Publication of writings and research papers of Sir P.C.Ray
Books already published
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Rachana Sankalan (in Bengali), Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray - A Collection of Writings (in English)
“ Research Papers of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy – A Complete Collection"
Two volumes of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Rachana Sankalan – each in two parts , one in Bengali and the other in English edited by Prof. Anil Bhattacharya- have already been published. The first volume was published in 2008 by Acharya Prafulla Chandra College. This two- part volume brings together many articles and books, now almost inaccessible, by the Acharya broadly on science and commerce or commercial activities. This is indeed the first attempt of its kind to bring to light and make available to readers of today the valuable writings of the great son of India which are now lodged in the brittle pages of books and journals gathering dust in obscure corners of libraries.
The Second volume was published in 2009 jointly by the University of Calcutta and Acharya Prafulla Chandra College. This volume contains writings of Acharya on literature, education , commerce and science.
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray has a very significant place in the panorama of Bengali culture. An exact contemporary of Tagore and Vivekananda, his life’s mission was to teach us to stand on our own legs – certainly an arduous task at a time when for the vast majority of Bengali youth clerkhood represented the acme of achievement in life. Distressed and agitated, the Acharya pointed to many independent avenues of enterprise which he expounded in one writing after another. At times it was pisiculture, at other times it was cattle farming; he even wrote a lengthy essay on the career prospect offered by the profession of shoe –making and repair.
His monumental work ‘A History of Hindu Chemistry’ had given him the prestige and position of an unquestionable pioneer in this field of research. But he was not content with the unruffled life of a scientist; he yearned to bring the benefits of science to remote corners and especially to poor localities of the country, to the very homes of the uneducated indigent people. He asked every one ‘to wield the spade and make a garden of roses and jesmine’ with one’s own hand. That would unite sense of beauty with the enterprise of business. Indeed, on many occasions he proudly proclaimed himself a businessman.
Though he shunned all excesses in his life- style, which was austere and even monkish, he gave away money freely to improve facilities for research at the Calcutta University; he would also provide financial help to poor but eager research students. As Professor at the Presidency College and the University of Calcutta, his fame as a teacher of science reached proverbial level. Love for literature and the arts as well. In fact, his initiation to literature was at a very early age when he started reading literary books of his father’s library. Indeed, his proficiency in Bengali and English literature, his avid interest in historical studies – these were well-known among his contemporaries and even to-day the handful of readers who are familiar with his writings know it. He could recite long passages from Shakespeare, Tagore and Michael Madhusudan Dutta. He was also a good linguistic who knew, besides Bengali and English, French, German , Latin , Greek and Sanskrit.
The whole nation is observing this year the 150th birth anniversary of this illustrious son of the country , who also graced Calcutta University by being its first Palit Professor in Chemistry. The copies of the original prints of 'A History of Hindu Chemistry ' of Sir P.C.Ray are completely exhausted and are not available in the market. The copies of the original two volumes (2nd Edition of the Vol-I) of 'A History of Hindu Chemistry' is going to be published very soon as the 3rd volume of the series. It is needless to mention that these volumes will honour an important place in the selves of libraries and of home as well. The University of Calcutta indeed feels privileged to be co-publisher of this volume and takes this opportunity to pay our homage to Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy on his 150th birth anniversary.
We propose to publish five volumes in all. The fourth volume would contain various deliberation on many subjects he made in different capacities in Calcutta University and also the correspondence he had with a number of luminaries of his time while in the proposed fifth volume of the series his writings on literature, education and liberal arts and diverse other subjects that engaged his curiosity would be included.
In January 2006 , as part of its Post Centenary Golden Jubilee Celebration at the Science City Auditorium , the University of Calcutta took pride in releasing "Research Papers of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy – A Complete Collection", a much acclaimed book edited by Prof. Anil Bhattacharya and enriched with 158 publications of Sir P.C.Ray and his students.
Thus to anyone who cares for culture, education ,commerce and science the collection of writings would be a prize possession. We are proud to have been able to publish them, and we invite you to book your copies of the volumes already published and of the forthcoming volumes both for institutional library and your personal collection.
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Rachana Sankalan (Bengali Version)
Volume I : Writings in Bengali on Science and Commerce
Editor : Prof. Anil Bhattacharyya
Publisher : Prof. Saktibrata Bhowmik , Principal,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrrackpore,
Kolkata – 700131
Number of Pages : 902
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray - A Collection of Writings
Volume I A : On Science and Industry
Editor : Prof. Anil Bhattacharyya
Publisher : Prof. Saktibrata Bhowmik , Principal,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrrackpore,
Kolkata – 700131
Number of Pages : 540
Price : Rs. 700.00 Per Set ; Institutional Price : Rs.600.00
[Books available at A.P.C.College, New Barrackpore , North 24 Parganas, 700131 or at the office of the West Bengal College and University Teachers’Association , 89, Mahatma Gandhi Road , Kolkata-700 007.. For contact please write to us through e-mail ; or call us at (033)2537 8797/3297
Books are also available from the following vendors;
1. Ekush Satak, 15, Shyamacharan De Street, Kolkata 700073,Ph.No(033)23546488 (Rachana Sankalan Vol-I & II)
2. Progressive Publishers,37A,College Street,Kolkata,700073,Ph.No.(033)2219 1595/6593(Rachana Sankalan Volume-I)
3. National Book Agency Pvt.Ltd.,12,Bankim Chatterjee Street, Kolkata 700073,
Ph.No.(033)2241 6432/3376,2334 4530/3168,Fax:(033)2334 2769.]
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Rachana Sankalan (Bengali Version)
Volume II : Writings in Bengali on Literature , Education , Commerce and Science
Editor : Prof. Anil Bhattacharyya
Publisher : University of Calcutta &
Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrackpore,
Number of Pages : 702
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray - A Collection of Writings
Volume II A : On Literature, Education and Science
Editor : Prof. Anil Bhattacharyya
Publisher : University of Calcutta &
Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrackpore,
Number of Pages : 746
Price : Rs. 700.00 Per Set ; Institutional Price : Rs.600.00
[Books available at A.P.C.College, New Barrackpore , North 24 Parganas, 700131 or at the office of the West Bengal College and University Teachers’Association , 89, Mahatma Gandhi Road , Kolkata-700 007 or at the Sales counter of Calcutta University or at Ekush Satak, 15, Shyamacharan De Street, Kolkata 700073,Ph.No(033)23546488]
Research Papers of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy – A Complete Collection"
(158 publications of Sir P.C.Ray and his students).
Editor & Publisher : Prof. Anil Bhattacharya
Number of pages : 935
Price : Rs. 650.00 Per Set ; Institutional Price : Rs.550.00
[Books available at A.P.C.College, New Barrackpore , North 24 Parganas, 700131 or at the office of the West Bengal College and University Teachers’Association , 89, Mahatma Gandhi Road , Kolkata-700 007.]
Order may be placed directly to the Principal A.P.C.College , New Barrackpore. Cheques/Drafts should be drawn in favour of “Principal , A.P.C.College,New Barrackpore”
For contact please write to us through e-mail ; or call us at (033)2537 8797/3297