World History / Cultures

Research Assignment

Mrs. Baumann February 26, 2015


1.  Students will work in groups to complete the paper – 1 paper per group.

2.  Papers must be approximately 4 -5 pages in length.

3.  Papers must be typed and double-spaced.

4.  You must use a minimum of five sources for the paper – one of which must be a PRIMARY SOURCE

5.  Each source should be cited at least once within the body of the paper.

6.  General Encyclopedias do not count as a source - However, a high-level academic encyclopedia is acceptable. This type of encyclopedia is found on the library website. Your textbook cannot be a source.

7.  Absolutely no Wikipedia!

8.  Citations, bibliographic references, and formatting will follow the M.L.A. format (M.L.A. Handbooks are available in the school store). Noodle Tools is a helpful resource.

9.  Each group must also complete a presentation component. A Power-point presentation must be created, completed and submitted on the same date the research paper is due. (Details for the presentation are the end of this document.)

10.  You will complete peer evaluations on members of your group at the conclusion the research assignment

11.  On the day the assignments are due - Groups will:

·  Submit a final hard copy of the research paper

·  Submit a final hard copy of the presentation

·  Post the research paper to

·  Ensure that the same final copies (of the paper and presentation as submitted to me) are also accessible to me via Google drive

2.  Absence is not an excuse – if you are absent on THE DAY THE PAPER IS DUE you must e-mail the paper to . If your group designated you to hand in the paper and you do not, the entire group will be late. Be sure to confer with your group AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE IN THE GROUP HAS THE FINAL PAPER WHICH WOULD AVOID THIS MISHAP.

Due Dates

Create an initial Google doc and share with your group and me: Will be done in the Library

Topic due: Tuesday, March 10

Thesis statement due: March 20

(this would include your 3 arguments-not necessarily your evidence:

Paper and Presentation due: APRIL 13 – No paper will be accepted after April 17


Suggested topics will be handed out in class.


1.  Follow the usual rules for writing assignments.

2.  Write an introduction that lists the points to be discussed in the body of the essay. Define your terms. Have a strong & clear thesis statement.

3.  Begin paragraphs with topic sentences.

4.  Avoid self-conscious phrasing such as: “In this essay, I will analyze” or “then our representatives devised a solution to the problem” or “Japan’s surprise attack made us enter the war”

5.  Avoid slang and informal phrasing.

6.  Develop your ideas by answering the questions of the journalistic inquiry model: who, what, when, why, where and how.

7.  Employ P.E.A: Point – Evidence - Analysis

8.  End paragraphs with transitional sentences that prepare the reader for the move to subsequent idea.

9.  Provide a conclusion that recapitulates the thesis and the evidence you have marshaled to support it.

10.  Proofread your paper.

11.  In addition to handing in your final draft to me, you will also upload your paper to Failure to complete this process will result in a failing grade (0%).




Your Class ID and password is as follows:

Class ID Password

Period 7

Period 8

Paper Set Up Procedures

Paper Format:

1.  Heading: MLA

2.  Font: Times New Roman

3.  Size: 12

4.  Spacing: Double

5.  Margins: One inch

6.  Citations: MLA


1.  You need at least a total of 5 sources. One source must be a book

2.  Must have a primary source as one of your 5 sources.

3.  No general encyclopedias online or otherwise.

4.  No Wikipedia, General Encyclopedias (Britannia) or Text Books

5.  Check thoroughly any internet site for its reliability

6.  Citation Resources


Works Cited Set Up

1.  Log on to

2.  Create a bibliography with the following title: Period #: Last Name/Last Name/Last Name-Topic

3.  Share other group members with bibliography.

4.  Click Paper-link to your g-mail account.

5.  Title Paper: Period #: Last Name/Last Name/Last Name-Topic

Creating a Google Document:

1.  One member of the group will create a google document and share it with their partner.

2.  Once you have created the document and shared with your partner please then share it with Mrs. Baumann at:

3.  You will then make Mrs. Baumann the owner of the document by selecting the blue share button at the top right of the screen.

