Community College Technical Internship

Industrial Internship

Educational Internship

Application Cover SheetAcademic Year 2016-2017

The information provided in this form will be used to match students with potential internship employers associated with the NASA CT Space Grant Program. Participating companies will receive copies of this information.

Complete Industrial Internship Application will consist of:

  1. Technical,Industrial, and EducationalInternship Application Cover Sheet
  2. Narrative (refer to RFP on NASA CTSGC website for more information)
  3. Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  4. One Letter of Recommendation
  5. Student Transcript: must indicate current full-time enrollment status (Spring 2017) and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  6. Grant Verification Form
  7. ApplicantContact and Demographic Information

Note: Refer to the student Request for Proposals for full detail of submission requirements, and for details regarding the Narrative

Applicant Information
Name: ☐Mr. ☐Ms. ☐Mrs.
Institution / Major
Previous Space Grant Awards (Please list all; include title/date)
U.S. Citizen / ☐Yes / Expected Year of Graduation
Academic Advisor
Advisor Email
Cumulative GPA
Applicant Signature Date
Please Print Name
Please indicate project(s) you are interested in (check all that apply):
☐CCAT: Reverse Engineering- Multi ………………………………………………………………………….………….…. Type: T, I
☐CCAT: Reverse Engineering- ME …………………………………………………………………………………….……. Type: T, I
☐CCAT: Spatial Representation of Manufacturing Process Data ………………………………………………… Type: T
☐CCAT: student STEM and Manufacturing Summer Institutes ………………………………..………………. Type: I, E
☐CT Science Center: Supporting K-12 Education Initiatives …………………………………………………. Type: T, I, E
☐Pratt & Whitney: Control & Diagnostic Systems (CDS) …………………………………………….………..………Type: I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Additive Manufacturing ………………………………………………………….….……….……. Type: T, I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Materials & Processing Engineering ………………………………………….....………………. Type: I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Compression Systems …………………………………………….……..…....……………..……. Type: T, I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Engine Dynamics & Loads (ED&L) ………………………………………..…….…………………. Type: I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Design Integration ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Type: I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Hot Section ……………………………………………………………………………….…...……………. Type: I
☐Pratt & Whitney: Systems Engineering Validation (SEV) …………………..………………………………….….. Type: I
☐United Technologies Research Center: UTRC …………………………………………………………..………………. Type: I
☐United Technologies Aerospace Systems: UTAS-Operations ………………………….……...... …………….. Type: I
☐United Technologies Aerospace Systems: UTAS-Engineering ………………………...... …..…………………. Type: I
☐CT Corsair: Legacy Aircraft; Aircraft Structure Reverse Engineering …………………….…………….…. Type: T, I
☐CT Corsair: Legacy Aircraft; Aircraft StructureTooling …………………………………………….……………. Type: T, I
☐CT Corsair: Advanced Dynamic Flight Simulator Electrical Controls Integration ……………..….…. Type: T, I
☐CT Corsair: VR Flight Simulation Cockpit Display ……………………………………………………………..……. Type: T, I
☐CT Corsair: Advanced Flight Simulator System Engineering …………….……………………………………. Type: T, I
T = Technical I= Industrial E = Educational
Institutional Certification
☐ Signatures below certify that the applicant’s institution approves of this application and acknowledges an understanding that if this proposal is awarded, the institution will need to enter into a sub-contract between itself and the University of Hartford before any NASA CT Space Grant Consortium funds can be disbursed.
Advisor Signature Date
Please Print Name

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203 Dana Hall, University of Hartford (Lead Institution), 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117