Set a Goal Make a Plan Organize Act Make Progress

Community School
Progressive Action Plan

Use this outline to plan for your school’s staff development and support for implementation of a standards-based inclusive curriculum.

1.  Extended Learning for Students

2.  Social Emotional Development

3.  Parent Involvement

4.  Professional Development and Teacher Leadership

5.  Four-Quarter Plan

School: ______

Action Plan Team:

For administrative recertification credit, please complete this plan and send by fax or email it to the Polk Bros. Foundation Community Schools Leadership Network:

Fax: 773-325-4321 Email:


Start by aligning your current extended learning programs and activities with your school’s curriculum. List the programs you have at the school from all providers. Identify the School Connector—the person who facilitates this progress.

Priority Area / Extended Learning Program(s) / School Connector
Bilingual education
Community Connections
Parent Education and Involvement
Physical Education/Health
Social emotional development*
Social Studies

*All programs should reinforce social emotional development; this row is for listing programs that are primarily focused on this development such as counseling.



Choose three priorities to strengthen Extended Learning opportunities for students

___increased participation by students with special needs

___increased arts

___improved health and nutrition

___greater use of technology

___making science fair learning expo



PRIORITY GOAL / What will you organize to reach this goal? / When / Who Coordinates

How will the school staff work with the Extended Learning staff to support this progress?

How Our School Will Strengthen



What do you want parents to learn and do based on your activities?

Identify Three Priorities

__health and nutrition

__career preparation and advancement


__using Chicago resources




Priority / Activity / Staff—School and Community Partner

Social/Emotional Development and Extended Learning

What about social-emotional development?

Every part of your program can contribute to it.

In all the activities in your extended learning program, students’ social emotional development is important.

The way your programs work can support it. Having students make good choices of activities, work together helpfully, both are part of social emotional development.

Use the following charts to identify how your program supports students’ social-emotional development. That can include specific activities as well as ongoing ways of working with students.

Social/Emotional Development and Extended Learning

This chart lists Illinois Social/Emotional Learning Standards. Agencies can support this progress in extended learning and by providing formal and informal professional development for teachers, parents, and administrators.


Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.

Standards / Extended Learning Activities that Support Social-Emotional Development
A: Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior. / Activity: Chess
Ongoing: Students make “compact” for participation in extended learning
B: Recognize personal qualities and external supports / Activity: Read about problem solving
Ongoing: Have once-a-week “rap” session led by school counselor
C: Demonstrate skills to achieve personal and academic goals. / Activity: Set goals for science fair project
Ongoing: Set weekly goals for attendance and projects; monitor at end of week and set new goals for following week


Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.

Standards / How Extended Learning Will Support Social-Emotional Development
A: Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior.
B: Recognize personal qualities and external supports
C: Demonstrate skills to achieve personal and academic goals.

Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain

positive relationships.

Standards / How Extended Learning Will Support Social-Emotional Development
A: Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others.
B: Recognize individual and group differences
C: Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others.

Goal 3: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

Standards / How Extended Learning Will Support Social-Emotional Development
A: Consider ethical, safety, and societal factors in making decisions.
B: Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.
C: Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community.


How will you:

Ø  Include extended learning staff in the professional development?

Ø  Involve special education teachers in meaningful roles in professional development to support the Least Restrictive Environment and the Social Emotional Development of students?

Ø  Follow up to support implementation based on the professional development?

Ø  Link Professional Development Sessions to classroom observations, teacher collaboration, and teacher leadership?

How Our School Will Expand Progress through


Identify Three Priorities

__differentiating instruction

__integrating arts

__linking library, art, music across the curriculum

__making science fair learning expo



PRIORITY GOAL / How will teachers take leadership to achieve it? / When / Who Coordinates

How will the school’s extended learning partner help accomplish this progress?
Make a Four Quarter Plan for Extended Learning

PRIORITY / First Quarter / Second Quarter / Third Quarter / Fourth Quarter


Polk Bros. Foundation Community School Leadership Network Ó2008