Diocese: La Crosse
State: WI, US
Media: True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort
This audio is amazing! It has helped open a new route for a joyful journey with Mary, Our Mother.

Diocese: Sioux City
State: IA, US
Media: I'm Not Being Fed
I understood the explanations and like the comparisons. This talk (along with many others you offer) help me to understand the Catholic Faith better, more deeply, and more fully. As I convert, I cannot get enough 'learning'.

State: ON, CA
Media: Evangelizing Catholics
Having heard this talk a couple of times, I realize how fortunate I am to be a Catholic! Yet, I have so much more to learn to continue to grow and to be better equipped to lead others to Christ. Thank you, Dr. Hahn, for explaining the new Evangelization in terms that I can understand and act on!

Diocese: Grand Rapids
State: MI, US
Media: Finding the Fullness of Faith
I really enjoyed hearing about our faith from a previously Protestant perspective. I now see our beautiful Catholic Faith in a whole new light.

Diocese: Cleveland
State: OH, US
Media: The Lamb's Supper

I have listened to the CD many times. It excites me, and I continue to learn from it.More pieces continue to fit together and help reveal to me more of God’s amazing plan.

Diocese: Richmond
State: VA, US

Media: The Healing Power of Confession

As a person who is in the process of conversion to Catholicism, I did not understand the biblical theology behind confession to a priest, or the authority of the priest to pass absolution to the person confessing. I am now eager to be in full communion with the Church so I may participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Listening made me want to go to confession.

Diocese: Birmingham
State: AL, US
Media: Angels Explained: What You Should Know About the Nine Choirs
This is a wonderful talk! I can honestly say that since listening to this, I've been more mindful of interacting with my Guardian Angel and have a deeper love and appreciation for the gift to us from God that they are!

Diocese: Chicago
State: IL, US
Media: The Dead Sea Scrolls
Very well presented - concise history of the Dead Sea Scrolls and how the content of the scrolls not only provides insight into what 1st century Judaism was like, but also provides strong theological support for Catholic Tradition.

Diocese: Phoenix
State: AZ, US
Media: Saying Yes To God: One Mothers Journey
Mary is a terrific speaker - very witty, heartwarming, and delightful!

Diocese: St Louis
State: MO, US
Media: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Practical, do-able approach to overall improvement.

Diocese: Worcester
State: MA, US
Media: Change the World in 60 Seconds

I listened to this CD a few weeks ago and loved it then, but when I listened today, I heard something else that was very helpful as well. It's exciting to think of the number of conversions that can occur through a media invitation:) Praise God!

Diocese: Wichita
State: KS, US
Media: Winning the Culture War
I love Dr. Peter Kreeft's engaging manner in his talks. He had a lot of information to get across, and this presentation made it easy to remember. I wish everyone subscribed to your CD of the Month Club!

Diocese: Wichita
State: KS, US
Media: Shameless: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You
Everyone experiences shame at some time in their life. How they deal with it can make all the difference in their lives. I wish I had listened to this 50 years ago. It can be a lifesaver for those living with shame, and for those who will come up against it at some point in their lives.

Diocese: Toledo
State: OH, US
Media: Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor
The more I hear why people came to the Catholic Faith, the more I can help other people come home.

Diocese: Venice
State: FL, US
Media: The Healing Power of Confession

This brought to light a different way of thinking about confession and the need to attend regularly.

State: FL, US
Media: The Truth

Engaging, inspirational, and practical – a fabulous step-by-step approach on how to have a relationship with Christ, and a reminder about what should be our priorities as Catholics and Christians.

Diocese: St Paul and Minneapolis
State: MN, US
Media: Angels Explained: What You Should Know About the Nine Choirs
I always enjoy learning more about the Angels. I kept the Chaplet of St. Michael on my iPod so I can say the prayer everyday. Thank you!

Diocese: Richmond
State: VA, US
Media: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic
I really enjoyed Dr. Hahn's story and have listened to it a number of times. The biblical theology that drew Dr. Hahn to his conclusions to follow the Catholic Faith was extremely educational and helpful to me in my own faith journey as I am converting to Catholicism.

Diocese: Los Angeles
State: CA, US
Media: Remade

Mark's presentation style is unrivaled. I've never heard a speaker so effectively transition between humor and depth. He had me laughing and crying and thinking throughout. It's important for ALL Catholics to hear, not just young people. I'm over 50, and this talk leveled me - in a good way!

Diocese: New York
State: NY, US
Media: Confession

Fr. Richards was real and to the point. Our Lord said to teach and spread his Word to all nations and to the ends of the earth. This CD is a good start!

Diocese: Reno
State: NV, US
Media: The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
I had the most profound experience listening to the CD over and over again!He delivers the message directly to your heart. Thank you very much!

Diocese: Rochester
State: NY, US
Media: Confession
Fr. Richards is at once serious and lighthearted and funny. He was convicting and inspiring. We loved it and will share it with others.

Diocese: Sacramento
State: CA, US
Media: Prove It, God ... and He Did!
This talk has given me encouragement to continue with my daily meditation. The rewards are great!

Diocese: Dallas
State: TX, US
Media: Saying Yes to God: One Mother’s Journey
I was inspired in my faith!