Tarves Community Council
Minutes of meetingheld on Tuesday 15thMarch 2016
In Tarves Schoolat 7.00 pm.

Councillors Present: Davidson (Chair), Hekelaar, Massie, Middleton, Taylor & Thomson

Also Present: -P. Johnston, C Shand (part of meeting) and one member of the public.

Apologies: CllrsAllan, Cameron, McWilliam,Smith and Websteralso A Hendry.

Minutes of Previous Meeting on 9thFebruary 2016,

Minutes of previous meeting wereproposed for approval by JTand seconded byWM.

Police Report – No officer was present despite a list of CC dates being sent to local Inspector.

Declarations of Interest –Cllrs. Hekelaar and Taylor and P Johnston declared an interest in correspondence and funding request from Tarves Development Trust.

Barthol Chapel matters

AC have agreed for Defibrillator to be sited outside School. List of road repairs – has been send out but some appear to be missing. Broadband – meeting to be held soon.PJ has been in discussion with BT.School – Update next meeting re ongoing repairs.

Matters arising from Minutes

Defibrillators –Have now been purchased. Local electrician will be happy to install. Discussion about siting Tarves unit in Phone box as BT intend closing it due to low number of calls. Members agreed that as BT would retain the electricity supply for Defibrillators, that this was probably the best place for it for public access and also retains the phone box thus not changing the look of the Conservation Area.Revisedscheme for establishment of CCs –. Finalised document been to full council but not discussed. Current Election advice is to wait until the scheme is adopted.

Matters Remaining Unresolved

Gullies at Craigies – a works order has been issued for ditches and pipes on that road. No further info. Chair will ask Philip Leiper for an update.Sewage smell in DuthieRoad – Investigations are on going, although nothing noticed recently. Dog Signs for playparks –Brian Shand says that the signs are up – members will check. Trees on Boolroad/Craigies road – AC will do the work and then invoice the owner. Chair has let AC know who the landowner is (no update).Alarm & signage at Shop – Shaun Norman haswritten to the shop and Mr Glen – he will also write to owners of the Schoolhouse. No further info. Drainage works at Nether Kirkton – no further action taken. Haddo Car Park – going ahead with laying of membrane in the new area. – once funding identified. Haddo Egg Hunt – car parking will be ticketed.


Core Path/Cairdseat Cott. right of way –Meeting held with reps from AC Environmental Team and Udny CC etc. Agreement that house owner should gain agreement to ensure that Core path is made 2m wide and free from obstructions, and if this is achieved then the Right of way will be diverted on to the same route. There will require to be legal agreements in place first. In the interim, the existing route of the Right of Way is to be kept clear for public use until such times as aforementioned is fully and formally agreed.Tarves School repairs /All Weather Court – Chair had circulated response from Property which included works outstanding at the School. There remain delays and several items that have not progressed. Quotes are awaited from contractors however the timescale is of great concern. The Property service had also been informed from Formartine Planning that planning permission is not required for installation of the central heating oil tank, fencing etc. This advice is not correct as the Conservation Area covers all of the School grounds. Property should also know this. Chairwill e-mail Allan Whyte, Head of Property,

Scotia Homes/Dachaig Masterplan – Final version was approved at Area Committee Meeting although it had never been made available to the public or consulted on after significant changes were made. It was noted that the only vehicular entrance off Duthie Road was along Presley Avenue. Motion to re-consult with Community defeated by members not representing Tarves. Chair to write to Scotia expressing disappointment at the refusal to let residents know of the significant changes to Plan.AC Community Engagement Strategy no update.Broadband some areas of Tarves still don’t have decent speed.

Roads, Paths & Signs– Tillygonnie/Duthie Webster Road – white lines at junction need to be re-done.Mackie Crescent – car parking on pavement – dates to be sent to local sergeant. Still a problem.Flooding –B999 at both Nethermill and Dinneswood –No update from AC. Chair has spoken to Philip Leiper.Parking at School/Tolquhon Avenue junction – Police have spoken with a number of drivers. Courtstone to Barthol Chapel road potholes reported, water running onto B999 from Tolquhon Castle road reported.

Local members ReportPJ reported that Carbon reduction measures had been agreed at AC meeting as well as at FAC recycling of all single use drinks containers including plastic, other than compostable paper cups.

Planning Matters.FPP for house extension at Prentsone Croft– acceptable, FPP for Dwellinghouse at Northseat of Auchedly – Replacing existing Garage - acceptable as AC Policy has permitted similar applications locally.

Correspondence–Info on Licensing.Thank you card from late Dick Reville’s family in relation to Orchard naming ceremony. Tarves Development Trust– Cllrs Hekelaar and Taylor and P Johnston left the room during these items. Funding request Cllrs agreed to donate £1000. Also agreed to contact TDT to offer to transfer the Old Tennis court site to TDT.


Info on CC Insurance – DH to progress.

Old Tennis Court Site(School Lane) – A potential childcare business is looking for premises and somewhere for outdoor play. Neighbouring residents who have been consulted are supportive, wider consultation to continue. The Amenities Group do use part of the site and this would remain the case.

Developer Obligation funding – Old Surgery development as a Community asset as well as Old Tennis Court site are potential projects for this.

AOCB – Complaints regarding dog fouling in Cemetery and in School grounds and Braiklay Ave/Park.

The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday19th April 16 in Tarves School.

Robert P Davidson


Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public