scheduled for new budget training this week.

New Budget criteria allows schools more autonomy. However, schools may end up getting less money.

New Business

Official approval of enhancement of Soccer field enhancement.

Old Business

LSC Training

Mr. Ford is offering Training for modules 1, 2 & 3.

Recommend that we schedule Budget Training meetings.

Mr. Ford will do training for Principal

PPLC Report

Meet last week as a group and m

PPLC and PPC meet with Mr. Weaver as a group to discuss Bell Schedule

Student’s Voice

Service learning project to help immigrants with their English and citizenship application

National Honors Society Induction to be held this Friday. About 50 students will be inducted

Closed Session – No close session for March’s meeting

Public Participation/Comments: (Two minute limit- Prior signup required)

Set Agenda for next meeting. Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30.

Community forum rescheduled for April

$8000.00 allocated for Physics and Chemistry equipment

Will make sure that Auditorium Door is open for LSC for elevator access.

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 9th , 6:30pm

Adjournment: 7:43 pm


LSC members may participate in this meeting by speaker phone. Any speaker phone participation will meet the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, that is, the member will be audible to the public and will participate in the entire meeting.