Mr. Russell
Battle Bots
80 Points
Protect electronics (including motors) with cardboard, not metal cage.
Electronics cage and contents must be located in center of your chassis.
Increase weight limit?
After a full year of being nice, it’s time to get nasty!(Replace with “rumble”) It’s time for battle-bots!
Your Challenge:
This challenge will have two components:
- Balloon bots. The last robot with an inflated balloon attached wins.
- Battle bots using cardboard and balsa. The last bot with any of its four “armor plates” intact or minimally damaged wins.
Note: All teams will battle simultaneously!!
- 16-20 class periods
- Vex components
- Each team will receive two rectangular strips of balsa 3” x 24” x 1/32” thick
- Wood glue – for gluing balsa strips to each other. Glue may not be used for any other purpose.
- Masking tape – for attaching balsa strips and balloons to your robot.
- No other materials may be used unless authorized by Mr. Russell (don’t even ask about strong armor).
Allowances and Constraints:
- Maximum of 3 motors
- Maximum weight: 7 lbs. (including cortex and battery)
- ALL electronics must be installed in a protective metal box.You may only bend the flat metal strips to create your box. The box must have a removable lid for easy access. Remember, your cortex and battery must be removed each day. Failure to do so will result in point reductions.
- You may NOT cut or sharpen any metal VEX components.
- Protective “armor” must be constructed from the supplied balsa strips.
- You may add “weapons of destruction” to your robot as long as they do not pose a hazard to humans or electronics. All devices must be approved by Mr. Russell.
- Any attempt to disable a competitor’s robot will result in immediate disqualification.
- A match will end when the challenge criteria are sufficiently met or at the discretion of Mr. Russell.
- Other constraints may be applied at the discretion of Mr. Russell.
See Rubric
Project Rubric
80 Points
Team Grade
40 points Mr. Russell
Component / Sophisticated(10 points awarded) / Developing
(5 points awarded) / Insufficient
(0 points awarded)
Teamwork / The team worked well together to achieve the project objective(s). / The team worked well together most of the time but occasional conflict or goofing around disrupted the team or the class. / The team did not work well together. Frequent conflict or goofing around disrupted the team or the class.
Housekeeping / Always removing the cortex and battery from your robot at the end of the period. Floor and table are clean. Tub stored in its proper location. / Occasionally leaving the cortex or battery on your robot, in your tub or in your toolbox. Floor and table occasionally littered with parts. Tub occasionally not stored in its proper location. / Repeatedlyleaving the cortex or battery on your robot, in your tub or in your toolbox. Floor and table repeatedly littered with parts. Tub repeatedly not stored in its proper location.
Subject Knowledge / The deliverable demonstrated knowledge of the course content. The deliverable also demonstrated evidence of effort and depth of thinking. / The deliverable demonstrated some knowledge of the course content. The deliverable demonstrated evidence of limited effort and/or initial thinking about the topic. / The deliverable did not demonstrate knowledge of the course content. The deliverable provided little evidence of research effort or depth of thinking about the topic.
Report and Supporting Materials / The report and supporting materials were well organized and clearly written. The underlying logic was clearly articulated and easy to follow. Sentences were grammatically correct and free from errors. Report was type-written, was neat and free of damage, and was submitted with all materials attached (either as a hard copy or shared Google Doc). / The report and supporting materials were organized and clearly written for the most part. In some areas the logic and/or flow of ideas was difficult to follow. Sentence structure and grammar were acceptable with few errors that did not hinder the reader. Report was type-written and submitted with all materials attached. Some evidence of poor handling. / The deliverable lacked overall organization. The reader had to make considerable effort to understand the underlying logic and flow of ideas. Poor grammar and/or spelling errors made it difficult for the reader to interpret the text in places. Report was not type-written, did not have all materials attached, or reflected poor handling.
Individual Grade
40 points
Component / Sophisticated(20 points awarded) / Developing
(10 points awarded) / Insufficient
(0 points awarded)
Effort / The individual exhibited superior effort and was inclusive of all team members. / The individual exhibited acceptable effort and was inclusive of all team members. / The individual exhibited poor effort and/or excluded other team members from helping out.
Behavior / The individual showed model behavior including respect for the teacher and classmates. / The individual goofed around occasionally but was respectful of others. / *** A complete lack of effort or poor behavior may result in a zero for the entire project.***