4.  Then scroll to the right of his name where it says “can edit/comment/view/owner.”

5.  You will then give ownership of the document over to Mrs. Baumann.

Possible Constructive Research Paper Comments:

(You want to AVOID these)

______Needs more powerful thesis statement.

______Thesis statement lacks clarity and direction.

______Needs more powerful conclusion.

______Conclusion lacks clarity and connection to your thesis.

______Need more specific evidence supporting the main points.

______Needs more analysis.

______Write your whole history research paper in historical perspective (Past Tense).

______No contractions in a research paper.

______Only write in third person (Do not use words like ‘you’ ‘we’ ‘us’ ‘our’ in a

research paper.

______Need to work on format for works cited page using MLA Format.

______Need to develop correct MLA Parenthetical Citations.

______In your parenthetical citations, the period goes after the citation (not before).

Example: The New Jersey Devils won the Stanley Cup in 1995 (Jones 45).

______Watch spelling. (Proofread paper and read out loud in order to find mistakes in

your paper).

______Need to work on grammar and reword some sentences.

______Do not end sentences with words like ‘be’ ‘on’ ‘from’.

______Expand your vocabulary. (Do not use works like ‘got’ ‘took’)

______Do not cite in last sentence of research paper. Use your own words.


Groups will present to the class content of their paper to the class via a PowerPoint.

1.  The first slide should present the topic of your research paper with your names.

2.  The next slide should be your thesis for the paper – i.e. explain your thesis - your argument!

3.  Each additional slide should be dedicated to a corresponding point/argument in your paper.

4.  The last slide will wrap up your argument – i.e. conclusion.

5.  Each slide should NOT rewrite the each paragraph in the paper - it should analyze the evidence to support your thesis/argue that point.

6.  All students in the group must be equal participants in the presentation effort (just as required for the paper).

7.  All students must be prepared to answer questions about their content from the teacher and students.

8.  Your presentation must include images, charts, maps, etc. It should NOT be all text


Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not giving credit to the author of your research. This means either the historian who wrote the research you are quoting, or the classmate from whom you may have “borrowed” the information. Plagiarism is academically dishonest and will be treated as prescribed in the student handbook.

Because plagiarism is so serious, it is important to know exactly what it is and what you can do to avoid it.

Here is a simple test to determine whether something is plagiarized - Ask yourself: “Is this information, idea, or statement common knowledge?” If the answer is no, then ask yourself: “Did this information, idea, or statement come from a source outside me, or did it come from my own experience or as a result of my own creative activity?”

If the information, idea, or statement is not common knowledge, and if it came from an outside source, then you must credit that source. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.


Works Cited page must be submitted with the paper, in class on due date – not after school or later in the day. NO WORKS CITED – MINUS 20 POINTS

Grade Breakdown

·  Research Paper - Test Grade – 100 points

·  Presentation - Quiz Grade – 30 points


Name ______Topic: ______

World History: Student Research Topics - 2015

1.  Pakistan is a troubled nation. It has become a base from which militants launch attacks on American soldiers in Afghanistan and terror attacks on India. What policies should the United States follow to address the threat posed by militant groups operating in Pakistan?

2.  Gun Control: The Second Amendment says citizens of the United States have the right to “keep and bear arms.” People have interpreted this amendment in many ways. Research the various interpretations of the Second Amendment and actions the government has taken to address gun violence. What policy would best address the violence that guns bring to American society.?

3.  DARPA is the research and development arm of the Defense Department. Researchers are developing a wide range of robotic weapons that will transform future wars and diminish the need for human soldiers. What missions and capabilities do researchers envision for these future weapon systems?

4.  Immigration: Ideas surrounding immigration, especially illegal immigration, are abundant. There are those that believe illegal immigrants are a threat to the United States and those that see immigration, even illegal immigration, as positive and necessary. Where do you stand?

5.  Conflict in Syria: The Syrianconflict has been growing in intensity and scope for more than two years, with the United Nations estimating more than 100,000 dead and millions displaced. It has become incubation to the new wave of extremist’s terrorists. Do recent developments justify military intervention by foreign powers including the United States?

6.  Millennium Development Goals: There are 8 millennium development goals - End Poverty and Hunger, Universal Education, Gender Equality, Child Health, Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, Environmental Sustainability, Global Partnership. Select one of the goals, defend its global importance and evaluate the effort to realize the goal by 2016.

