Games v Scots

4th March 2009

1st XV

The 1st XV took their time to dominate a spirited Scots outfit. Saints’ steadily won a number of consecutive rucks and moved the ball out wide to feed their exhilarating backs. With speed to burn, Tristen Tesoriero, Scott Thornton and Cameron Dean exploited the open spaces well and consequently put Scots under enormous pressure. The team excited the crowd as they moved the ball freely from one side of the field to the other taking advantage of the slow defence from their opponent. While the backs had an easy day, the forwards were at times found wanting around the ruck. Poor body height and a lack of aggression at the ruck allowed Scots back into the game. Although ASC was clearly dominant, there is still significant room for improvement given that Scots scored two well-deserved tries late in the game. The team must ensure that they use the Easter holiday well to maintain their fitness before returning to the first round of the ISA competition against Oxley College on May 9th.

WON: 52-10

Try Scorers: Paddy Webber 3, Tristen Tesoriero 2, Scott Thornton, Charlie Clifton, Cameron Dean. Conversions: Kyle D’Adam (1), Scott Thornton (5).

Under 16s

After two solid fitness sessions under the keen and experienced eye of Mr Shawn Hooper, the team was more determined to show that they could play for the whole 50 minutes. The forwards led by Jake Thornton, Riley de Mestre and Stephen Wright were outstanding at the breakdown. They dominated the ruck and recycled ball extremely efficiently for Josh Porter to set the backline free. Harry Phillips seems to have all the time in the world to make decisions and from fly half he dictated play. The team executed their structured plays to out manoeuvre the opposition and create an extra man to score some excellent tries. Every man had a role to play and a great team is always better than a team of great players! Adam McDonald played an outstanding first full game, while Josh Reschke continues to grow in confidence. Paddy Webber finished off many team moves scoring four tries in the first half. Every player should be proud of his contribution to an outstanding game of 15-man rugby.

WON: 58-7

Try scorers: Paddy Webber 4, Damian Honeyman, Will McAloney, Harry Phillips 2, Nick Milligan, Josh Porter. Conversions: Luke Rayner (4).

Under 15s

No Game Played this Week.

Under 14s

The Under 14s played solidly from the outset displaying some excellent talent throughout their ranks. Bill Hurley led the team confidently and dominated play. Anthony Cozens displayed his tenacity and determination to chase down the ball from a kick off and nearly score. Ben Bayliss played an extremely strong game showing his courage and strength around the ruck area. Joel Kilburn, playing open side flanker, was outstanding in his ability to spoil the opposition’s possession and create a headache for attacking players. Nelson Parker could be a powerful, Man Mountain if he could concentrate on carrying the ball forward with greater purpose. It was an exciting game to see the team unify effectively against a solid Scots contingent.

WON: 29-14

Try Scorers: Michael Waldren, Bill Hurley, David Barron, Carnaby Gilany (2). Conversion: Chris Dunn (2).

Under 13s

This team continues to show its potential with the forwards picking the ball up and driving forward in excellent displays of continuity and control. Eric Leung is developing his skills quickly and shows great promise for the future. Cameron Sinclair hunts like a terrier never far away from the ball. Miles Douglas and George Storrier play above their weight not only cutting through their opponents’ defence but also tackling players bigger than they are. While the Under 13s were able to score three tries, earlier in the game, they ran out of puff to finish off the opposition allowing Scots to score enough tries to beat them on the day.

LOST: 17-22

Try Scorers: Doug Morgan-Thomas, Cameron Sinclair, James Keech. Conversion: Michael Waldren (1).

The next games will be away at Waverley College in Sydney. The schedule for these games will be posted on the website in the week prior to the games.

Greg Thornton (MIC Rugby)