
CC702Provide advice for public order operations


This standard is aboutproviding advice to commanders involved in public order operations.
Specialist advice on public order strategy and tactics may be given to Gold (strategic), Silver (tactical), Bronze (operational) or Police Support Unit (PSU) commanders, or to Police Incident Officers (in Scotland).

There are 2 elements:

CC702.1 / Prepare to provide advice for public order operations
CC702.2 / Provide advice to a public order commander

Target Group

This standard is forPublic Order Tactical Advisors who provide the specialistknowledge and theory to resolve spontaneous and pre-planned public order situations.

This standard has been developed by Skills for Justice.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final approved version May 2010


CC702.1 / Prepare to provide advice for public order operations

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / agree with the public order commander your role and the nature of the advice required
2 / identify the roles of others within the public order operation
3 / where required, assist in the formulation of strategy and overall parameters for the public order operation
4 / where the overall strategy has already been set, obtain a briefing on the overall strategy,aims and objectives and theparameters within which the public order commandercan operate
5 / review available information and intelligence relevant to the public order operation
6 / evaluate threat, risk and community impact assessments and their implications for how the public order situation may be handled
7 / consider the ways in which the public order situation may develop and the contingencies which may arise
8 / use an appropriate model to evaluate the tactical considerations/options to assist in achieving the public order commander'saims and objectives and address identified contingencies, based on all relevant factors and in accordance with legislation and policy
9 / contribute to the public order planning and briefing processes, in line with your agreed role
10 / provide advice on how to record decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation, where required


1 / public order commander
a / Gold (strategic) Commander
b / Silver (tactical) Commander
c / Bronze (operational) Commander
d / Police Support Unit (PSU) Commander
e / Police Incident Officer (in Scotland)
2 / public order operation
a / spontaneous
b / pre-planned
3 / parameters
a / responsibilities
b / timescales
c / financial, human and physical resources
d / geographic
4 / relevant factors
a / legality
b / necessity
c / proportionality
d / desired outcomes
e / threat and risk assessments
f / community impact assessment


CC702.2 / Provide advice to a public order commander

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / dynamically review emerging information and intelligence, including updated threat, risk and community impact assessments, and their implications for the public order operation
2 / liaise with key personnel, as required
3 / provide timely,accurate and up-to-date advice to the public order commander on the tactical considerations/options available and their strengths and weaknesses, taking into account all relevant factors
4 / communicate your advice in a manner, and at a level and pace appropriate to the commander and the situation
5 / provide further detail and clarification of your advice, where required
6 / make yourself available to discuss any aspect of the public order operation with the public order commander, in line with your agreed role
7 / contribute to the public order debriefing process, in line with your agreed role


1 / public order operation
a / spontaneous
b / pre-planned
2 / key personnel
a / others in the command structure
b / specialist and support personnel
3 / public order commander
a / Gold (strategic) Commander
b / Silver (tactical) Commander
c / Bronze (operational) Commander
d / Police Support Unit (PSU) Commander
e / Police Incident Officer (in Scotland)
4 / relevant factors
a / legality
b / necessity
c / proportionality
d / desired outcomes
e / threat and risk assessments
f / community impact assessment
CC702 / Provide advice for public order operations

Knowledge and Understanding

To meet the standard, you need to know and understand

Legal and organisational requirements

1 / current, relevant legislation, cases, national guidelines and organisational requirements in relation to maintaining public order and facilitating peaceful protest
2 / current, relevant legislation, cases, national guidelines and organisational requirements in relation to dealing with violent/deranged persons (in Scotland)
3 / current, relevant legislation,cases, national guidelines and organisational requirements in relation to intelligence gathering and investigatory powers
4 / current, relevant legislation,cases, national guidelines and organisationalrequirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights
5 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety

Providing advice for public order operations

6 / the importance of agreeing with the public order commander your role and the nature of the advice required
7 / the command structure and protocols for public order operations and the various roles within the command structure
8 / processes for formulating strategies and parameters for public order operations
9 / the importance of obtaining a full briefing on the overall strategy, the public order commander's aims and objectives and the parameters within which the public order commander can operate
10 / the information and intelligence which may be available and relevant to public order operations
11 / how to evaluate threat, risk and community impact assessments and their implications for public order operations
12 / the contingencies which may arise in public order operations, and how to identify possible contingencies
13 / models for evaluating the tactical considerations/options to achieve apublic order commander's aims and objectives and address identified contingencies
14 / the full range of tactical considerations and options currently available and their effectiveness in various contexts
15 / the range of relevant factors which need to be taken into account when evaluating tactical considerations/options
16 / public order planning processes and how to contribute to these as a public order adviser
17 / public order briefing and debriefing processes and how to contribute to these as a public order adviser
18 / key personnel with whom you may need to liaise as a public order adviser
19 / how to communicate public order advice in a manner, and at a level and pace appropriate to various commanders and situations

Record keeping

20 / the records that need to be kept, and how to keep complete and accurate records in line with current legislation and policy

CC702Provide advice for public order operations

Evidence Requirements

1You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for providing advice for public order operations.

2Where simulations are used to provide performance evidence, these should properly reflect the requirements of real working situations.

3Element CC702.1 Prepare to provide advice for public order operations

From the range in element 1 you must show that you:

- have provided advice to1 type of public order commander*

- have provided advice for 1 type of public order operation*

- have been briefed on all types of parameters

- have taken into account all types of relevant factors

4Element CC702.2 Provide advice to a public order commander

From the range in element 2 you must show that you:

- have provided advice for 1 type of public order operation*

- have liaised with both types of key personnel

- have provided advice to 1 type of public order commander*

- have taken into account all types of relevant factors

* Items from the range not covered by performance evidence should be supported by knowledge evidence.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final approved version May 2010