7.  Arab Spring: Examine the impact Arab Spring has had on Egypt. What political and social forces provoked this revolution? How has Egypt developed since the 2010 revolt?

8.  Pre-School for All: President Obama stated, “Research shows that one of the best investments we can make in a child’s life is high-quality early education. Last year, I asked this Congress to help states make high-quality pre-K available to every four year-old. As a parent as well as a President, I repeat that request tonight.” What benefits come from universal high quality preschool? What roadblocks stand in the way of universal high quality preschool? Should the government be charged with providing this for all?

9.  Minimum wage: During President Obama’s 2013 state of the union he stated that , “Today, the federal minimum wage is worth about twenty percent less than it was when Ronald Reagan first stood here,” he again called on congress to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10. Why is there so much resistance to raising the minimum wage? What impact would raising it have across the nation?

10.  Foreign Aid: As the income inequality gap seems to widen at a global level, the question of how to close that gap has become more pressing. Many believe that aid needs to be provided to the “Third World” from the first world. However, others believe that aid from the United States only hurts the “Third World” nations. Where do you stand?

11.  The Age of Oil has lasted for a century. Today, many nations are researching renewable sources of energy that will not contribute to global warming or pollute our environment. What is the most promising fuel source for the future?

12.  Over-Fishing: The oceans are being overfished. Fish are being taken in such numbers whole species are threatened with collapse. What can be done to effectively address this harm?

History Thesis Paper Rubric


/ TV Journalists
(6) / Young Historian
(7) / History Professor
(9) / History Legend
Introduction / Thesis
(2) / -weak introduction of
topic & thesis
-weak thesis,
- lacks an arguable
- little or no evidence
stated / -adequate introduction of topic & thesis
-adequate thesis, lacks an arguable position / -proficient introduction of topic & thesis
- thesis is a clear and arguable statement of position / -exceptional introduction that grabs interest of reader and states topic & thesis,
- thesis is exceptionally clear, arguable, well developed, and a definitive statement
Quality of Information / Evidence
Parenthetical Citations within the body of the paper
(2) / -limited information on topic with lack of research, details or historically accurate evidence
- 2 citations
- No primary source
No parenthetical citations –can only receive 6 pts for this category / -some aspects of paper is researched with some accurate evidence from limited sources
-3 citations / -paper is well researched in detail with accurate & critical evidence from a variety of sources
-4 citations / -paper is exceptionally researched, extremely detailed and historically accurate with critical evidence from a wide variety of sources
-5 or more citations
Support of Ideas / Analysis
(2) / -1 connection made
between evidence &
thesis or topic
- no critical analysis
- Narrative
- Biographical / 2 connections made between evidence thesis / topic
-some critical analysis / 3 connections made between evidence thesis / topic
-very critical
-good analysis / -More than 3 connections
made between evidence thesis / topic
-exceptionally critical
-excellent analysis
Organization / Development of Ideas
(2) / -paper lacks clear and
logical development of ideas with weak transition b/w ideas and paragraphs
-Paper short on
Length – minimum 4 full pages / -somewhat clear and logical development of subtopics with adequate transitions b/w paragraphs / -clear and logical subtopic order that supports thesis with good transitions b/w paragraphs / -exceptionally clear, logical, mature, and thorough development of subtopics that support thesis with excellent transition b/w paragraphs
(1) / - inconsistent grammar, spelling and paragraphing throughout paper
-more than 5 grammar errors
-lack of summary of topic & thesis / -paper has some errors in grammar, spelling and paragraphing
-no more than 4 grammar errors
- adequate summary of topic & thesis / -paper is clear, with mostly proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing
-no more than 3 grammar errors
-good summary of topic & thesis / -paper is very concise, clear, with consistently proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing
-no more than 2 grammar errors
-excellent summary of topic & thesis, leaves an impact on reader
Works Cited
(1) / - cites only 2 sources
-lack of proper format
No Works Cited - Minus 20 points
Plagerism / -cites 3 sources
-some errors in MLA format / -cites 4 sources
-mostly proper MLA format used in alphabetical order with a variety of sources / -properly cites 5 or more sources
-proper, detailed MLA format always used in alphabetical order with a wide variety of sources
